Wednesday 14 April 2021

Simple steps to prepare the project for launch easily

Software Project

Step #1 : Planning and verification criteria

Preparations for the release should be planned in advance and take into account this time in the plan of the project. To do this, you need to understand how often you need testing.

If you have a large project and work iterations, you can test after each stage, for example, once a day or two days. When the project and the team are small, for example, you make a simple site and it is a week of work, you can only do one test at the end.

At this point, think through the criteria so that the tester can rely on them when checking. For example, prepare a checklist for each stage so that it has something to compare the result.

Choose the methods you'll use. This can be manual or automatic testing, or, for example, pre-written tests. Release management is the preparation of a website or application for transfer to the user. We tell you what you need to do before starting the project to make everything work correctly.

Step #2 : Check the layout


At this point, you need to compare the resulting layout with a technical task or backlog. Are all the sections in place and is there anything superfluous. If there are inconsistencies, they can be corrected even before the layout and development.

Already at the stage of the prototype or layout, you can check usability, see how convenient your product is to the user. At the end of the project it is better to repeat this test again.


Step #3 : Check the layout


Here you need to compare the layout and what happened on the layout, so that everything looks the same on different devices and browsers. This stage is always needed, especially if you have several designers, and they are simultaneously working on different blocks of the site.

To test even small discrepancies, such as item sizes and indentations, testers superimpose a layout on the finished layout right in the browser using special plug-ins such as Perfect Pixel.

In addition to matching the layout, you need to check the validity of the HTML code to ensure that it meets existing standards, and the site will work in all browsers.


Step #4 : Checking the code


At this point, you should already have test cases ready. This is a list of criteria by which the tester will check the code. He writes them with a programmer before the development phase begins.

Check the code according to the plan that was prepared in advance. If you work in short iterations, after each one, if sprints, after each sprint.

The sooner you find a bug in the code, the cheaper and easier it will be to fix it.

If you have a small project, you can test twice - when the layout is ready and then the project in its entirety - or even once, in the final development.


Step #5 : Check features


Do functional testing to see if everything works and the site performs its tasks. For example, if you're setting up an online store, you need to check feedback and registration forms, add items to your shopping cart, check and pay for an order.

To do this, you can use manual testing or software that conducts automatic verification.


Step #6 : Performance and safety check


Here you need to find out whether your site will withstand a high load, for example, if it will start to use 1,000 or more users. One of the frequent problems with the launch of new projects is their unpreparedness for high attendance, which arises, for example, due to a powerful advertising campaign after the launch of the site.

Because load testing can be done in a variety of ways (both with external services and with your own server utilities), and there are many evaluation methods, recommendations on this issue go beyond the article.

But one of the parameters that directly affects the availability of the site to users can be measured simply. It's about download speed - how quickly your pages are downloaded from the user in the browser. You can check the download speed automatically, for example, with Google's Page Speed Insights.

Even at this stage, the site is tested for various vulnerabilities. There are also different services, such as Meta scan,that do this automatically.


Step #7 : User opinion


When you're done, the tests have been done and it seems that nothing more can be done, show your project to a few people who have not worked on the project. Let them act as the first users, share their impressions and point out errors if the team missed something.



Here are the main steps you need to pay attention to before starting the project. The manager does not need to know and be able to use all existing testing methods, there is a tester for this. But it is better to follow the process and control everything, so as not to answer with your head for bad consequences.

The job of a project manager is a set of different skills and knowledge, and it takes time to master them. Therefore, the sooner you understand which disciplines are important, start studying them and try to lead their projects, the faster you will get the first result.

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