Sunday 16 December 2018

How to Brainstorm to Get Ideas?


Often in a poor idea because QCC one is active member of QCC in a fringe opinion.

This is because the process of obtaining ideas not done the right way.

QCC team members you passively in a fringe idea? How ...

  1. To provide Facilities. The atmosphere of the brainstorming of ideas in relax will greatly help members easily convey his opinion. Find a comfortable place, if necessary provide support facilities in the form of snack, coffee, etc. to be more enjoy.

  2. Briefing first point which will be discussed. Often a facilitator or Chairperson of the QCC less clearly convey points that will be discuss during a QCC. i.e. points "BRIEF" or explain the things that will be discussed. The brief must be directional, the most appropriate is to sort the subjects will be discussed from the side of 4M1E (Man, Machine, Method, Material, Environment.

  3. The method of Brainstorming. Brainstorming method renders the idea can be done with a circular position. Then each Member of the "asked" his opinion and each Member of the "mandatory" to convey his opinion. If there is no idea say "pass". Second brainstorming method is by providing a sheet of paper, and ask each Member to write down his ideas on paper, because not everyone is easily delivered his opinion, sometimes there are people who are more easily deliver his opinion by writing.

Remember ...

brainstorming should look for solutions, not containing complaints, confide in him, swear, etc.

Second brainstorming method is by providing a sheet of paper, and ask each Member to write down his ideas on paper, because not everyone is easily delivered his opinion, sometimes there are people who are more easily deliver his opinion by writing.

Remember ... brainstorming should look for solutions, not containing complaints, confide in him, swear, etc.

so the task of facilitator and Chairperson of the QCC is very important in driving the process of brainstorming.

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