Wednesday 9 February 2022

Project completion acceptance supervision procedures, read through the heart of the number!

First, verify the completion acceptance conditions, submit the completion acceptance data, and determine the completion acceptance time.

  • 1. before the construction unit organizes the completion and acceptance, it shall verify the completion acceptance conditions, preliminary inspection and completion acceptance data (annex 3 of the housing construction project, annex 4 of the municipal project), and only after passing the verification can the organization complete the acceptance;
  • 2. the construction unit shall submit the completion acceptance materials (annex 3 of the housing construction project, annex 4 of the municipal project) and deliver the "contact letter for completion acceptance" (5 working days in advance, annex 5);

3. after checking the completeness of the completion data at the receiving window (room a409 of the xxx project quality supervision and inspection station), the completion acceptance time is determined and the "reply to the completion acceptance contact letter" (annex 6) is issued.

note: the following conditions must be met for completion and acceptance of construction works:

(1) complete the engineering design and the contents of the contract;
(2) have complete technical files and construction management data;
(3) there is an entry test report of the main building materials, structural parts and equipment used in the project;
(4) there are quality qualification documents signed by survey, design, construction, supervision and other units;
(5) there is a project warranty signed by the construction unit;
(6) there is an intermediate acceptance certificate of important divisions (sub-divisions);
(7) inspection and test report with structural safety and use function;
(8) at the time of preliminary inspection, the rectification content proposed by the responsible entities of the construction parties has been rectified.

2. supervision of completion and acceptance

the quality supervision institution shall supervise the organization of the completion and acceptance, the implementation of the acceptance procedures and acceptance standards and the assessment results; the completion and acceptance supervision of commercial housing projects shall also implement the "procedures for inspection and verification of commercial housing units" (annex 1).

(1) inspection of acceptance organizations

1. the organization of completion and acceptance must include the following personnel:

(1) construction unit: project leader and related management personnel;
(2) supervision unit: project director and related professional supervision personnel;
(3) design unit: the person in charge of project design and related professional designers;
(4) construction (including subcontracting) units: project managers and related professional construction technicians;
(5) other relevant units (such as testing and appraisal units): project leader and related technical personnel.

2. the personnel participating in the completion acceptance must have the corresponding qualifications and prepare the entrustment procedures:

(1) the project manager and project director shall be consistent with the construction permit information;
(2) the technical person in charge of the project of the design unit shall be consistent with the information in the design documents (when the person in charge is changed, it shall be implemented according to item (3));
(3) certificate of the legal representative or main person in charge of the construction unit and other relevant units, the power of attorney of the legal person and the appointment letter of the project leader.
(2) inspection of acceptance procedures

according to the relevant regulations, after the completion of the project, first on the basis of the self-inspection of the construction unit, after the survey and design unit checks that it meets the requirements of the survey and design documents, the supervision unit organizes the preliminary inspection of the completion, and after the preliminary inspection is qualified, the construction unit finally organizes the construction, design, supervision and other units to carry out the completion acceptance. the content of supervision and inspection includes:

"1. ""project completion acceptance application form"" (gd3013) submitted by the construction unit or ""completion report"" of municipal engineering (municipal management-4);
2. ""survey document quality inspection report"" (gd3005) submitted by the survey unit;
3. ""design document quality inspection report"" (gd3006) submitted by the design unit
4. ""engineering quality assessment report"" submitted by the supervision unit (gd3004 or municipal supervisor-26);"

5. completion acceptance meeting procedure.

(3) supervision of the implementation of acceptance standards and assessment results

1. implementation standard:

(1) the completion acceptance must implement the "unified standard for the acceptance of construction quality of construction projects" (gb50300-2001) and its supporting professional project construction quality acceptance specifications, mandatory standards for engineering construction, relevant laws (regulations, normative documents) and relevant requirements of design documents.

