Wednesday 12 December 2018

Eight (8) steps in the QCC

quality control vector banner design concept, flat style with thin line art quality icons on white background

In fact eight steps to resolve the problem that is being faced by PDCA cycle is i.e. QCC Plan (plan), Do (work on), Check (check), Action (action). This can be seen in the image below:

Step 1: Determine a theme

The theme is an event or issue that needs to be solve by a QCC team drawn from the growing problems in the working environment QCC. Determination of the theme can be done 2 ways:

  1. Take one of the problems themes), which became a problem that exist in the workplace circle. The priorities of these priorities such as the issue have great opportunities for their contribution to quality of effort (cost, product quality, safety, etc.).

  2. Take 1 problem (themes) that exist in the workplace circle that became the deal from all members of the circle.

Things to note in the theme of determination (assessment of problems):

  • Concerning the field of work and reference to wisdom of management (the company).

  • Able to be solve by circle, especially at the beginning of the formation of the circle, we recommend that you choose a theme that is relatively easy.

  • Problems (the themes) chosen should be specific (not too large), so anyone can understand clearly by reading these themes.

Ideally a theme taken from a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) or performance assessment indicator.

Present the facts and Data

The second step is to present all the facts and data:

  • Presents data as a base for the selection of themes (the problem).

  • A presents data describing the problems encounter (to be complete)

The tools that can be use in the second step of this example:

    • Pareto Diagrams, use to determine all the problems that exist in the workplace so that they are known to be priority to be resolve first.

    • The Histogram, use to present the data as the image of the beginning of a problem that will be solve.

    • A map control, use to present the deviations of problems encounter and which will be resolve.

    • Stratification, the check sheet, which can be use to start a determination (issue)

Set Targets

The Target SMART include should:

S: Specific: i.e. referring to one target problems
M: Measurable i.e. measurable (not base on assumptions / forecasts)
A: Achievable i.e. can be reach, not the target reply impossible
R: Reasonable i.e. has a target assignment
T: Time base i.e. There is the duration of time to reach the target

Step 2: analysis of existing conditions.

In this step the Group of QCC must:

  1. Down directly to the field: The problem can not be seen from the meeting room, so it should immediately see the actual conditions in order to assume the right steps.

  2. Mapping the work process: map a sequence of work / process in problem areas, so our observations are more directional

  3. Compare actual with standard conditions (Gembutsu): Compare the real condition that should be standardize, so that we can obtain the appropriate condition or not in compliance more complete article read Genba Kaizen

Step 3: determine the cause

From the results of then determine the causes why as much as 5 times

The determinant of the cause is divided into two stages, namely:

  • Determine all causes that may have an effect on the problem. A diagram of the all-in-the-circle consulting technique for all the members of the circle.

  • Select among all the existing cause of (point # 1). To select the dominant cause can be done according to the characteristics of the cause.

If the causes of that influence can be quantify, then you can use the Pareto chart so that it can be use as an effect on the problem.

If the causes cannot be quantify, the dominant cause can be done through an agreement that involves all members of the circle.

Keep in mind also that is often found to be collect is very difficult to determine the dominant cause. Therefore, the selection of the dominant causes that have been collect is the last prevention of plan improvements.

Step 4: Plan Improvements

The 4th step is the pre-set resolution to eliminate all causes (causes a dominant). Plan improvement in the definitive technique Submission of ideas QS improvement measures and efficient.
For easy the description, plan improvement can use principles of 1 h-5W i.e. How, What, Why, Where, Who, and When.

Step 5: implement the Improvements

This is a carry out all repairs plan, all members of the circle have agree and discuss.
In order to improve the need for information, all repairs can be complete in accordance with the time that was agree upon.

Step 6: check the Result Improvement

After all plans have been made, the next step is to examine the results of these improvements, to measure whether or not the causes of the problems can be affect.

How to check the data after the repair, the problem before repairs and data, the problem after repairs and data.

Presentation of data that describes the problem before repair. If using the Pareto diagram, then after improvements should use the Pareto diagram. Other tools that are use in step 6: Pareto are sheets of check, histogram and map control.

Step 7: Standardization

After the improvement is complete, it has been check and can address the causes of problems. That can be use as a reference for standardization work in a circle. It is intend to prevent problems appear before will be repeat again. If necessary, the standardization can also be disseminated to other work sites that are akin to a workplace circle. Standardization made can include standards for procedures (methods), human (operator / mechanic), materials, machinery and work environment.

Step 8: Planning the next steps

Essentially the plan will be solve by the problem and can be resolve through select for 2 How to:

  • Choose the problem that exist in the workplace, or

  • Choose a problem through the members of the circle

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