Monday 24 January 2022

Identifying solution for project Aim

The first thing to include in a project plan is the "purpose" of the project. In order to implement a project, there must be a "clear purpose" of why the project should be done. but what a number of projects have unclear objectives!

the purpose of a project is to be the foundation of the project. only if there is a purpose, "what to do with the project" and "how to proceed with the project" can be decided firmly, and if the project is carried out with the fundamentals in a wobbly state, the following serious problems will occur.

There is also another important point when creating a project plan. it's about creating a plan that involves stakeholders who are planning to be a key member of the project, not a single project manager. by consulting on how to proceed with the project and considering ideas together, not only will the accuracy of the plan be improved, but it can also increase the awareness of participation among members. it is necessary to build a relationship here that allows you to cooperate more independently in project promotion as "a plan created by sharing wisdom together", not "a plan given by the project manager".

  • - Describes why there was a need to complete the project.
  • - It is clear what circumstances prompted the authors to write the project.
  • - Demonstrates how important and significant the problem looks to the reader (represents an extraordinary case).
  • - Shows how related to the goals and objectives of the applicant organization?
  • - Shows the reasonableness of the scale of the work - no attempts are made to solve all the world's problems at once.
  • - Supported by statistics, references to authorities in the field, citations from key literature sources (1-5) and expert opinions.
  • - The problem is formulated from the point of view of those whose needs are served by the applicant, and not the applicant himself.
  • - The section contains no unsubstantiated claims.
  • - Contains a minimum of scientific and other special terms, interesting to read and concise (as far as possible).

Section «Goals and objectives»


The "Goals and Objectives" section is a sequential enumeration of goals and objectives in a specific and concise form.

While working on this section of the project proposal, we suggest adhering to the following recommendations:

If you have done a good job on the problem your project is aimed at solving, then the formulation of the goal and objectives should not cause you any difficulties. It is enough to remember that, in fact, the goal is an "inverted problem", and the tasks directly follow from the reasons for the occurrence of this problem formulated by you and are "steps towards achieving the goal of the project".

  • - Remember the rule:
  • · Goals should be specific and measurable.
  • · Goals should be time-oriented.
  • · The goal must be achievable.
  • · Goals should be mutually supportive.
  • - Tasks are specific and measurable possible changes to the situation you described in the "Problem Statement" section. Tasks should be as specific as possible. They should contain data on the usefulness of the project.

- From experience, most often in social projects several categories of tasks can be distinguished:

  • Organizational    - Formation of the group... trainers, volunteers, pedagogical team, website, database, etc. - Attraction of additional resources, etc.
  • Training    - Advanced training ... groups of volunteers, educators, etc. - Mastering (transferring) technology ...
  • Methodical    - Development and release... methodical manual, etc. - Development... program, training module, etc. - Practical mastery of technology...
  • Information    - Raising awareness of ... - Drawing public attention to...
  • Coordination    - Coordination of efforts of organizations interested in ...

I guess the list goes on... Think about what other tasks can there be?

Evaluation criteria of the section "Goals and objectives of the project":

1) describes the estimated results of the project, which are measurable. The goal is the bottom line. Objectives - concrete steps to achieve the goal.

2) from the section it is clear what will happen as a result of the project, what changes will occur in the current situation.

3) to what extent the goals and objectives logically follow from the formulation of the problem.

(4) for each of the problems formulated in the preceding section, there is at least one clear objective.

(6) the objectives are in principle achievable and the results are measurable.

7) it is clear from the section who will benefit from the implementation of the project.

8) indicate the deadline for achieving the goals.

9) the language is clear and clear.

10) the authors do not confuse the formulation of tasks with the methods of their solution.

An example of the formulation and interconnection of the sections "Description of the problem to which the project is aimed at solving" and "Goals and objectives":

 Shared example – 10x more efficient work

in a small project included in the project,  was able to achieve 10 times more work efficiency simply by sharing the purpose of the project. ten times is a bit unbelievable efficiency, but the main factor was that we were not able to draw out the abilities of the talented people we had gathered because we didn't share the purpose originally.

at one point,led a group called the special engineering detachment, which brought together students from high schools across the u.s. who had excellent engineering grades. the group's role was to do the calculations on the machines developed by ibm at the time. the best students selected from all over the u.s. were breaking down perfectly meaningless numbers into the machine and submitting results that didn't make sense at all. the efficiency of the work was so slow, "i have solved three problems over nine months.".


very simple lecture informed them of the content and purpose of their calculations. as soon as the lecture was over, the students said, "i know the purpose of our work, we're in war!" and recover motivation at once. once they knew the purpose, they developed an efficient approach, improved work arrangements, and even created a program that could be used back.

in fact, the students were calculating the compressive energy when the atomic bomb exploded, and the results of the calculations were used to make the atomic bombs. the work efficiency of the students, who had meaning and could understand the meaning and purpose of the calculation results, improved so much that they solved "nine problems in three months", according. originally, they were excellent students in engineering, so once they knew their purpose, their abilities became fully demonstrated with increased motivation.

by the way, the machine  where these students were hitting the number was a machine which read the numerical value driven into the punch card and calculated ,that is, the computer which was not general yet at that time. the excitement of the students who learned that they were using computers, the products of state-of-the-art technology, was also extraordinary.

there are several factors behind 10x work efficiency just by sharing the purpose of the project.

  • it was placed in an environment where
  • excellent members could not demonstrate their abilities at all 
  • originally it was a job where meaningful work felt meaningless 
  • the biggest concern at that time was the whereabouts of the war

these background factors are fairly extreme in modern times. it is rare to have the case as it is. therefore, it is not possible to say that if you share the purpose of the project, your work will be 10 times more efficient immediately.

however, it is worth noting that simply sharing objectives has improved work efficiency. if your workers are inefficient or misguided when the treatment is not bad, it's a good idea to double-check whether the project's objectives are shared, whether they understand them appropriately, and if they understand them.

in this example, was good at setting a purpose for things that were familiar and interesting to the project members. the young person at that time was roughly interested in the war apart from right or wrong of the war, and was not an exception either. by communicating the purpose of the project to the members, accurately explaining how meaningful they are, and showing them how useful they can help them achieve their goals, they raised their motivations at a time.

if this lesson is generalized, "it is more effective to make the purpose of sharing as specific as possible and feel familiar." it would be. sharing the purpose of the project does not necessarily motivate members, but if specific and familiar objectives are presented, members can think of various measures to achieve the goal. at the very least, rather than shouting "increase efficiency" or "get the job done quickly" to the dark clouds, it will be better to share your goals and move together by calling for them to think together how to achieve better.

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