Saturday 13 October 2018

Kano analysis

Kano analysis is a quality measurement tool which is use to determine which customer's requirements are important. It is easy with Kano analysis to identify requirements may not be of equal importance to all customers. Kano analysis can help you to prioritize requirements for different customers.

Actually, this model develop by Noriaki Kano Japanese is base on the development of products previously studying the characteristics that we are going to add, thinking to achieve the maximum satisfaction of the customer or end user, and without adding features that do not add value.

Factors of Kano Analysis

Kano propose consumer preferences to be classify into several categories according to these aspects:

  • Attractive Factors:

    They are the attributes of the product that provide satisfaction to the customer when they are present, but at the same time do not cause dissatisfaction when they are not present. They are usually attributes expect customers, not so when they are present which seeks to create a welcome surprise on the consumer.

  • Normal Factors:

    They are the characteristics that cause on customer satisfaction when they are present and dissatisfaction when they are not. These tend to be the main characteristics of the product, by which the client chooses one or another brand of product.

  • Essential Factors:

    They are the attributes is taken for grant that they are present, and if they are not create dissatisfaction in the consumer. I.e., by adding them it is not to create any kind of satisfaction to the customer, but its absence leads to dissatisfaction.

  • Indifferent Factors:

    It refers to the attributes that are not perceive as neither good nor bad, and therefore are not going to create any kind of emotion to the customer. It is for it, that can be delete, thus saving production costs and without diminishing sales.

  • Factors of Rejection:

    They are the ones when they are present the customer perceives them as negative. It is advisable to avoid them at all costs because they represent an expenditure of production and also removes sales.

Remember that the last time you bought a product, not as expect, or lastly a little poor service was receive. Think about how you work. Did you experience that it was a problem to say bad? You quest by the low quality of the product? Are you directly inside or making it externally, have not promise to buy promises?.

How to find what the customer needs?

  • Dissatisfies (usually not carry out) – discover dissatisfy using interview 1-on-1 and focus-group discussion.

  • Satisfy (usually deliver) – Collect satisfy by using surveys (phone, email, etc.). Generally, points discuss are sensuality that we know, but we want to know the performance level require of the customer.

  • Delight (usually not deliver) – discover delighted focus-group which was precede by an interview the group a 1-on-1 as the basis for further discussion.

There are three types of characteristics:

  • Basic characteristics: those that are taken for grant in the product. For example, in a hotel room is assume that you have a bed.

  • Performance/performance characteristics: those that improve the product, which users use to compare with competitors.

  • Characteristics of emotion/excitement: those that surprise us, that we didn't expect in the product or service and that enthuses the user.

The Kano model provides insights into the product's features which are considere important for consumers / users. As well as helping to understand new product features. The objective of the tool is to support product specification and discussion by better understanding of the development team. This model describes three types of needs and expectations of all customers.

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