Tuesday 14 December 2021

How can i increase the trust of my project team?

What are the three components of trust? 


There are several models for this problem, but what i use most often in my work with remote teams is common goals, competencies, motivations. the good news is that we know the three components of a trust team.

We all know that trust is important to both team and project success. trust is always hard to build and hard to maintain, especially when you're not working in the same geographic area. the key is to get them to work remotely.

Why is every factor so important? 

how do we build trust when we're not always together?

Common goal

Is everyone coming together for the same reason to achieve the end result? this is obvious, but the matrix structure of most projects makes things very complex. even if you agree with this goal at first, the work is done well, but priorities and priorities shift over time. in addition, things that are clearer at the beginning of the project can become blurred as team members leave and new members join.

make sure that goals are clearly documented and constantly reminded before the project starts. some companies use project charters to record the status of each meeting. it may seem like a bit of a fuss, but at least no one will say they don't know what to do.

Evidence of competence.

Can you make everyone work hard to achieve a goal, but are they capable of getting the job done? if you always work together, you will know each other's strengths and weaknesses. get people together quickly or people don't know each other, and you don't have that opportunity to get to know them. a missed deadline or a job failure can lead people to start talking about someone's ability.

there are many ways to show team members' abilities. when you have message boards and social networking tools, you have the opportunity to answer these questions and refer them to the stories of other team members, often giving individuals opportunities they would not have had before. as a manager, seize the opportunity to recognize colleagues who do a good job and let team members know who is doing a good job. finally, seize the opportunity to delegate tasks. not only will this allow team members to see roles that they don't just know about, it will also help you get out of the jobs that bother you.

Motivational evidence.

One of the most dangerous challenges in a team is to privately doubt someone's ability to do the job, but they miss deadlines to get angry, either because they don't care or because their "real" boss takes up too much of their time. why is it so easy to prove that what people do or don't do is easy to doubt? several of our best scripted cases have been created.

whether they're working like slaves on the other side of the globe or in another room, it's easy to trust those who struggle for a common goal, seem to be good at what they do and keep team interests in mind.

Don't answer our instant messaging messages? 


Obviously, they don't think we're important. when problems arise, make sure that they are discussed openly and that all parties involved are satisfied with the solution. doing things quickly is a great way to save time and then spend some valuable time dealing with the collateral consequences. we don't know if that was true or if they were sick at home that day, but we were happy to pretend we knew. managers should work with the team to create communication charters and standards, and then supervise and train team members to ensure that they meet those standards.

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