Saturday 8 December 2018

Types of JIT - Just in time

Types of JIT

The just-in-time inventory system is a management strategy that aligns raw-material orders from suppliers directly with production schedules. Companies use this inventory strategy to increase efficiency and decrease waste by receiving goods only as they need them for the production process, which reduces inventory costs. This method requires producers to forecast demand accurately.

The purpose of JIT production is to avoid the waste associated with overproduction, waiting and excess inventory, three of the seven waste categories defined in the Toyota Production System.

Types of JIT

  1. Flow manufacturing

    Flow manufacturing requires elimination, where possible, the pile of WIP and transport tools to allow the working-process flow rate through the line. The goal is to have every step of the work product through a process chain level correctly processed in a time cycle.

  2. Multi-process handling

    It is conventional equipment layout scheme, in which some machines have the same processing functions are grouped together as souvenirs, one worker may be able to handle multiple machines, but deal with some process that is out of the question. Different layout schemes, will allow a single worker to move with the workplace from the process to the process of the workplace until the processing is complete. This last arrangement is called multi-process handling.

  3. Kanban

    A Kanban system comprises of the tools for maintaining Just-In-Time production. Kanban are signs that contains operating instructions and / or the information part of the delivery.

    The Kanban is useless in factories that are still using conventional push system / type of production method.
    In fact, they tend to increase inventory warehouse in a situation like this. The manufacturer must first switch to the manufacturing flow, and should start pulling the workplace from the process to the process rather than encouraging them.

  4. Manpower reduction

    Conventionally, the production line has been organized to view the number of activities that do not need and need of manpower. JIT production system rejected the way of thinking and instead set up production using a minimum number of employees (personnel costs) fluctuations of the next process (market). The keys keep not just reducing.

  5. Visual control

    A main method to make improvements which are able to inform in making the failure line or factory-floor problems visible and obvious enough so that anyone can easily see them. Various devices can be used to make the production line more visible problems. The Kanban and (line-stop alarm lights) are two such as visual control devices.

  6. Leveling

    A little earlier, I use the term "Push System" in discussing the production scheme. That was popular during the era of mass production. Image Push System, separate groups (the larger the better). Such as the production of meat and vegetables that set one by one on a push system.

    Many process and then conducted storage. It's the concept of calls for the kind of product and the volume that will spread to generate production flow rates as possible. Thus, leveling is the basis for both Just-In-Time production and manufacturing flow.

  7. The Changeover

    Here, I use the "changeover" as a broad term replacement not only, but also other operations, such as the revision of standard and replacement parts assembly and other materials. It is a purpose for the time needed for such operations. Strong manufacturing lines, flexible customized changes.

  8. Quality assurance

    Quality is not something that just happens when we have production equipment and modern. Similarly, the equipment operators do not necessarily reduce the number of defective products. Instead, quality assurance approaches to all production factors, including people, goods, equipment production, and production methods.

  9. Standard operations

    Standard operating procedure is very important to keep current manufacturing after being established in line with the production schedule. In short, the standard operations are operations that have been painstakingly develop to achieve and maintain. An effective combination of people, goods and machines to produce high-quality products that are economical, quick, and secure.

  10. Human automation

    The human automation is Automation with a human touch, and therefore different automation in the usual sense. It led people into the process automation to ensure reliability, flexibility, and precision.

  11. Maintenance and safety

    In the JIT production system, the entire production flow is stop every time even the engine breaks even at the lower level. That is why the JIT production system places great value on maintenance activities. That maintain high production capacity. The same emphasis is place on security - the first and foremost consideration in production. To create a human environment - a good engine and prevent damage and accidents.

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