Friday 31 December 2021

What are the areas of the project management process?

The project management is about enabling teams to deliver valuable outputs in an orderly, productive and fast manner. the general project management process includes project start-up, project planning, project execution, project monitoring and project closing.

The project starts

The project startup is the first stage of project operation and the basis of project planning and execution. at this stage, first, we need to clarify the reasons for the project start-up, determine the legal status of the project, outline the scope of the project, and authorize the project manager to use the relevant resources to carry out the project work.

Second, we need to identify the project stakeholders. relevant parties include project sponsors, project managers, project team members, and other project stakeholders. once you identify which parties are relevant to the project, the project manager can build a level of focus on different stakeholders by analyzing information such as their interests, engagement, impact, and potential impact on the outcome of the project.

After completing the above-mentioned things, a project launch meeting can be held to share information with all parties involved in the project, to clarify the initial scope of the project, the project management plan, the responsibilities and obligations of the main stakeholders of the project, and the project construction process needs the support and cooperation of all parties.

project planning

project planning sets standards and assigns responsibilities for project implementation, and guides the smooth development of the project. in the project planning process, we need to develop a specific, comprehensive and accurate project plan, so that the project between performance quality, cost and duration to achieve the optimal balance.
in project planning, we break down tasks, clarify task leaders and task schedules, define definitions and criteria (e.g., definitions of "completion"), and manage them in a unified manner at a later stage. also, we should fully consider the resources involved in the project, team, etc., and align the information with project members and project stakeholders, reach a consensus, if there are relevant adjustments and changes to be synchronized with the project team in a timely manner, to ensure that the information transmission is smooth.

project execution

a project execution process is a set of processes that achieve the project's goals by performing specific work that is broken down in the project plan.
first, the project manager needs to obtain and coordinate resources according to the project plan. secondly, the project manager should further confirm the scope of the task, according to the plan to identify the different stages of quality standards, quality analysis, layer by layer to control the quality of the achievement of the goal, so as to ensure the quality of deliverables. in addition, the project manager should evaluate the project changes, grasp the balance between project progress, cost, quality, customer satisfaction, and ensure that the objectives of the project stakeholders are aligned.
in the whole project implementation process should pay attention to internal and external communication work, to maintain the effective communication of project information and timely transmission, improve work efficiency.

project monitoring

project monitoring tracks, reviews and adjusts project progress, monitors all aspects of the project, such as scope, schedule, cost, resources, quality and risk, and identifies deviations from the project plan.
in the project monitoring process group, we should pay attention to the follow-up and reporting of the project situation, regularly evaluate the overall status of the project, track the change trend of some key indicators, and observe whether there are abnormal indicators. if you encounter an urgent problem, you need to quickly determine the urgency, report to your superiors in a timely manner, and make appropriate adjustments.
at the same time, risk management should be done well, identify the risks that may arise in the course of the project in advance, and develop a response plan. if new risks are identified as the project progresses, a response should be developed as soon as possible and the impact on the project should be followed up. in addition, reasonable risk feedback channels should be set up in order to identify risks in a timely manner and avoid them.


the project is closed

the closing process of the project involves the phased closure of the whole project, including the conclusion of the contract and the management of the closure, the closing of the contract is to check with the customer, whether to complete all the requirements of the contract and close the accounts, the management of the closing of the project is the project's relevant parties to the final deliverables of the formal acceptance. among them, the project acceptance is to verify that the work or tasks stipulated in the project plan have been completed, and whether the deliverables are satisfactory to the customer.
finally, the project is re-opened and archived, the project experience is summarized, more resources are sought for the next project and the process optimization of similar projects is done well, and the document summarizes precipitation.
Before starting a project, clear and control the five major processes of project management: project start-up, project planning, project execution, project monitoring, project finishing, can make the project in the right direction. in addition, you can choose the right project management tool based on the nature and complexity of your project. ones as a professional enterprise-class research and development management tools, to provide enterprises with project efficiency management, project progress management and other product development coverage of the entire life cycle of research and development management services, can help project managers to control the project, improve the success rate of the project.

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