Tuesday 22 January 2019

6 Functions of Human Resource Management

The human resource management is the combination of operative functions in the field of human resources. Human resources management of the function is as follows:

Labor Procurement

This function relates to the attempt to get the labor in the amount and quality of that need. The determination of prospective employees, conducting the selection and placement of employees.


Human resources management functions related to the improvement of the competence of existing workforce clearly provide intensive exercise, Which already existed clearly give incentives. So that the exercise is expected to be reinstated higher demands certain skill and can adjust to the development of technology and an efficient way of working.


The compensation function in relation to the core of the discussion regarding the determination of the retribution. That reasonable and fair be felt by every worker. So expect the existence of self-motivation in each worker to improve accomplishment of work.


This function is an attempt of interests between employer’s retribution as well as self-esteem. Then look for a settlement in order to achieve a safe and serene atmosphere.


Function of the maintenance is  from four previous function in an attempt to preserve, maintain and improve the condition of on workers.

Termination (separation)

Termination function to decide and return employees to the public. Because this problem can occur because of one thing or another in this termination must be in accordance with the conditions. Even and ensure that the citizens of the returned community are in the best condition possible.

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