Monday 19 April 2021

What should include in project planning software

Implementation of the project at literally all stages will require clear action, a coordinated and consistent plan. The project management planning system is developed in the early stages by a (conceptual sense) manager, company/business owner. At the development stage, the project manager (or development plans department) takes into account the main concepts and objectives of the direction:

The duration of the entire project plan

  1. The length of each element
  2. the amount of resources needed to achieve the goals: financial capacity, labor reserves, time reserve;
  3. The volume of construction or project organizations involved;
  4. The timing of delivery of materials, components, equipment;
  5. liquidity of the activities.

The main task and the fundamental goal of planning process design in management is to create a model to implement a business idea in the desired concept.

Each procedure in the activities carried out has its own responsible person, who is responsible for the performance of the tasks at the right time. In most cases, it is the time standards and their compliance that have a fundamental role in implementing all the best ideas for a given period of time. Therefore, the main role is given to the study of the time frame for the implementation and forecast of the liquidity of the industry in the future.

Key stages of project planning

Any project activity is designed to be implemented in a certain time period. Thus, the most important factor for the implementation of the plan is to take into account the liquidity of the direction in the future, its profitability and even loss.

However, the entire implementation process of the plan can be divided into several stages for convenience:

  • Building a concept, its goals;
  • The sequence of works is determined.
  • Identify the resources that need to be used.
  • Description of the project, its composition;
  • Determining the sequence of work;
  • The basis of the project budget (estimate) is being drawn up;
  • Layout of all results in one document (business/plan);
  • Implementation, implementation of the plan;
  • profitability on the basis of the plan.

The results of the planning are presented in the form of graphs, comparative analyses, which carry a pyramidal structure with clear actions at each stage of its implementation.

7 principles of project planning

To ensure that the result is effective, it is important to take into account 7 basic principles in the development and planning of project activities.

Principle No.1: Purposefulness

Planning a particular plan should be based on the main goal: what each planning step, its purpose, the essence and the need for, needs to be.

Principle Number 2: Systemically

System co-dependence of each segment of the phase being implemented. Since planning is a set of individual steps, it is important to identify not only the tasks for each of them, but also to ensure that each element interacts effectively. It's important to understand that failure in one element causes "problems" throughout the planning organization.

Principle number 3: Complexity

Applying different methods in design should not affect the ligament of each element. Considering this principle, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each direction, implementing it at the required interval.

Principle 4: Security

Of course, the fundamental principle for the implementation of any ideas is the availability of the necessary resources of the material plan. Without funding, any, even the most modest project will not work. Therefore, before deciding to implement certain plans, it is necessary to initially calculate the material support, if necessary - to attract an investor.

Principle 5: Priority

As a rule, this principle is considered when it is possible to implement several different directions. For example, priorities define the most important items that are consistent with the principles of the concept of industry or business development.

Principle 6: Safety

First of all, this principle is based on material security, that is, on the miscalculation of risks that will not allow to bring all ideas to life. Not only financial analytical studies, but also market forecast, analysis of the effectiveness of the expert department are taken into account.

Principle 7: Time

Implementation of specific ideas is most beneficial if there is a demand for supply. To implement a plan, you should take into account the approximate time it may take to implement the planning principles.

Management Process Planning: Structure

The implementation structure of planning ideas is a hierarchical chain of interchangeable disciplines that address a variety of organizational issues. The goal of structuring project planning processes:

  • Formation of the step-by-step work (schedule);
  • Show the results of the steps being implemented (effectively, inefficiently);
  • Establishing development and project control points;
  • Ensuring that all employees and project management have an objective understanding of what to do now;
  • Distribution of areas of responsibility
  • understanding all the resources used: labor, material, financial.

The design structure is largely determined by the goal. For example, for purposes there may be completely different requirements: one company sets a goal to build 10 houses on 15 floors, and another company sets a goal to build 10 houses on 10 floors in 5 years. The goals of both companies are different, and therefore the structure will differ and significantly differ from each other.

A brief dictionary of concepts that characterize the project planning process:

The SSO is a structural scheme of the organization;

SRR - the structure of the breakdown (distribution) of works;

SDRs are a structural decomposition of works.

  • Targeting
  • Planning
  • Create
  • Control and possible corrective action at different stages;
  • Presentation
  • reflection.

The planned result of the project activity can carry a personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, material character.

Types of project planning

Project activities, planning technology and its structuring are also determined by this type of activity. Thus, the scale of the stand out:

  • Micro projects (a narrow form of individual initiative project that can vary in volume);
  • Small projects (small-scale and cash-based implementation tools do not need large funding);
  • mega projects (targeted programs that are based on a relationship with multiple small or medium-sized projects).

Types of project activities by time of implementation:

  1. Short-term;
  2. Medium-term;
  3. Long term.

The duration of a short-term project can be from six months to two years, while long-term plans are implemented up to 15 years. The project that has achieved its goal is considered to have been realized, before that the project plan can be adjusted, the concept of implementation is revised.

Types of project planning by type of financing (budgeted basis):

  • Sponsorship;
  • Credit or investment
  • Budget;
  • Charitable.
  • findings

Project management in any of these types is planned and monitored by responsible officials. In general, project planning is a mandatory part of both the developing company and the zero business. Without this package of documentation, it is not possible to implement the business at the appropriate level.

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