Saturday 22 December 2018

5 stages of Group Development

5 stages of Group Development

Stages group of development provide insight into the development of a team over time. The forming–storming–norming–performing model of group development was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. Then in 1977, Bruce Tuckman, along with Mary Ann Jensen added Adjourning (Dissolution) on stage after Performing up to 5 stages of development of the group.

Within an organization or company, in addition there is a formal organizational structure. Require also form a working group in solving a problem that is being face with or working on a special project. Members of the working group can come from one of the Department itself. Or derive from several departments (inter-departmental). In the formation of groups or teams. There are stages that should finally reach the goal was spent from the formation of the group or the team.

Stages of development of the group is the first introduced by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. There are 4 stages in the development of the Group that is Forming (formation), Storming (incidence of conflict), Norming (Normalization) and Performing (performing). Then in 1977, Bruce Tuckman, along with Mary Ann Jensen added Adjourning (Dissolution) on stage after Performing up to 5 stages of development of the group.

5 stages of Development Group

 The following is a brief explanation about the 5 (five) stages of development the group is by Bruce Tuckman:

Formation (Forming)

 “It is characterize by orientation, politeness, testing, and clarifying goals for the group.  Disagreements are unacknowledged if they are present.”

This stage is the first stage in the formation of the Working Group. The members began to study the give task and get acquainted with other members. This Forming stage characterize by the large number of uncertainties, members of the group are still not very clear about the purpose and Objective of the group. Feel confusion, still hide the feeling of each one, his involvement is still lacking.

The onset of the conflict (Storming)

The second stage is the stage of the onset of a conflict which, It is called Storming. The members started working but they will tend to maintain their own opinion, reject the limitations set by the Group against the individual they are. This Storming stage has been characterize by conflict Intra Group. Some of the signs that the Group was in the stage of Storming is the incidence of anger, feelings of discomfort, annoying, occurrence of options and failure.

Normalization (Norming)

The third stage is the stage of Normalization (Norming).  Namely Phase close relationships form between members of the Group. It sets the rules and find the right way of communication in order to help them achieve the desired goals. Signs of the group are in the stage of Norming is the existence of a review and description of the Objective/purpose of the group. The incidence of the friendship and cooperation between members of the group. Begin to hear the opinions of other members and can to identify the strengths and weaknesses of it.


 The fourth stage is the stage of performing (Performing) in which all members of the group have been able to work and function in full. At this stage, all members have the togetherness, confident, creative, initiative and high spirits as well as success. At this stage is that all members can achieve the duty without any problems, but they want to develop the term in regard to interpersonal development.  A leader should concentrate on developing performance of the team.

Dissolution (Adjourning)

 This stage is devote to working groups that are temporary. After a complete project or a problem is successfully completed, the Working Group will be disbanded. The stage is the final task when especially a group is successful.  The leader of the team must be appreciated with the achievement and show all member that their accomplishment is so proud.  This stage help increase motivation to members to move on next thinks or another task.

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