Tuesday 1 February 2022

How does the project follow?

in the process of discussion, do a good job of taking the lead. in the process of advancement, do a good job in the role of guarantor. in the process of follow-up, doing a good job in the role of timer is the core of project management.

01 project management core

many people are anxious when following up the project, there is no concept of time point, and each step is just an email to urge it to end. although i have sent a lot of emails, the results may still be bad, why is it?

many people feel that the wind and water are smooth when they follow up the project, but when the project is over, the head is empty, why?
in fact, both of these situations occur because they have not mastered the key to project follow-up.

the key to project follow-up is to find the key points of the project. follow-up projects should have a sense of mission, such as game tasks are three elements, time period + npc + mission objectives.

for follow-up projects, it's about getting the right people and things done at the right time.

when i was a child playing with the immortal sword, everyone knew the story of the ten mile slope sword god. a certain immortal sword player did not know how to proceed with the plot, and hit the bee on the first battle map of the immortal sword, ten mile slope, to reach level 99. his persistence and diligence are certainly admirable, but his time from ten mile slope to level 99 is enough to complete the plot 5 times.

ten mile slope sword god self-statement:

(well, i admit i can't find a boat to set off, how do i know if i'm going to take a passenger boat instead of a fishing boat.) )

so every time i opened the game, i played monsters on the same map, and the map point must be familiar to everyone, and the ten mile slope next to hometown was also.

playing only feel that the game is getting more and more boring, strange more and more easy to play, but the family only cousin to give this game, but also had to use it.

soon i accidentally found that the level is high and can have new moves, so i have more expectations for the level of fighting monsters and the expectation of gorgeous pictures.

however, it will still be boring to play like this for a long time, especially when the new moves are delayed, and the single attack of the slashing monster is still stronger than that of the sword god.

later, when i knew that i was going to take the passenger ship to continue the game, i li xiaoyao was already level 71... come on, my half a year's time!!! as a result, gradually, not only in the immortal sword realm, but even in the entire rpg realm, the "ten mile slope sword god" has become a legend about how boring people really are.

unlike the ten mile slope sword god, we have kpis and progress requirements, so the world's martial arts are only fast and unbreakable.

let's take some examples of scenarios in the follow-up of actual projects.

02 key points of project management

best value for money conference

the kick-off meeting can be said to be the most valuable meeting, not only can everyone stand on a unified standpoint to point out the needs, but also the cost performance is extremely high.

the cost-effectiveness of the kick-off meeting is that in the project start-up phase, it is an important time to set the tone and clarify the key points, and the absence of any one person will lead to a deviation in his understanding of the needs.

if he can find this deviation himself, it is better to say, if he tacitly goes down and finally reworks, this delay is not only time and resources, but also communication gaps and doubts.

the lack of a kick-off meeting will lead to the lack of first notification to the various stakeholders after the project requirements are clear, which will lead to excessive communication costs.

therefore, the time point of the startup meeting must be grasped well.

don't let the design get caught up in the back burner

the design here includes the designer and the sa, because the sa is often the key to requirements splitting and system analysis, and is considered the designer of the back end.

teams that value experience and want to make a good product know the importance of giving designers time and space.

so we must put the participation time of the pre-design, and never force them to fall into passivity.

both design documents and requirements documents require a writing cycle, and for requirements documents, product managers should prepare them at the beginning of the project. but when to give the design? it is recommended that after the kick-off meeting, immediately put forward the requirements to the designer, and the difference with the start-up meeting is that the requirements for the designer should involve the following aspects:

user characteristics: what kind of people are our user groups, and what kind of usage habits do we have?

  • functional scenarios: what is the specific scene, what is the user story?
  • real data: give real data to support and inform.
  • visual style: what kind of visual style should be, is it consistent or concise?
  • flexible space: what are the points that designers can play autonomously?
  • so how to reduce the possible demand pit? the magic weapon here is the needs analysis front.

after the document is thrown to the development, the demand analysis is not timely is also a major problem, and after handing over the document to the development, it is necessary to urge sa to do the requirements analysis and communicate in time.

after communicating with sa every day, the confirmation point should be given to the developer as soon as possible, so that the developer can confirm.

this part is the most variable part of project management, and repeated demand communication is generally the culprit of the delay.

before development, give sa plenty of time to analyze, which can maximize early mine clearance."

the most dangerous journey

there are always so many startups and problems that analytics can't solve, which we call real-world problems in the development process.

it is difficult to avoid making adequate preparations, and at this time, it is necessary to do a good job of follow-up, and the soldiers will cover the water.

when encountering landing problems, when the opportunity arises, i generally think of four points:

can this demand be cut?

  • will the new solution meet the demand?
  • what are the limitations of the new scheme?
  • how can this limitation point phase ii project be optimized?
  • be the first thing to do in those years

regardless of the change of requirements, what is our higher priority in the process of project follow-up?

here we look at three key nodes:

  • front-end completion
  • the backend is complete
  • deployment complete

at the first time of the front-end completion, please arrange the design walk-in and internal experience, and make renderings to report to the leader, so as to avoid the deviation of demand-side expectations.

the first time the back end is completed, please do data reconciliation and stress testing to see if the performance and data can work properly? and does most of the logic meet the requirements and meet the limits?

the first time the deployment is completed, please do the uat and acceptance in time, and do the grayscale related work, any negligence in the stage of the door will lead to imperfect results.

something that runs through

after talking about the time node, let's talk about what to do in the second time:

if there is no first priority event mentioned above, we have to do the second priority thing, that is:

take the change of requirements as an order, do three actions:

communicate with related parties, led by risk control/legal affairs/finance.
report to the leader in a timely manner and inform the business party.
update the materials and prd for summary and retention.
these three points are to prevent resistance outside the project from affecting the project's launch.

project aftermath

so what can we do after the hard work of following up the project?

the first is to prepare the follow-up optimization plan, especially the data buried and analyzed things, and the next step of data analysis plan.

then it is necessary to report in detail to the leader and explain how the project will develop and operate next.

the last and most important thing is to invite your team to a meal, in the process of the project, it is difficult for everyone to have emotional communication, at this time, please listen to everyone's views and opinions on the project, and facilitate the next step of work and cooperation.


first of all, we must grasp the core of project management, that is, task-based/time-based.

then, please grasp every key node, if you find the wrong person at the wrong node, it will disturb the work efficiency of others, and even delay the overall progress of the project. so for every key node, it is enough to grasp one or two key people.

finally, the vehicles for project advancement i recommend are conference calls and report emails, which can be called alarm bells for project management: progress reports, usually weekly or version cycles, and more monthly reports on the overall situation and expected status.

in the process of discussion, do a good job of taking the lead. in the process of advancement, do a good job in the role of guarantor. in the process of follow-up, doing a good job in the role of timer is the core of project management.

i hope that you can review and summarize more, find the trick in the rapidly changing project management, and do better every time.

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