Tuesday 15 February 2022

7 ways to make Project Startups more Efficient

Let's talk about launches.

How to make them more efficient and profitable?

There are several ways.

1. Use multi-format launch content

A launch is a specific sequence of audience taps that you do in different ways:

  • via video
  • texts
  • letters
  • article
  • audio
  • webinars
  • live broadcasts
  • retargeting, etc.

Always remember, your audience is heterogeneous – some prefer videos, others texts, others pictures, etc.

In order to maximize the involvement of the audience, you need to use different content.

For example, the sequence of touches in a startup might be as follows:

  • Video
  • PDF
  • Live broadcast on social networks
  • Article
  • Video 2
  • Text message, etc.
  • And that works well in practice.

What formats should I use? In my opinion, videos and pdf reports (like the one you're reading right now).

Videos allow you to demonstrate your expertise and give valuable information to your audience in a convenient format.

But not everyone and not always convenient to watch videos. Therefore, we also need text materials – reports.

A pdf report is essentially an article that you have packaged in a file with a bright beautiful cover. It is especially valuable for the audience, because it can be read and downloaded to yourself, and people love to accumulate information.

My clients and subscribers wrote to me that they already have more than 100 of my pdf-reports 🙂

This format resonates greatly, so why not use it?

I also recommend using info-graphics, recently such content is quite in demand.

2. Audience segmentation during launch

When you write emails during launches, make them different:

  • for clients
  • for people who have bought something on the topic.


For example, I run a course on sales at webinars, and I previously had a master class on the same topic. And I can write in the header of the letter: "To the participant of the master class on sales at webinars. There's something interesting."

For this segment, you can write a very short letter, for them you do not need to explain everything in detail.

If I write to the entire database, then I need more specific headings, longer texts, etc.

If we write to a client, you can write in the header of the letter [to the Client] and then the subject of the letter - this causes a greater openability. In the letter itself, you offer special conditions.

For customers, you can make a special secret page with an individual offer. This causes an increase in response, loyalty and sales.

You can segment the audience depending on the actions of a person in a particular launch:

  • opened the letter
  • went to the page
  • was at the webinar or was not
  • filled out the questionnaire or not
  • have undergone this or that training or not
  • liked the post, etc.

But even just basic segmentation into subscribers, customers and those who have already participated in some events can bring an increase in conversion.

3. Deadline

When selling inexpensive products, rigid step-by-step deadlines work great.

For example, your product costs 700 Dollars.

A person goes to the page, there is a timer on it for 2 hours.

After these 2 hours, the page is redirected to the next one, on which the cost is already 800 Dollars and the deadline is another 2 hours, etc.

This is an option for very cheap products.

The second option is for more expensive products (trainings, live events, conferences, etc.). Here's a deadline of a few days.

For example, the launch begins on the 1st of the month:

From the 1st to the 3rd day - the product costs 4700 Dollars

4th – 6th day – 5700 Dollars
From 7 to 10 – 6700 Dollars

All deadlines must be observed. If you said there would be such and such a cost, it should really be.

Then in the future people will understand that you should not postpone the purchase.

If you do not make any restrictions, then many simply will not make an order, thinking that they will be able to take advantage of the offer in the future.

4. Prelist

This is a powerful tool that allows, again, to segment your database.

When you already have a loyal audience and you are launching another rather expensive product, you can tell the audience directly: "A new stream of my training will start soon. For those who are most interested in this - register in the list of the first. You will receive an invitation to a special private webinar with the best conditions of participation and bonuses."

Naturally, only the most interested will register, because there is a direct sale. These are people who are ready to buy: for them you just need to tell the conditions of participation, give cool bonuses, explain how everything will happen.

I have had cases when at the webinar of the pre-list of 90-100 participants, orders left 60 with an average check of more than 30,000 Dollars.

There can be a very high conversion due to the fact that the audience is as targeted as possible and people perfectly understand what they need.

5. Multiple stages of sales

If you sell an expensive product, then you need to make sure that the audience is covered as much as possible.

Not only a variety of content, but also a variety of launch events.

Pre-listing can be the first stage, then you need to make stages related to the involvement of wider audience segments:

  • low-cost paid events
  • various marathons
  • webinars
  • reality
  • live broadcasts, etc.

That is, there are whole chains of actions that can eventually lead to the fact that the launch is not the standard 5-7 days, but 1.5 months.

But you get much more profit and increase the involvement of the audience.

6. Additional sales

Always add pre-sales.

During ordering, they allow you to increase profits very much - by several tens of percent, and sometimes several times.

For example, a person makes an order for your book, and you additionally offer him to add a course or several courses to the order.

7. Inverse tool – downward sentence

Its essence is that during the launch you will have a group of people who did not buy not because they are not interested in your offer, but because it did not fit the conditions.

This audience needs to offer an alternative: a less expensive product on the same topic.

Naturally, it should be less valuable.

For example, I sell training on webinars, which costs 10,000 Dollars, and after the completion of its sales, I offer the audience a book with a squeeze of the basic techniques for 1000 Dollars.

As a result, everyone is happy: people get the content they are interested in, and you as an author get additional profit.

All of these methods will help you make your launches more efficient.

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