Tuesday 15 February 2022

How to organize your Project workflow more efficiently?



A little introduction.

When I was at university, I was literally inundated with homework, essays, seminars, term papers, and so on.

It was really necessary to teach and do just an unimaginable number of things (law faculty, what else can I say). For example, in one of the sessions we had 5 exams in 15 days, and each of them had 120-180 questions.

Imagine — 180 questions in three days. That's 60 questions a day (and we still have to leave time to repeat). Even if you teach 15 hours a day, you get only 15 minutes on one topic, which is too little.

So what to do?

I developed a system in which I started preparing for exams from the very beginning of the semester – about 2 questions a day. Then I did not use any services, but simply took sheets of A4 paper and for each topic wrote out the reference moments - hooks that were remembered best. And then during the preparation it was only necessary to refresh the memory of these things.

This skill of early planning came in handy for me in my work as well.

But — I improved it and brought modern technology.

So there you go.

1. If you approach without excessive fanaticism, it is enough to plan the next three months of your life.
open Ever note, Google Docs or just a text editor on your computer
make three files by month and write 3-5 main goals that you need to implement. Prioritize them
then take the next month and write down each of the goals for specific tasks that you need to implement (as a rule, there will be within 10 of them)
then divide each task into specific small steps that will lead to its implementation
the next step is to set specific deadlines
So the simplest plan is ready.

It's boring to do, of course. I understand that very well.

But I don't know a single more or less successful person who, in one form or another, did not plan their affairs. And, on the contrary, I know a lot of people who have achieved nothing, who do not plan anything.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

2. Very often it happens that during a walk, reading a book, doing some work (and so on), an interesting idea arises. And it should not be missed! And there's nowhere to write it down or it's inconvenient.

So what to do?

There is a solution – install the Telegram application on your phone. It allows you to send messages to yourself. And, what's particularly interesting is not just text messages, but also audio (and video).

That is, you just say the text you need and an audio file is saved in the cloud, which can then be listened to from any convenient place in which there is the Internet (both from a computer and from a phone).

Very cool!

3. You will definitely have tasks that need to be done at a certain time and a certain day.
For example, hold a meeting with a client, a webinar, and so on.

Keeping everything in your head is simply unrealistic, so I highly recommend using Google Calendar or a similar service that allows you to put reminders that come later to the phone.

It's convenient.

And one more important point.
It has long been noticed that when a specific time is not set for solving a task, its implementation is delayed for the entire available segment.

The way out is to set yourself deadlines and deadlines 🙂

The easiest option is to set yourself a deadline in the same Google calendar.

Also an interesting way for small tasks is the hourglass: both interesting and effective.

That's how - through the introduction of simple tools and techniques, you can greatly increase your efficiency and, accordingly, the results.

To organize your activities much more productively and to do more in less time – take a look here.

If you don't become more efficient, then someone else will definitely and will get what you could get.

Are you comfortable with that state of affairs?

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