This may sound familiar to you: you and the team are running a problem-solving program in the company's operations, and managed to solve the problem at that time. But not for some time since the program ended, the same signs of occurrence of the problem began to show up. Finally the problem really reappears and you and the team have to repeat the same troubleshooting activity. Over time you feel that the problems that arise become multiplied.
If it starts to upset you, there's nothing wrong with listening to this article, because Jason Piatt, an expert on Lean Six Sigma, shares how to develop successful resolutions with permanent and sustainable results.
Partial Troubleshooting
When we perform problem-solving activities , there are many possibilities that can cause the solution we apply to be done only partially, so the problem occurs again and again, with mutations that may vary so we feel the problem must be solved so much.
By targeting and correcting the really basic issues that cause all these problems to occur, we will have 2 advantages:
- It can save the energy and resources used to solve all the problems on the surface by clearing the root of the problem.
- Create sustainable improvements in the organization.
To improve problem-solving skills, the operations team should be adequately trained and assisted to find corrective actions that are permanent outcomes for each problem.
Five Keys to Success in Problem-Solving
Piatt describes some of the keys that can be considered when performing activities or programs alleviation problems are:- 1) FOCUS ON ROOT CAUSE (ROOT CAUSE), NOT THE SYMPTOM It is easy for us to 'get stuck' in an activity that only removes the symptom, but the root of the problem is not even touched. If you have a delivery problem, it's not enough just to shout, "Never late to send!" To your staff to erase the problem to its root. Instead of just looking at the problems that are scattered around you, you should ask "Why?" And dig into the core that causes the problem to occur. The root of the problem may be one thing, some things, or some thing that interacts with other issues that exist in the operation.
- 2) REMOVE ALL ROOT CAUSE If we simply eliminate one root problem from a problem that has multiple causes, then do not expect that problem you can get rid of. The roots of other problems will come back 'making trouble' and even modifying the problem into a new form that can be identified as a different problem. In the root cause analysis activity we must identify all the root causes and develop a plan to eliminate them all to ensure problems will never arise.
- 3) DO NOT CONFUSE 'CONTAINMENT' WITH RESOLUTION Once an operational issue is identified, the problem must be 'held back' to stop the resulting harm. Awareness will increase and those who feel the loss of the problem work together to identify a short-term strategy to ensure the problem does not spread, while a permanent corrective action is formulated and developed. Unfortunately, much of the time, the problem-solving (or temporary 'containment' containment ) is being left too long, while other issues emerge. Do not let this happen! Immediately do a permanent problem solving and do not let this detention take too long.
- 4) PERFORM AN AUDIT OF PROBLEM-SOLVING RESULTS When a problem has been solved in operation, it is highly recommended to periodically assess the resolution to ensure that the problem has been completely eradicated. Post-mortem analysis (which is done after the problem-solving program is completed) should also be done to find out why everything that works properly will bring effectiveness, and the wrong things will cause ineffectiveness. Honesty and the ability to focus on the process will greatly determine the effectiveness of this analysis.
- 5) DO NOT GET OVER-ADJUSTED Another possible trend is that we do problem-solving activities, and knowing the potential problems to re-occur, we will create an antidote system that will distract the reappearance. Remember that sometimes the cycle-time required to construct a solution is longer than the frequency of occurrence of the problem itself. That is, when the problem is resolved and the modified process, another problem will occur (and escape the containment strategy), especially if not all root-causes are identified. In this case, it is very important to identify what problems arise due to the failure of 'detention', and what problems arise because the new process fails to fulfill its function. Focusing on the root cause of the failure is urgently needed for final resolution.
By doing a problem-solving action carefully, we will be able to consistently improve profitability and create more output with fewer resources. It is important to perform effective problem-solving activities, every time!
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