Monday 31 December 2018

Interpersonal communication | Definition | Classification | Factors

Interpersonal communication

Seen from this type of interaction in communication, communication can be distinguished three categories namely, interpersonal communication, small group communication and public communication.

What is Interpersonal Communication

An interpersonal Communication is the process of information exchange between a person with at least one or the other is usually between two people who can direct note their inverses.

Interpersonal communication is the delivery of the message by a single person and receipt of messages by other people or a small group of people, with different impact and with the opportunity to provide feedback soon.

An interpersonal Communication is communication between people face-to-face, allowing any participants catch other people's reactions directly, either verbal or nonverbal. Communication this is interpersonal communication that only two people, like husband and wife, two colleagues, two close friends, teacher-student and so on.

The interpersonal communication is in fact communication between communicators with communicant, this type of communication was deemed most effective in an effort to change the attitudes, opinions or behavior of a person, because the dialogs nature in the form of a conversation. Feedback direct, communicators know responses communication when it too. At the time the communication was launched, communicators know definitively whether positive or negative, its communication is successful or not. If he can give a chance at communication to ask them freely.

Classification Of Interpersonal Communication

Developing interpersonal communication be classification intimate interactions of social conversation, interrogation or examination and interview.

  • Intimate Interactions including communication among good friends, family members, and people who already have a strong emotional bond.

  • Social Conversation is congenial to the interaction of a person in a simple. The type of face to face communication is important for the development of the informal relationships within the organization. For example, two or more people get together and talk about the attention, interest outside of organizations such as political issues, technology and more.

  • Interrogation or inspection is the interaction between a person who is present in the control, requesting or even demanding information from the other. For example, an employee accused of taking goods organization then his superiors will be interrogating him to know the truth.

  • Interview is one form of interpersonal communication in which two people engaged in a conversation in the form of faqs. For example, the boss interviewing his subordinates to seek information about a job.

The goal of Interpersonal Communication

interpersonal Communications may have several purposes. Here would be displayed the 6 goals, among others:

Find Yourself

one of the interpersonal communication goal is finding personal or private. When we engage in interpersonal encounters with others we learn an awful lot about ourselves as well as others.
Interpersonal Communication provides an opportunity for us to talk about what we like, or about ourselves. Is very interesting and engrossing when discussing about the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of our own. With talk of ourselves with others, we provide an exceptional source of distortions on the feelings, thoughts, and our behavior.

Find the outside world

Only make interpersonal communication we can understand more about ourselves and others who communicate with us. A lot of information that we know come from interpersonal communication, although many of the amount of information that comes to us from the mass media it is often discussed and eventually learnt or explored through interaction interpersonal.

Establish and maintain Meaningful relationships

one of the largest people's desire is to establish and maintain relationships with other people. A lot of the time we use in interpersonal communication is preserve to form and maintain social relationships with others.

Change the attitude and behavior

a lot of the time we use in order to change the attitudes and behavior of others with the interpersonal encounter. We may want a certain way they chose, for example, try a new diet, buy certain items, see a movie, read a book, write to entering a particular field and believe that something is true or false. We
use a lot of time involve in interpersonal position.

For Play and pleasure of

Playing covers all the activities that have the primary purpose is seeking pleasure. Talk to friends about our activities at the time of the end of pecans, discuss about the sport, telling stories and funny stories in general it is a conversation to pass the time. By doing that kind of interpersonal communication can provide an important balance in mind that need to relax from all the seriousness in our environment.

To help

psychiatric experts, clinical psychologists use their interpersonal communication and therapy in their professional activities to direct clients. We all also serves to help others in our everyday interpersonal interactions. We consulted with a friend breakup, consults with students about courses that should be taken and so on.

The effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communications Effectiveness begins with five general qualities be considere i.e. openness (openness), empathy (empathy), attitude support, positive attitude, and equality.


quality of openness refers to at least three aspects of interpersonal communication. First, effective interpersonal communicators must be expose to people who he invites interact. This does not mean that people should immediately open all his life. This may be interesting indeed, but usually does not help communication. On the contrary, there must be a willingness to open up to reveal information that is usually hidden, as long as this self-disclosure.

The second aspect of openness refers to the Communicator's willingness to react honestly against the stimulus coming. People are silent, not critical, and no response in General is a dull conversation participant. We want people to react publicly to what we say. And we are entitle to expect this. There is nothing worse than an ignorance, event of inequality is much more fun.

We show openness with how to react spontaneously towards others.

The third Aspect concerns the "ownership" of feelings and thoughts. Open in this sense is to acknowledge that the feelings and thoughts that you throw is indeed yours and you are responsible for it. The best way to express this responsibility is with the messages using the word I (first person singular pronoun).

Empathy (empathy)

Define empathy as "a person's ability to ' know ' what is being experience by others at a given moment, from the point of view of people others, through the glasses of others. " Sympathetic, on the other hand is felt for others or feel join grieving. While empathy is felt something like people who experience it, are in the same boat and feel the same feelings in the same way.

Emphatic people are able to understand the motivations and experiences of others, their feelings and attitudes, as well as their hopes and wishes for the future.

We can communicate empathy both verbally and nonverbal. In nonverbal, we can communicate empathy by showing (1) active involvement with that person through facial expressions and gestures are appropriate; (2) centralize concentrations include eyes, attentive body posture, and physical proximity; and (3) touch or caress of that balance.

Attitude supports

effective interpersonal Relationship is a relationship in which there is an attitude of support. A concept that their definitions are done based on the work of Jack Gibb. Open and emphatic communication cannot take place in an atmosphere that does not support. We saw the attitude of support by being (1) a descriptive, not evaluative, (2) spontaneous, not strategic, and (3) the provisional, not very sure.

Positive attitude

We communicate a positive attitude in the interpersonal communication with at least two ways: (1) express a positive attitude and (2) positively encourage people that became our friends interact. Positive attitude refers to at least two aspects of interpersonal communication. First, interpersonal communication is made if a person has a positive attitude towards themselves.

Secondly, the positive feelings for the communication situation in General is essential for effective interaction. There is nothing more fun than to communicate with people who do not enjoy the interaction or not react against a pleasant situation or an atmosphere of interaction.

Equality (Equality)

in any situation, perhaps going on inequality. One may be cleverer. Richer, more handsome or beautiful, or more athletic than others. Never have two people truly equal in all things. Regardless of these inequalities, interpersonal communication will be more effective when the atmosphere is equivalent. This means that, there should be recognition that secretly both parties are equally value and valuable, and that each party has something important to donate. In an interpersonal relationship characterize by equality,

religious conflict and more income seen in an effort to understand the differences that there must have been rather than as an opportunity to drop the other party equality. does not require that we receive and approve it for grant all the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of others. Equality means we accept the other party, or by the term equivalence of Carl rogers, asks us to give "unconditional positive Award" to others.

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