Tuesday 15 February 2022

What is the development of project documentation and what is included in it

What is the development of project documentation and what is included in it. To calculate all the costs of the project, you need to make a certain list of costs. Also, in addition to calculations, you need to paint the subject area, goals and objectives of creating and developing a project. Today we will talk in detail about the process of developing project documentation, what it is, how to properly compile it and what is included in it. 

Development of project documentation: what is it

Before starting the development of project documentation, you need to know what it is. In general, in itself, project or design and estimate documentation, as it is also called, is a list of documents that reflect the entire structure of the project. Its goals, objectives, possible difficulties and ways to solve them. In principle, the process of compilation itself can be compared with the technical task for creating a site, since it will also describe in detail any trifle.


The development of project documentation is one of the main stages of project implementation. They reflect not only calculations, which are given in the form of graphs and formulas, but also various solutions to difficulties on the way to implementing the project in a full-scale volume. Estimate documents play an important role in the design of the construction of an object, especially when it comes to large-scale constructions.

After all, in order to correctly calculate all the parameters of the building, to arrange it in such a place that natural and climatic conditions do not cause damage to the structure, it is necessary to first work it all out on paper. It's like making a business plan, that is, using a clear example to identify a problem area and develop solutions.

Who is engaged in the development of project documentation

Not many people know who and where is engaged in the development of project documentation. In fact, there are two answers to this question. The first is when the participants-developers themselves, reading literature about economics and drawing, try to make an estimate, make graphic drawings of the intended product. In the second case, this work is provided to professionals.


Yes, there are special agencies, or a separate, specially trained person who is professionally engaged in drawing up estimates, summarizing data and drawing a model of the finished product that will result in the end. In fact, such an occupation is a complex process, which is why such a service is not cheap, if we talk specifically, the prices of SEO promotion of sites per month are not much higher than the cost of developing documents for the project.


Of course, there are advantages to contacting specialists. Firstly, it is a reduction in the time that can be spent on learning all the subtleties of calculations and the ability to draw up a drawing. Also, the documentation will be developed as accurately as possible, which will avoid miscalculations, which can later become a fatal mistake. For those who have allocated a specific amount for the creation of the project itself, can afford it, thereby increasing the likelihood in how to get funding for the project, and compensate for their costs.

What is included in the development of project documentation

Everything that is included in the development of project documentation is prescribed in the relevant document, or rather "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content". According to these requirements, two parts should be present in the structure of project documents: text and graphic.

The text part should contain everything that concerns the object, that is, the basic information This is a detailed description of the development process, and annexes in the form of regulatory legal acts, regulations, as well as explanatory notes and the estimate itself. Also, within the framework of the theoretical part, various design solutions related to the placement of the object, as well as equipment costs and possible additional investments in the project will be described.


Graphic material includes drawings containing visual design of conceptual models, with the help of which they identify problem areas and analyze the essence of the object. Together with the drawing, as a rule, an explanatory note is attached containing a description of the analysis, which justifies the adoption of various architectural decisions. It also describes the safety measures of the work that will be carried out as part of the project.

Also, a kind of addition to the project documentation is also the economic part. It is logical to guess that it will contain all the calculations related to the costs of the project, as well as a justifying description, according to which it will be necessary to make financing and further investment.

In fact, the development of project documentation is a long and painstaking process. Its main goal is to present the layout of the project as accurately as possible, or rather the design object, to calculate all the financial costs, as well as to justify decisions related to the design and construction of a particular model.

Responsible for the preparation of project documents takes on a huge responsibility for the entire implementation process. Since, unlike a specialist in promoting a site in the top 3 of Yandex, the developer of project documentation is responsible for the safety, reliability and constructiveness of the entire process.

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