Saturday 15 December 2018

Focused Improvement

Focused Improvement (FI) is one of the major pillars of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). It focuses on implementing improvements to address companies 16 major losses. Model Machines or Model Lines are selected and the improvement steps are undertaken by teams or small work groups.

This pillar is composed mainly of managers, and engineers and or small work groups. It is done through 10 steps company-wide activities by teams or small groups. This FI Pillar cuts across the entire organization.

Focused Improvement can bring about higher Overall Factory Effectiveness (OFE) or Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Focused Improvement is set-up alongside with Autonomous Maintenance for both utilizes teams or small group activities.

Introduction to Focused improvement

This course is developed to introduce to all engineers/supervisors/manager’s/ plant managers, how to implement on a step by step the Focused Improvement Pillar. In 2 days, the course will detail the 10 Steps Implementation.

The course is also with Japanese origin as it is JIPM has been align to our Filipino culture base on the actual hands on experience of the course author. It will be highly interactive. Concept presentations, discussions, and group participation are integral part of the course. Hands on exercise will be a major activity.

Focused Improvement in TPM functions to eliminate losses or damage cause due to equipment or machines that are ineffective or inefficient processes.

This Pillar aims to increase sensitivity in addressing employee losses, as well as improve the capabilities of employees in troubleshooting or problem solving.

Activity in the pillar is no different with Continual Improvement/Kaizen activity. As well as his use of the tools (QCC, QCP, Why-Why Analysis, SMED, FMEA, VSM, etc.). Which is a little difference is we are require to drive the themes that appoint in order to reduce losses.

These are the kinds of losses that exist:

1: Losses which Affect the efficiency of the use of the machine

  1. Breakdown Losses

  2. Setup & Adjustment Losses

  3. Cutting Blade Losses

  4. Start Up Losses

  5. Minor Stoppage & Idling

  6. Speed Losses

  7. Defects & Rework

2: Losses which Affect Loading Time

  1. Shutdown the Losses

3: Losses which Affect the efficiency of human resources

  1. Management Losses

  2. Motion Losses

  3. Line Organization Losses

  4. Losses Resulting from Failure to Automate

  5. Measuring & Adjustment Losses

4: Losses which have an impact on resource use is effectively

  1. Yield Losses

  2. Energy Losses

  3. Die, Jig, and Tools Losses

Later all of the losses that would be associate with the company's financial structure. So that it will appear the loss cost matrix, i.e. The relationship between cost structures in companies with losses in the TPM.

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