(2) the unit (sub-unit) project quality acceptance shall comply with the following provisions:
a. the quality of the sub-division (sub-division) project contained in the unit (sub-unit) project shall be accepted and accepted;
b. the quality control information should be complete;
c. the test data related to the safety and function of the branch project contained in the unit (sub-unit) project should be complete;
d. the results of the spot check of the main functional items shall comply with the provisions of the relevant professional quality acceptance specifications;
e. the perception quality acceptance should meet the requirements.

2. quality supervision and random inspection of engineering entities:

(1) implementation of mandatory standard inspection:
focus on verifying mandatory provisions related to safety and use functions, such as the implementation of barrier-free access in public and residential buildings, the construction of railings in children's activity places, the total width of stairs and walkways in dormitory buildings, the protection of residential public entrances and exits with balconies above, protective measures for residential window sills, the use of safety glass for door and window engineering, the limits of aluminum alloy windows and anti-shedding devices, etc.;

(2) inspection of the implementation of relevant laws (regulations, normative documents) and design documents:

focus on spot checks and social complaint hotspots, safety and use functions, building energy conservation related laws (regulations, normative documents) and design documents implementation inspection, such as "guangdong province residential engineering quality common disease prevention and control technical measures 20 articles", 


"xx city commodity residential building quality inspection and management regulations", "xx city construction bureau on strengthening the quality management of building doors and windows", "xx interim regulations on indoor environmental pollution detection of buildings used by citizens", "notice on strengthening the construction and management of barrier-free facilities", "notice on strengthening the construction and management of barrier-free facilities", 

"notice on strengthening the construction and management of barrier-free facilities", "notice of the xx municipal construction bureau on strengthening the quality management of building doors and windows", "notice of the xx municipal construction bureau on strengthening the quality management of building doors and windows", 

"notice on strengthening the construction and management of barrier-free facilities", "notice on strengthening the construction and management of barrier-free facilities", "notice on strengthening the construction and management of barrier-free facilities", "notice of the construction and management regulations on the administration of building safety glass" and so on.

(3) spot check of main functions:
key spot checks involve safety and use of functional items, such as waterproof engineering water (storage) test, water supply pipeline pressure test, building electrical leakage test or grounding resistance test, ventilation and air conditioning leakage test or temperature and humidity test, etc.; (random inspection and test of the use function of construction projects. examples: toilet, balcony water splash test, bathtub, water pan, pool water test, water and electricity test, sewage main ball test and insulation resistance, grounding resistance, leakage trip test, etc. )

(4) spot check of perception quality

third, the completion acceptance passed

1. when the completion acceptance finds problems, the supervision agency will order the relevant units to rectify or reorganize the completion acceptance.
2. after the problems found in the completion acceptance are rectified and qualified, the construction unit shall organize the construction, design, supervision and other units to inspect and confirm, and submit the "project completion acceptance rectification opinion handling report" gd3sz002 (annex 11).

3. when the following requirements are met, the completion acceptance is passed:

(1) the completion and acceptance data are complete;
(2) the organization of completion acceptance is valid;
(3) the completion and acceptance procedures are legal;
(4) implement the "unified standard for acceptance of construction quality of construction projects"  its supporting professional engineering construction quality acceptance specifications, mandatory standards for engineering construction, relevant laws (regulations, normative documents) and relevant requirements of design documents, in line with the provisions of the unit (sub-unit) project quality acceptance, and the quality of the engineering entity is qualified by supervision and random inspection or the problems found are rectified and qualified.

4. the time for passing the completion acceptance shall be based on the date on which the problems found in the completion acceptance are rectified or the re-acceptance meets the requirements.

