Monday 2 May 2022

Analysis of communication processes in the business


1. Analysis of internal communications in the enterprise.

Among the main goals pursued by Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] forming the sphere of internal communications are the following:

  • Timely informing of employees about the processes taking place at the enterprise
  • A common understanding by all employees (the company's team) of the company's mission, its values, current tasks, changes and development plans.
  • Positive perception of the company's employees of the management policy, its business strategy, development plans
  • Involvement of employees in the processes of reputation formation and positive image of the company.
  • Employees' perception of themselves as an integral part of the company, positive perception of the company's values, its culture, style and management standards.
  • Development of creative collective potential.
  • Formation of the corporate culture of the organization - dissemination of uniform standards of conduct in accordance with the corporate code and ethics of the company.
  • Creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and involvement of all employees in the process of achieving the planned goals of the company, increasing capitalization and brand formation.

Formation of loyalty and corporate identity of employees: the formation of a sense of satisfaction and pride among the company's employees about working in the organization and a sense of belonging to the team, as well as a sense of the creator of a successful product (pride in the product).
Scheme of internal communications:

Scheme of internal communications

Analyzing the communication sphere of Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] it is possible to note the developed system of internal communications. This is due, in particular, to the implementation and consolidation of the quality management system standards GOST R ISO 9001-2001 and ISO/CU 16949:2002 at the enterprise. Support for the stable functioning of the internal communications system at Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] is carried out by two departments subordinate to the HR Director (head of the second level of management): the department of documentation support of management, as well as the department for public relations and internal communications. The responsibility of the first includes documentation support and support of the electronic document management system. The second is responsible for providing and supporting the system of internal communications, in particular support for meetings and meetings, the newspaper and other things that will be discussed below.

As for horizontal communications, the enterprise standards (STP) establish the consolidation of the interaction of structural units with each other. This is spelled out in the regulations of structural units. In addition, the company has developed and annually updates a regulation regulating the holding of meetings and meetings (P-24 2008). It also strengthens horizontal communications. In particular, the regulation states that the purpose of meetings and meetings at the enterprise is the full and prompt provision of employees of the enterprise with reliable information about all current events and information exchange between employees, as well as conducting an operational analysis of the state of the enterprise's business processes and making decisions on conducting corrective and preventive actions, assessing their effectiveness and determining directions for improvement. All meetings and meetings held at the enterprise are divided into internal and external.

Internal meetings and meetings include:

- directorate (that is, a meeting held by the general director of the enterprise, with the participation of directors in the areas);

- plant-wide meeting of managers (weekly meeting organized by the press secretary for all heads of structural units of the enterprise on the most important issues of the enterprise);

- operational production conference call (meeting held for heads of production services, workshops);

- bonus commission;

- project meetings;

- project steering committee

- quality meeting;

- shop meetings (planners, production meetings).

In addition to horizontal communications, the system of vertical communications has been widely developed. In particular, among the traditional communications on the principle of "top down" can be noted: orders and orders, as well as the monthly newspaper of the enterprise. The newspaper is published as an appendix to the unified corporate newspaper of the Holding "Vezdekhod". The newspaper publishes information of a social nature, appeals of management, as well as information about new appointments, explanations on certain issues of interest to employees of the enterprise. Among the undoubted advantages of the newspaper is that it forms a sense of involvement in the company. For example, involvement in corporate events that occurred in another region. Informs about people and news, about the corporate culture of the company. For example, presentations of new employees. Forms involvement in the activities of the organization. It is also an opportunity for creative self-expression of employees. For example, an employee prints a poem, or an article.

Among the less common means of communication are information stands, more than 60 of them are installed at the plant in all large structural units. Important announcements of the administration, orders and other information are posted on them. Separately, you can distinguish stands dedicated to production indicators, quality indicators, the introduction of the 5C system. Information on the stands is updated regularly and is designed to give the company's employees a complete picture of the processes taking place in the workshop.

