Saturday 12 February 2022

Project set management

The project management institute (pmi) defines a project set as "a set of related projects, sub-project sets and project set activities that are managed in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits that cannot be obtained by separate management".

1. if the set stakeholders have different goals, and these goals do not have the characteristics of a coordinated benefit, but only a correlation in terms of funding, skills, stakeholders, etc., these are best managed through the portfolio rather than using the project set approach. therefore, large projects should not be managed using the project set management method, but should be managed with the project management method.

2. "project set activities" are defined as "clear, scheduled work components that are performed during the project period". in fact, there are many tasks and actions carried out by the project team manager that are very important to the promotion of the project set, which should also be called project set activities.

3. project set management is to apply knowledge, skills, tools and technologies in the project set to meet the requirements of the project set, and obtain the benefits and control that cannot be achieved by managing the components of each project set separately.

4. the key difference between project set management and project management is the strategic focus of the project set, and the project set to ensure the realization of organizational benefits.

5. the project set plan in the business demonstration stage of the project set is only rough, mainly to match the business demonstration of the project set and the impact on the related parties and describe the vision and mission of the project set. with the continuous addition of relevant information, the project set plan will be continuously improved to guide the specific implementation of the project set.

a project set roadmap is similar to a project set schedule, and the project set roadmap is primarily appropriate for major project set events outlined for planning and developing a more detailed timeline.

6. project set governance covers the system and method of defining, authorizing, supervising and supporting the project set strategy by the initiating organization, and is the actual practice and process implemented by the project set initiating organization to ensure that the project set is effectively and continuously managed. this body is generally referred to as the project set steering committee (project set governance committee, project set board), and is the decision-making body of the project set.

7. the project set steering committee is also known as the project governance committee, the project set board of directors, and the supervision committee, and its responsibilities are mainly responsible for defining and implementing the appropriate project set governance system and methods, ensuring that the project set implementation is consistent with the strategic objectives of the organization, and providing support for the normal management of the guiding project set.

8. the project set governance function usually includes the creation of five support capabilities, including the project set management office, the project set management information system, the knowledge management in the project set management, the project set management audit support and the project set management education and training. these activities can be created by a separate project set governance committee solely to support the project set, or they can be seen as the core assets of the organization and created by the organization.

some project-set offices are informal, with temporary draws from the various components.

9. according to the realization of the benefits of the project set, the project set life cycle is divided into three processes: the project set definition stage, the project set effect delivery stage and the project set closing stage.

10. the project set management process field is divided into two categories: project set management performance field and project set management support field. this is very different from project management. project management simply categorizes the project management process from two dimensions: the project lifecycle and the knowledge domain.

11. project set performance management mainly includes project set strategic consistency management, project set revenue management, project set stakeholder struggle, project set governance and project set life cycle management.

12. information system integration project management includes overall management, scope management, schedule management, financial management, procurement management, communication management, quality management, stakeholder management, human resource management, resource management, finishing management, risk management and other knowledge domains.

13. a group of related projects, sub-project sets and project set activities that are coordinated and managed to obtain benefits that cannot be obtained by separate management belong to project set management.

14. large projects that can decompose each sub-project should be managed using the project portfolio management method.

15. for the project set, its core component is the management characteristics of coordinating the delivery of benefits.

16. if there is only a relationship between the projects in terms of funds, skills, stakeholders, etc., it is best to manage these projects separately by using the method of project management.

17. the business demonstration of the project set is the process of formal or informal demonstration of the project set and various alternative construction initial solutions based on the perspective of the organizational strategy and the benefits of the project set, that is, the feasibility study of the initial project set.

18. graphically present the expected development direction of the project set in chronological order, and establish a series of documentation standards in each chronological event, while establishing the relationship between the project set activities and the expected benefits, as well as the key dependencies between the project set milestones, and the link between the business strategy and the planning priority can be called the project set roadmap.

19. through the activities that are responsible for the review and decision-making of the signing or approval of the project set's recommendations within the scope of the authorization, the activities that ensure that the project set activities are consistent with the strategic objectives of the organization are called project set governance.

20. the main responsibility of the project set steering committee is to ensure that the project set can achieve the strategic objectives of the organization according to the plan, and around this basic function, the project set steering committee is required to assume the responsibility of playing a key role in the successful identification, initiation and realization of the project set within the scope of the organization. ensuring the consistency of the project set with the organizational vision and objectives, the approval and launch of the project set, and the approval of the project set financing plan are the responsibilities of the project set steering committee.

21. project concentration management mainly includes three contents: cross-project collection and sharing of knowledge; mining and collation of personal and subject expert knowledge that masters the specific knowledge content of the project set; and the construction of project management information system for storing and collecting project set knowledge and project set construction.

22. according to the realization of the benefits of the project set, the project set life cycle is divided into three processes: the project set definition stage, the project collection delivery stage and the project set closing stage.

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