Monday 24 January 2022

The Relationship with Project Management

Although i was in charge of system development, there are many people who say , "i do not know the market price of the cost in the first place ...".
here, we will tell such a person in charge the breakdown of the cost of system development, the mechanism, and how to reduce the cost of system development.
please refer to the ordering with the system company.

What is the breakdown of the cost of system development?

the cost of system development varies depending on the project. it also varies greatly depending on the difficulty of the project and the engineers involved in the project. so, first let's know the breakdown of the cost of system development.


Most are occupied by labor costs

labor costs account for the majority of system development costs. it is said that it accounts for about 80% of the total. of course, system development is not something that can be developed by a single engineer. the project proceeds with the team of project managers (pms) who steer the entire project, administrative personnel such as the project management office (pmo) to help, and system engineers (ses) and programmers (pg) who actually move their hands to create systems. therefore, system development requires a lot of labor costs.

Although i was in charge of system development, there are many people who say , "i do not know the market price of the cost in the first place ...".

here, we will tell such a person in charge the breakdown of the cost of system development, the mechanism, and how to reduce the cost of system development.
please refer to the ordering with the system company.


What is the breakdown of the cost of system development?

the cost of system development varies depending on the project. it also varies greatly depending on the difficulty of the project and the engineers involved in the project. so, first let's know the breakdown of the cost of system development.


Most are occupied by labor costs

labor costs account for the majority of system development costs. it is said that it accounts for about 80% of the total. of course, system development is not something that can be developed by a single engineer. the project proceeds with the team of project managers (pms) who steer the entire project, administrative personnel such as the project management office (pmo) to help, and system engineers (ses) and programmers (pg) who actually move their hands to create systems. therefore, system development requires a lot of labor costs.

i also want to remember the fp method (function point method)

  • When considering the cost of system development, it is the FP method (function point method).
  • The FP method is a method of estimating the scale of development by applying a score (function point) for each function implemented during system development.
  • For example, "This function is easy to implement, so it is 5 points, and conversely, this function has a high difficulty in implementation, so 15 points" etc. Then, after adding up the scores, the development cost is calculated.

i want to make system development cheaper! how is that?

the way to keep system development cheap is to convey a concrete image of the function and work that you want to realize. a common story in system development is that after the completion of the system, there is a request for "i wanted to do more ...", and the development cost increases every time it is modified. in order to avoid this, it is important to decide only the conditions that can never be given up in advance and share the image concretely.

it is also a good idea to assume the number of years of use of the system (payback period). high development costs should not be spent on systems that are scheduled to be used only for a short period of time. by assuming a period of time to use the system before development, you can determine the function that is suitable for it. as a result, development costs are also reduced.

finally, "use asp or package". in system development, there is a "package" that was created assuming a general business form. there are many cases where the benefits increase both on a schedule and in terms of cost by using this. of course, you can customize this package, but it also increases the cost. therefore, regardless of the fine customization, it is possible to avoid major customization and reduce costs by using the package as it is as much as possible.

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