About 700 employees of the enterprise have a computer-equipped workplace, which significantly expands the possibilities of functioning of the internal communications system. In addition to a well-established system of electronic document management, which allows instant approval, reception, transfer and search for the necessary service document, the company has an internal information portal. On the portal, employees of the enterprise can get acquainted with the information they are interested in from the life of the enterprise, announcements, news of the plant, in addition, find out the menu and prices of factory canteens, apply for troubleshooting problems with office equipment or purchase new computer equipment, find out the full name, exact position, contacts of any head of the enterprise. In addition, the portal gives access to the electronic document management system, as well as the necessary utilities for quality control, traceability of processes, etc. Also to the "electronic assistants" of the internal communications system, I would include the daily electronic mailing of the company's news, as well as an electronic creeping line at the entrance of the enterprise.

As for bottom-up communications, I would include a box for questions and suggestions at the central entrance of the enterprise. In this box, any employee of the enterprise can put his question to the management of the plant, the answers to the questions, as a rule, are published in the factory newspaper. In addition, an important tool for communication at the enterprise is the so-called direct communications - at Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] these are working meetings held on a regular basis in all workshops. The system of work meetings is designed to inform employees as fully as possible about the processes taking place at the enterprise, and also allows the management to receive feedback from the plant's employees. Every month, each large structural unit sends to the department for public relations and internal communications, an application for a working meeting indicating the time and venue. In addition, the application indicates the name of the Director of interest to them in the direction, as well as questions to him.


The Department of Public Relations and Internal Communications summarizes all applications, forms a schedule for the month, notifies the invited directors about the topic of the day and the questions asked. After that, the schedule is posted in the public domain on the corporate internal portal. Directors are required to attend these events. The general director personally selects the working meeting of interest to him and attends it, so employees have the opportunity to present their concerns directly to the management of the enterprise. The management, in turn, has the opportunity to assess the moral and psychological situation in each particular team and hear to evaluate the work of the company's management, directly.

Having analyzed the work of the system, it can be concluded that it works with a high degree of efficiency and reflects the real needs of the management and employees of the enterprise. This was confirmed by a survey conducted among the company's employees in 2008. The majority of respondents indicated among the main sources of information about the enterprise the so-called formal communication channels.


2.2. Analysis of external communications in the enterprise.

The system of external communications of Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] has a fairly developed structure that goes beyond the organizational structure of enterprise management. The general management of the system of external communications at the enterprise is carried out by the press secretary of Rubber Plant [Exam. Company]. The company's external communications system is closely integrated into the communications system of SIBUR-Indian Tyres Holding. The general management of the Holding's external communications system is carried out by the Head of the Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Department, which is located in Moscow. It is functionally subordinated to the press secretaries of all enterprises of the Holding, who must implement the information strategy of the Holding on the ground. Unfortunately, to date, the strategy for 2008 and 2009 for the regions has not yet been developed. Therefore, the coordination and control of activities in the field of external communications is only formal.

External communications include communications of the enterprise with the external environment, that is: suppliers, competitors, consumers and government agencies. I will dwell on each of them in more detail:


The main supplier of the enterprise is the SIBUR Holding, part of which is Rubber Plant [Exam. Company]. The main communication processes with the Holding are on the supply and quality of raw materials, social programs, and the implementation of investment projects on the basis of the enterprise.


The main active players in matters of communication with consumers are the departments of marketing, advertising and public relations, as well as quality services. Marketing and advertising issues in the corporate structure of SIBUR-Russkiye Holding tyres are within the competence of the Corporate Centre, so there are no marketing and advertising services at Yaroslavl Tyre Plant. Public relations at the enterprise are managed by a press secretary. His competence includes developing a communication strategy, establishing and maintaining close contacts with representatives of the public, the media; establish the general contours of the corporate identity of the enterprise; action plans for the formation or adjustment of the corporate image of the enterprise.

Among the main channels of communication with partners consumers:

  • mass media (all levels),
  • specialized business publications (industry, regional, federal), including Internet media,
  • Corporate website,
  • presentation
  • special events (round tables, conferences, etc.)
  • oral channels,
  • distribution of corporate publications.