5. the construction unit shall submit the relevant records and documents of the completion acceptance to the quality supervision agency for reference within 1 working day from the date of completion acceptance:

(1) ""project completion acceptance report"" (gd3015, municipal preparation-1);
(2) ""rectification notice"" issued by the supervision unit;
(3) gd3sz002 (annex 11) signed by the relevant parties in the ""project completion acceptance rectification opinion processing report""."

fourth, the completion of the acceptance of the record

1. the housing construction project can be put into use after the completion and acceptance of the project, and the special acceptance certificate or permission document for energy saving, gas, fire protection and elevator is obtained;
2. our station will submit the "construction project quality supervision report" to the competent administrative department of construction within 3 working days after the completion acceptance;
3. the construction unit shall go to the competent administrative department of construction to go through the completion acceptance and filing procedures within 15 days after the completion acceptance and acceptance of energy-saving, gas, fire protection, elevator and other projects.
fifth, the completion of the acceptance flow chart

vi. precautions:

(1) the organization and personnel participating in the completion and acceptance shall comply with the following provisions, otherwise the acceptance procedure shall be invalid:

1. according to the "unified standards for the acceptance of construction quality of construction projects", the following provisions are stipulated:

article the personnel of all parties participating in the acceptance of the quality of the construction of the project shall have the prescribed qualifications.

article 6.0.4 after the construction unit receives the project acceptance report, the person in charge of the construction unit (project) shall organize the construction (including the subcontracting unit), the design, supervision and other units (projects) to carry out the unit (sub-unit) project acceptance (this article stipulates that the unit project quality acceptance shall be organized by the person in charge of the construction unit or the project leader, because the design, construction and supervision units are the responsible subjects, so the person in charge of the design and construction unit or the person in charge of the project and the technology of the construction unit, the person in charge of quality and the chief supervising engineer of the supervising unit shall participate in the acceptance).

(2) only those who have received qualified experience in construction projects can be delivered for use, otherwise they shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:

1. according to the "regulations on the quality management of construction projects":

article 16: after the construction unit receives the completion report of the construction project, it shall organize the design, construction, project supervision and other relevant units to carry out the completion acceptance. only when the construction project experience is qualified can it be delivered for use.
article 58: where a construction unit violates the provisions of these regulations and commits any of the following acts, it shall be ordered to make corrections and shall be fined not less than 2% but not more than 4% of the contract price of the project; where losses are caused, they shall bear the liability for 

compensation in accordance with law:

(1) failure to organize completion acceptance and delivery for use without authorization;
(2) unqualified acceptance and unauthorized delivery for use;
(3) unqualified construction projects shall be accepted in accordance with qualified projects.

2. according to the "measures for the publicity and handling of bad behavior records of construction market entities in xx city (trial)":

 projects that have not been completed and accepted or whose completion acceptance is unqualified will be put into use, and the records of bad behavior will be publicized and handled, and 5 points will be deducted from the construction unit, the enterprise, and the person in charge of the industry.

annex 1 sets of inspection and verification procedures for commercial housing

first, determine the time for inspection and verification of each set

1. the construction unit shall complete the inspection procedures in accordance with the "regulations on the administration of inspection and inspection of the quality of commodity residential buildings in xx city" (hereinafter referred to as the "provisions") and the "guidelines for the inspection and inspection of the quality of commodity residential buildings in xx city" (hereinafter referred to as the "guidelines"), and fill in the "inspection result form" and the "inspection record form" before requesting the quality supervision agency to conduct set-by-set inspection and verification;

2. the set-by-set inspection and verification can be carried out before the completion acceptance, and can also be carried out together with the completion acceptance; in order to simplify the acceptance procedures, it is normally required to be carried out together with the completion acceptance;

3. the construction unit shall notify the application for inspection and verification of each set 5 working days in advance. if the applicant organizes a set of inspection and verification before the completion and acceptance, the 6th to 8th and 16th items of the completion acceptance data (annex 3 of the housing construction project) shall be submitted; if the application is organized at the same time as the completion acceptance and the inspection and verification of each set, other relevant materials for the completion and acceptance should be submitted;

4. after checking the completeness of the inspection data set by set, the receiving window determines the inspection and verification time of each set.

second, check and verify one by one

according to the "provisions", the verification content of the engineering quality supervision agency shall include: whether the members of the inspection team are formed according to the regulations; whether the members of the set-by-set inspection team fill in the set-by-set inspection records as required; check whether there are obvious deficiencies in the content of the set-by-set inspection and whether it is rectified according to regulations; whether there are obvious differences between the results of physical spot checks and the set-by-set inspection records.

