Friday 22 April 2022

Criteria for the success of the project and the team


Participation in the project can be considered

•    formally: collect credits for the study load and
•    informal: learn to work in a team, master the methodology of project work, pump skills in the chosen professional field, and finally create something useful that people will use.

In addition, the project can be the basis for you to create a scientific or technical reserve: publications, speeches at conferences, patents and certificates of software registration in Rospatent, articles on specialized resources, replenishment of the repository with code that is not ashamed to show to the employer, participation in non-trivial developments and commercial projects, and so on.
All this is achieved gradually, but it is possible only with your serious attitude to work, and not "for evaluation". Take your pick.

Finally, working in the project, you form your own reputational history at MIEM. Projects start from the second year and last until the end of the master's program, it makes sense to take care of reputation, especially since it, unlike grades, will accompany you after graduation.
First, about the formalities in the evaluation of performers in the project:
Formal criteria for evaluating a project participant

Participation in the project

If the curriculum is the discipline "Project", then in October-November the training office will worry about your fate, seeing that you have not yet chosen a project and are not a member of the project team. Your choice of a project does not mean that you will be taken there for the vacancy you are interested in. For example, there may already be a team there or before enrolling in the project, you will be offered to pass the test period (whatever it is called) and complete the qualifying tasks. In particular, this can be in the form of participation in the Project School or simply you will be given the task of checking qualifications.

Therefore, the first formal success is to get into the project team: you should be visible in the Project Cabinet in active team members.

Why it is important to be "active": you can perform tasks in the project and not being a member of the team, you will even be charged hours, but for the training office you are still listed as "unemployed", because no project has taken you into its team and write in your IUP in which project you participate, there can not. That is, outsourcing cannot be the only source of loans for project activities for you, even if you are gaining enough hours there.

Scope of work in loans

The curriculum for each educational program indicates the volume of the discipline "Project" in credits (credits) for each course. One credit is 38 ac. hours (40 astronomical minutes).

 For example
•    Bachelors of the 2nd year – 3 credits (114 academic hours)
•    Bachelors of the 3rd year - 5 credits (190 academic hours),

The formal criterion for the success of the project is the protection of a sufficient number of credits at the end of the project: you must earn at least hours than indicated in your curriculum for the current academic year.

If you are credited with fewer hours, then you can even get a high score for, for example, 4 out of 5 credits and a tail on 1 credit.

If you have credited more than the norm, then you will be recorded the same project as an elective with an excessive number of credits (for example, you have earned 7 credits with a norm of 5 - there will be a separate entry in the diploma of the elective "project ...." for 2 credits).

Transfer of credits between years of study

Project hours do not have a rigid reference to the academic year. That is, theoretically, you can not do a project in the second year and it will not be a debt for you, just in the third year you will have to make a project for 3 + 5 = 8 credits.

In practice, this is a very bad option for you, because a project in the second year is needed in order for you to learn how to work by these rules, in this environment, with these tasks. For students of the following courses, the requirements are much higher. If you haven't completed a project in your sophomore year, you're more likely to end up in an unfamiliar environment and have a greater workload beyond the starting level. On top of that, you're trailing the tail of "dodged the project/failed the project" -- against the background of the already unblisturbed discipline in the student environment, this makes you stand out especially.

On a formal basis, the only unpleasant consequence of not completing the project this year for you will be the loss of the scholarship - it is accrued only when the curriculum is fully completed.

Project protection

All accumulated hours (credits), written code, published articles, received RIDs (patents and certificates of registration of software / database) are not reflected in your estimates until you have passed the protection of the project.

At the defense, the commission considers not only the project as a whole, but also your personal contribution. And here they look at the statistics in the Cabinet, and at the artifacts of the project - the working product / prototype, code, articles, and so on. The number of hours recorded in the office can be challenged by the commission (both downwards and upwards). Your task is to defend the achievements in front of the commission - only then will they be counted.

In the project, you are not given grades, this is done by the commission. Therefore, not only the quantity of work (loans) is protected, but also the quality (assessment).


What makes the project successful is not only the idea, but also the approach of the whole team and each participant to the implementation of this idea. Conventionally, several criteria can be distinguished:

•    a clear understanding of the project concept of each team member;
•    understanding each participant of his role;
•    competent setting of tasks and deadlines for their implementation;
•    responsible approach of participants to work;
•    well-coordinated work in the team;
•    the interest of the participants in the project;
•    regularity of work on the project.

Let's consider these points in more detail. If the project participants understand the idea of the project and their role in it, then they can easily break the project into stages, formulate tasks and imagine how much time it will take to solve them. 


The team will be able to perform tasks more efficiently if each participant responsibly approaches his task: he will complete it on time and efficiently. The more smoothly the team works, the faster it will be able to complete tasks. When the main part of the project is completed, then interested participants can see a new perspective for the project and further develop it in this direction.

This is success: a quality product that can be used.

Hence it is clear what are the success criteria for the project participants:

  • skills and knowledge necessary to solve the problems of the project, or the willingness to develop them;
  • interest in the project;
  • ability to complete tasks on time;
  • ability to maintain communication with colleagues.

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