Monday 7 February 2022

How to formulate a didactic goal of project activity

Didactic purpose is formulated in four aspects; educational, developmental, educational psh socialize why.

Educational aspect:

• Creating an image of holistic knowledge in students;
• Increasing the motivation of students to gain new knowledge;
• Study of the most important methods of scientific knowledge (put forward and substantiate the idea, independently set and formulate the tasks of the project, find a method for analyzing the situation);
• Development of the ability to put forward topics (sub-topics) of projects;
• Formation of the ability to put forward, argue and defend their ideas;
• Familiarization with ways to work with information;
• Formation of self-organization skills (activity planning, programming of actions, correction of stages and methods of activity, flexibility and variability of actions).

Developmental aspect:Educational aspect:

• Development of research and creative abilities of the individual;
• Development of critical thinking (readiness for planning, flexibility of thinking, perseverance, willingness to correct their own mistakes, search for compromise solutions);
• Development of analysis and reflection skills (establishing cause-and-effect relationships, highlighting significant signs with a focus on the goal, modeling a specific or abstract product);
• Development of the ability to determine their own position, plan their work and time;
• Development of communication skills and abilities;
• Development of the ability to present the results of their work.

• Education of significant universal values (social partnership, tolerance, dialogue);
• Education of a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and self-organization;
• Education of the desire to perform work qualitatively. Socializing aspect:
• Developing one's own view of events;
• Awareness of the importance of joint efforts, teamwork;
• Application of personal experience of students and its coordination with the scientific content of the project;
• Encouraging students to self-valued educational activities;
• Formation and development of students' abilities to organize the creativity of others.

As a teacher, students may be interested in working on the project Principles for creating motivation for students' project activities:

1. Educational cooperation (teachers and students are partners).
2. Purposefulness of the research process (students must independently choose the purpose of cognitive activity).
3. Personal practical significance (students should know why they do it?
4. Success and effectiveness of cognitive activity (students work effectively when they feel that they are able to work on the chosen topic of research).
5. Positive cooperation with the consultant (to realize that the error is also a positive result, since it makes it possible to correct it and find another solution to the problem).
6. It is necessary to take into account the individual and age characteristics of students.
7. It is necessary to take into account the social and cognitive experience of students.

To maintain a high level of motivation during the study, students should feel:

• Safe (physically and emotionally).
• Autonomous (independent).
• Successful (competent, creative, professional and knowledgeable).
• Those who are valued are concerned about them.
• Satisfied.

The use of other means of increasing the motivation of students, students mostly work better and have a greater motivation to work when there is an audience that they respect and appreciate. There are many ways to use such an audience:
1. In between work, invite students to share the results of work with classmates.
2. Place the works of students in the form of posters on the wall in the classroom or in the school hall; Try to publish these works in the press or book.
3. Invite parents, community members, or students in other classes to see how students represent what they have accomplished or learned.
4. Ask students to tell their neighbors what they just heard, learned, or understood.
5. Let the students ask their parents or other adults to write briefly why they appreciate their work, why they are proud of it, and what is positive about it.

How to organize group work of students on the implementation of the project, since the successful implementation of the project largely depends on the well-established group work of students, we give below some advice on its organization.

By the number of participants, a group of 3-6 people is considered optimal, because with fewer students it is difficult to consider the problem in different ways, and with more it is difficult to determine what kind of work each student has done.

It is best to form each group of strong middle and weak students. In heterogeneous groups, creative thinking is stimulated and intensive exchange of ideas takes place. Give students enough time to present different points of view, detailed discussions I have on the problem, a versatile consideration of the issue. It is also necessary to strive for both boys and girls in groups.

The composition of the group can not be permanent for a long time. It varies depending on the content and nature of the educational tasks that need to be performed. The group as a whole must be responsible for achieving its objectives, and each member must meet or part of the work. The task in the chest is performed in such a way that it is possible to take into account and evaluate the individual contribution of each of its members of the group and in general.

When organizing the work of students in groups, the teacher must adhere to the following rules:

1.Explanation of the educational task.

When a teacher unites students into groups, he has a child; explain to them how to perform tasks and how students should work together in a group.

2.Creating positive interdependence within the group.

Positive interdependence is necessary for the work and group. After explaining the task to the students, the teacher should help them create an atmosphere of cooperation by introducing positive interdependence during the work on the project. Positive interdependence connects students with each other, since no student can successfully complete the task himself, without all the other members of the group. When students are clearly aware of their positive dependence on each other, they see that the work and efforts of each of them are needed and without them the success of the whole group is impossible, and that each of them makes his personal contribution to the success of the whole group, fulfilling his role and tasks.

The teacher can create a positive interdependence of students in a group when:
- group members are united around one common positive goal of a specific reason for action;
- students share resources (materials) in the process of work; each of them is responsible for the performance of its part of the task, using part of the information, materials for the research;
- the teacher determines for the students in the group complementary, interrelated roles in the research process. Roles determine the responsibility that each student in the group assumes to perform a common task.

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