1. inspection of sets of inspection organizations one by one

the inspection team shall be composed of the following personnel:
(1) the project leader of the construction unit
(2) project manager of the construction unit
(3) project director of the supervision unit and professional supervision engineers
(4) according to the contract, the design unit and the property management company shall appoint professionals who should participate in the set-by-set inspection

2. check the content of the inspection set by set

the set-by-set inspection items shall include the following projects:
(1) architectural and structural engineering
(2) door and window installation project
(3) ground, wall and ceiling surface layer
(4) waterproofing project
(5) air conditioning, refrigeration system installation project
(6) water supply and drainage system installation project
(7) indoor electrical installation project
(8) gas engineering
(9) other content that may produce quality defects or need to be checked one by one

the specific items of the set-by-set inspection must comply with the requirements of the guidelines and the requirements of the set-by-set inspection scheme.

3. inspection of set-by-set inspection schemes

the set-by-set inspection plan should include the following contents: determine the specific inspection items, the number of inspections, and formulate the corresponding "inspection record table"; determine the inspection site and quantity of the measured quantity items, and draw a distribution map of spot check points; scheduling inspection tools; arrange a set of inspection schedules, etc.;

4. check the inspection records one by one the inspection of the set of inspection records should include the following:

(1) the completeness of the visa and the qualifications of the visa personnel;
(2) whether the completeness, authenticity and measured quantity of the record meet the requirements;
(3) the correctness of the inspection conclusions and the rectification and review.

5. verification of test results one by one, the quality supervision agency mainly adopts the method of physical spot check for the verification of the inspection results of each set, and the physical spot check of the inspection and supervision of each set must meet the following requirements:

(1) the focus of physical spot checks should be on projects involving mandatory provisions, common quality defects, safety and use functions of residential construction projects;

(2) the number of physical sampling units shall not be less than 3% of the total number of completed units and not less than 5 sets, and the total number of units less than 5 sets shall be inspected according to the actual quantity.

(3) the on-site supervision and spot check location should include the top floor, the standard floor, the first floor of the residence and the public part, and the spot check part should include: 1, the bedroom, hall, kitchen, bathroom, balcony; 2. the main entrance, walkway, roof, public platform, basement, electrical/pipe well, equipment room, etc. of the public part; the specific spot check location and location are randomly selected by the supervisor according to the relevant principles.
(4) physical spot checks shall be inspected in accordance with the items and requirements specified in the "set by set inspection supervision and sampling record form"

(1), (2), (3) and (4) and truthfully fill in the "set by set inspection supervision and sampling record".

third, the inspection and verification of each set is passed

1. the quality supervision institution shall order the construction unit to rectify the unchecked or the verification results do not meet the requirements;

2. after the problems found in the inspection and verification of each set have been handled and the rectification reply jointly confirmed by the responsible entities of all parties is received, the completion acceptance supervision team shall extract no less than 5 sets of problems found (the total number of less than 5 sets shall be inspected according to the actual quantity) for review, and record the rectification and review in the "record of quality supervision and sampling of inspection of each set";

3. meet the following requirements, and pass the inspection and verification of each set

(1) the effectiveness of the inspection organization is set by set;
(2) the content of the set-by-set inspection meets the requirements;
(3) complete and valid set-by-set inspection records;
(4) the set-by-set inspection is consistent with the physical spot check.

