Monday 15 October 2018

Significance of Training

Significance of Training is extremely important, both are not working or are already working. Because it is useful to add knowledge and skills. Training for work that has not been helpful to prepare for entry into employment. The already working would serve as a "charger", To the ability and capabilities we always awake in order to secure the existence or an increase in your career.

Human resources is indeed an important and assets on a company could have a higher value. When it can be manage and develop well and true. In developing human resources through training is an investment. That plays an important role when all the training programs run properly and effectively.


Training of human resources in a company is any attempt to improve the performance of a worker on a particular line of work became his duty. A work that has to do with his job. Training of human resources should be design in order to realize the goals of the Organization.

At the same time is also able to realize the goals of the workers individually. HR Training aims to provide ready-made workers both in the competence, managerial, or behavior. Thus contributing positively to the company in order to achieve the vision and mission according held by the company. As well as compete with other competitors. Nowadays many companies are already giving full attention in providing education. Even and training of human resources for the workers on an ongoing basis and for the regeneration of the leadership of the company.

Training Program

Generally training and education program consists of:

  1. Supply program: usually aimed at new workers enter the work. Her training in the form of supply of basic knowledge and skills required at the time of the worker in question reinstated recently, as planned when hiring.

  2. Development education: education is granted to workers who have been or will be promoted to a higher level of echelon in the managerial layer.

  3. Educational applications: education aims to enhance and deepen the knowledge, and the skills of workers in supporting her work fits the position occupied at the moment.

According to training and development that is done to the human resources should have some elements as follows:

  1. The aims and objectives of training and development should be clear and measurable; it is necessary in order for human resources know what competencies to be achieved after following training conducted by the organization.

  2. The coaches should have adequate qualifications; this needs to be in order for human resources able to understand material practice.

  3. exercise Material and development must be tailored to the purpose to be achieved, so that the training was done on purpose and a solid foundation, not random doing training.

  4. Methods of training and development should match the skill levels of human resources human resources, so that they can absorb the material given by the coach.

  5. Participants of the training and development must meet the specified requirements.

When these elements are meet by the companies in training. Then the chances of success of this training will be even greater and will be more beneficial to workers.

As for the benefits of the training of human resources, namely:

  • Increase the quantity and quality of productivity;

  • Reduce learning time required employees to achieve an acceptable standard of work.;

  • Shaping attitudes, teamwork and loyalty, more profitable;

  • Meet the needs of human resources planning;

  • Reducing the frequency and cost of work accidents;

  • Assist employees in improvement and personal development.

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