One of the most important means of informing consumers about the company's products and receiving feedback is the corporate Internet site. The website of Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] contains information about the company's products, information about the quality management system, plant news, social policy, as well as important information for the company's shareholders.

Among other things, the company's website receives questions from consumers and suppliers, both current and potential. All questions are analyzed, and within 3 days they are given a thorough answer. In addition, Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] communicates with the external environment through the placement of information in the media. This can be image materials, information for shareholders, or any other information in the placement of which there is a need. An important role in communication with the consumer is played by the role of quality services. At the enterprise, representatives of the plant's quality services regularly visit our main consumers - production conveyors of the largest Indian automobile plants.

Public authorities

Rubber Plant [Exam. Company], as a large industrial enterprise in the region, attracts the attention of regional government agencies. The main interaction with state bodies at the level of the Yaroslavl region is in the field of social policy, environmental activities, as well as charity. It is impossible not to note the support that the company received in terms of tax breaks, due to the implementation of large-scale investment projects. In 2008, the Administration of the Yaroslavl region decided to include Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] in the cluster of production of automotive components, as one of the priority areas for the development of the region's industry. At the federal level, communications with public authorities take place through the SIBUR-Indian Tyres Holding. Among the main goals of such communications are:

  • Development and maintenance of relations with federal and regional ministries and departments, legislative authorities, political, corporate, public organizations, representatives of the business and political elite.
  • Organization and execution of lobbying campaigns in the State Duma, the Council of Federations, in regional legislative and executive bodies.

Positioning of the company in public authorities

The methods of work are:

  • Written appeals to the authorities,
  • Media appearances,
  • Organization of parliamentary or parliamentary inquiries
  • Work within the framework of the subcommittee of the tire industry in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Indian Federation.

3. Improvement of communications.

Having analyzed the management system of internal and external communications of the enterprise, I came to the conclusion that it needs to be improved.

The main factor in improving the management of the system of internal and external communications in the enterprise, I would call the change in the organizational structure of the enterprise. That is, raising the level of management of structures engaged in communications. In particular, direct, rather than indirect, subordination of the press secretary and the head of the public relations department to the general director of the enterprise. This structure is common in the vast majority of successful Indian companies.

Very little attention in the work of the system is given to the formation of a communication strategy. The right decision would be the annual formation of a strategy in the field of internal and external communications, based on the strategy and objectives of the enterprise for the coming year, as well as the real needs of the management apparatus.

In addition, there is a significant problem associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of communications, as well as the establishment of so-called benchmarks. One of the ways out of this situation is to introduce a motivation system based on goal management in the units involved in communication management.

Among the further ways to improve the management of the internal and external communications system at the enterprise, I would say the main one is the integration of SIBUR-Indian Tyres Holding into the communications system. One of the important prerequisites for the further development of the company, I believe, is the formation of a single information space between the Holding's plants and the Corporate Center. This can be achieved by making a symbiosis of internal corporate portals – in other words, by introducing a single internal portal within all companies of the Holding. This would allow specialists within the Holding to interact more effectively with each other and speed up work on projects. In addition, there was an obvious need to create a single external website of the Holding, due to the presence of a single brand produced at different production sites. A single site would allow more effective work with potential consumers of the company's products.

Unfortunately, this strategy was not developed during 2008-2009 to improve the system of external communications, which significantly reduced the effectiveness of external communications at the level of the Yaroslavl region.

In terms of the internal communications system, the main problem is to maintain the existing efficiency of the current system, which is quite problematic due to the constant optimization of the number of personnel.

In addition, it is necessary to debug the existing mechanisms of the electronic document management system, to train all employees involved in it in the effective work.



The system of internal and external communications at Rubber Plant [Exam. Company] plays an important role in the process of enterprise management. Thanks to it, the management and employees of the enterprise have access to the information necessary for decision-making, effectively communicate with each other. However, there are a number of bottlenecks regarding planning, the communications management structure, and the evaluation and improvement of the system's performance. All these points must be eliminated in the shortest possible time in order for the system to maintain its effectiveness and meet the real needs of management.

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