Friday 30 November 2018

Kano Analysis: Pursuing Customer Satisfaction

A Kano analysis helps to identify unspoken needs before prioritization. It is intended to help prioritize customer needs. It should be linked to a company's multi-generational project plan. Created in 1980 by Professor Noriaki Kano , Kano Model's main goal is to help teams uncover, classify, and integrate the 3 categories of Customer Requirements into Products or Services we are developing.

These three types of needs are classified depending on their ability to create customer satisfaction or cause dissatisfaction.


The Delighted are customer needs or features on products that otherwise we give will not actually cause dissatisfaction. But if we give, this will give a very high satisfaction to our customers. For example we give free donuts every time our customers buy coffee in our cafe. If we do not give donuts, they still will not be disappointed. But if we give it, they will be "surprised" and satisfied.


The satisfies are customer needs that are generally an attribute compared to our customers with our competitors. Another feature is the customer will be more satisfied if we perform well, otherwise will be more dissatisfied with the worsening performance of this attribute. For example, long check-in at the hotel. The sooner, the customers will be more satisfied and vice versa.


A dissatisfies is a customer requirement that is a basic requirement, or must be met. Little did we fail to satisfy customers in this attribute, they would be very dissatisfied, otherwise if we perform well in this attribute, the customer will feel normal. For example, you do not find a blanket in your hotel room, you will be very disappointed and will protest, but if blanket is available, you will be normal.

The purpose of classifying customer needs in several segments is so that we:

  • Can meet the basic requirements

  • Not stuck in fulfilling all customer requirements

You can use this matrix to specify the categories of each customer's needs:

The way is simple enough, that you have to ask with positive and negative questions.
Suppose we want to identify the need for check-in speed at the hotel.
Guests stated that they wanted to check in quickly. The answer we need to find is how fast and is it a dissatisfier, satisfier, or delighter?

Ask your guests: How does it feel if the check is longer than 5 minutes? (Positive)
Answer: "That's normal / it's normal"
How does it feel if the check length lasts longer than 5 minutes? (Negative)
Answer: "Dislikes"
If the situation is so, then check-in more than 5 minutes is Dissatisfier - So 5 minutes MUST be FULLY DETERMINED. 5 Minutes is the maximum length of the check-in process.

So, how to find what the customer needs?

  • Dissatisfiers (usually not conveyed) - Find dissatisfies by using 1-on-1 interviews and focus-group discussions.

  • Satisfier (usually submitted) - Collect this satisfies by using surveys (telephone, email, etc.). Generally, the points discuss are things we already know, but we want to know the level of performance that customers need.

  • Delighter (usually not delivered) - Find a delighter through a focus group which is preceded by a 1-on-1 group interview as a basis for further discussion.

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