Friday 31 December 2021

The stages and processes of project management

Is each department and team separate, affecting overall efficiency, production, and work environment?

If there is a similar problem, you need to implement proven project management processes and phases in your organization as quickly as possible to control your company's workflow. first, the concept of a project management process and its practical adaptability may sound profound, but by reading this article, you'll learn and master all the information you need to set up your company's business project management process and the stages.

The various stages of project management

The project contains a variety of activities and tasks, regardless of size. In the process of reaching project end B from project starting point A, it is possible to coordinate and track countless things before a project can be successfully executed. This is why the project is broken down into smaller, more operational parts, i.e. the various stages of the project. The various phases of the project allow us to break up and then reorganize the heavy project, and to think fully about the different tasks at each stage to move the project forward effectively.

Project management is divided into five phases: start-up, planning, implementation, supervision and control, and completion. Monitoring and reporting runs through all phases of project management, and this requires us to take full advantage of the project management tools. Without project management tools, we might be busy collecting actionable data, tracking progress, and catching deadlines, but with little time for other, more important tasks.

The five phases of the project form the life cycle of project management, and let's go into more detail about the five phases of project management.

1. start-up phase

this is the beginning of all projects. while determining the value of the project, determine its feasibility. before a project is approved or rejected, there are two documents to convince stakeholders or sponsors to start the project:

business case: the document needs to justify the project's needs and may include an analysis of the return on investment.
feasibility study: the document needs to assess the project objectives, the completion schedule, and the cost of the entire project. it may also be necessary to indicate the resources required to complete the project and whether the project has financial or commercial value and significance.

planning phase

if the project is approved, the next step is to assemble the project team and plan the management of the project to ensure that the project objectives set are met by the established deadline and within budget.

the project plan includes information such as the resources, funds, and materials required, as well as providing the team with the following directions:

  • scope: a written scope statement is required reaffirming the project's needs, final deliverables and objectives.
  • definition: break down large deliverables into smaller deliverables for easy management.
  • tasks: determine which tasks are necessary for the final deliverable and indicate the relevance between tasks.
  • schedule: determine the duration of the task and set a completion date.
  • cost: estimate the cost of the entire project and develop a budget statement.
  • quality: ensure that the quality objectives of the entire project are met.
  • organization: explain how the project is organized, including progress reports.
  • employee: determine the roles and responsibilities of project members.
  • communication: determine how and how often information is delivered to whom.
  • risks: predict possible risks, assess their impact on the project, and develop a response or plan.
  • procurement: determine the content or materials of the work that needs to be signed, determine the relevant content of the contract and supplier information.

3. Implementation phase


Once the project planning is complete, the project can be started. this means that we've got on the start-up express, but that doesn't mean we're going all the way, and these details need to be noted at this stage:

Execution plan: assign tasks to team members according to the established project plan and use project management tools, such as project dashboards, to manage and monitor project progress.
management: manage all kinds of contracts signed during the project.
monitoring and control

In order to ensure the implementation of the project plan, all aspects of the project must be monitored and adjusted as necessary. to do this, you can follow the following procedure:

Report: develop metrics to measure the progress of your project and use tools to communicate progress information.

  • Scope: monitor the scope and control changes in requirements.
  • Quality: measure the quality of deliverables to ensure that the established quality plan is met. if the expected quality is not achieved, you need to evaluate how to improve the quality.
  • Schedule: keep abreast of the circumstances that led to project delays or stagnations, and make timely adjustments to ensure that the project is functioning properly.
  • Cost: monitor costs and control cost changes.
  • Risk: be aware of and respond to changes in risk throughout the project.

5. Closing phase
the project ends when the project objectives are completed. the last stage of the project is the closing phase of the project. this in turn involves another process:

Scope: ensure that the deliverables of the project are completed as planned.
management: complete all pending contracts and management matters, archive documents and send them to relevant parties.

How do i manage processes in my organization?

"If there is already a generally accepted management approach in the organization and managers already have the experience and knowledge to do so, project management will go a lot smoother." 


"However, if the organization has not used processes and phases in project management, which is indeed beneficial to project execution, the concept should be introduced into the organization and even professional project managers should be hired." here are the basic steps to introduce and implement project process management in your organization:

1. The new project management process is recognized at the top

The best way to make a successful transition is to get recognition and support from the top of your organization first. we can verbally promote new processes and even organize training, but without the support of top management, the application of new processes will be difficult. project process management is a long-term battle in any organization, and the larger the organization, the longer it takes. therefore, it is necessary to be recognized at the top and ready for long-term investment.

2. Study representative project types

After you have the support of your organization, you need to analyze the existing project types. what type of projects do you and your colleagues perform every day? are these projects long-term or short-term? does the project have a due date set? is the product delivered by the project for external or internal use?

Grouping classified projects provides a better understanding of the scope of implementation and necessary steps for a successful project management process.

3. Analyze the details of the project

Now that you've categorized your project by type, you'll need to analyze each item separately.
the first step is to clarify what is defined as the "success" of each project and the key steps to the success of the project. discuss the tools and methods currently in use with team members.

For example, human resources departments may still be using old desktop software for very structured project management, while marketing departments may already be using online software for agile management. even if it is the execution of a temporary project, there is usually an applicable method.

4. work with the team to identify areas for improvement

Identifying problems with the current process and improving the approach is key in the process of process execution, and in analyzing the problem, team members can be made aware of the vulnerabilities in the current system and can be improved through appropriate project management processes and phases. 


Open discussions can be held and people can be encouraged to express their true views. only in-depth in-depth insanity will make it possible to understand why the project process needs to be managed.

5. Use tools for the project management process

After completing the project management introduction, research and communication related work, you can follow the project phases and processes described above to actually implement the project management process.

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