4. the time for passing the set-by-set inspection shall be subject to the date on which the problems found have been handled and passed the review. appendix 3 list of completion acceptance data (housing construction works)

Basic materials

  1. contact letter for completion and acceptance
  2.  reply to the contact letter for completion acceptance
  3.  review form of completed project
  4.  the list of members of the completion acceptance agency and the completion acceptance plan
  5. list of members of the commodity housing inspection agency and the inspection plan of the set by set (explanation of this list (4))
  6. application form for inspection and supervision of commodity residential building quality by set (annex 9 of (4) of this list)
  7. "common quality common disease inspection report of residential buildings" ((annex 10 of (4) of this list)
  8. construction permit (copy) second, the completion of the acceptance data
  9. xxx construction project energy-saving special acceptance opinion
  10. unit (sub-unit) project completion acceptance record
  11. unit (sub-unit) engineering quality control data verification record
  12. unit (sub-unit) engineering safety and function inspection data verification and main function spot check record
  13.  unit (sub-unit) engineering perception quality inspection record
  14. branch (sub-division) project acceptance record  (description of this list (2)
  15. "xx city commodity residential building quality set-by-set inspection record table"" and ""xx city commodity residential building quality set-by-set inspection result table"" ((4) of this list) □
  16. main safety and function inspection records and test reports (description (5) of this list)
  17. Quality qualification documents signed by survey, design, construction, supervision and other units (""engineering quality assessment report""survey document quality inspection report"" , ""design document quality inspection report""project completion acceptance application form
  18. (note: the original is submitted at the completion acceptance site);
  19. There is a project warranty letter signed by the construction unit (submitted after completion and acceptance)."


(1) the relevant units are requested to sort out the original materials submitted in the above order for future reference, 1-9 items should be submitted for archiving unless noted, and 10-15 items should also be submitted for archiving;

(2) the acceptance record of the branch (sub-division) project should include all the branch projects and important sub-divisions such as foundation treatment, grid frame, steel structure, curtain wall, waterproof, etc.;

(3) the information that needs to be submitted at the completion acceptance site and after the completion acceptance is qualified, please prepare the relevant units;

(4) 6 ~ 8 items, 16 items of information for the commodity housing one by one inspection and verification should be submitted for the original data;

(5) 17 mainly refers to mandatory standards, relevant laws (regulations and normative documents) and design documents required in addition to the foundation, the main body of the safety and functional inspection records and testing reports, such as decoration engineering indoor environment testing, building exterior window physical properties testing, aluminum alloy building profile quality testing, exterior wall finish brick bond strength testing, energy saving / insulation testing, etc.; physical property testing of building curtain wall of curtain wall project, compatibility and peeling adhesion test of silicone structural sealant, pull test report of rear embedding, etc.; waterproof coating/coil testing, shower/water storage test, etc. for waterproof engineering; electrical switch and wire detection report, insulation resistance test record, grounding resistance test record/report, large lamp firmness test record, leakage protector simulation leakage test record, building lighting power test run record, electrical equipment handover test record, etc.; water supply and drainage pipe/pipe fittings test report, water quality report (domestic water supply system), pressure test record of pipeline/equipment, cleaning and disinfection record of domestic water supply system of water supply and drainage project; ventilation and air conditioning system commissioning records of ventilation and air conditioning projects, joint trial operation records of smoke prevention and exhaust systems, air volume and temperature test records, clean room cleanliness test records, etc.; system power supply and grounding test report of intelligent building project, system trial operation record, system testing and debugging record, intelligent building mandatory measures provision test record, etc.; the test report issued by the qualified testing unit should submit a copy for supervision and archiving;

(6) when the intelligent building project is separately accepted, 12-15 items should be changed to the following information: intelligent building system engineering quality control data verification record, intelligent building system engineering safety and function inspection data verification and main function spot check record, intelligent building system engineering perception inspection acceptance record, intelligent building sub-item (subsystem) project quality acceptance record, intelligent building system engineering acceptance related project conclusion table.

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