Wednesday 26 December 2018

Principles of Management

To become a leader or Leader of a good and successful, surely we must know about the science of management. Management in English language United Kingdom call "Management" comes from the word "Manage" which means it is set or take care of.

While according to the definition of Management can be translate into a series of activities direct at the Organization's resources in order to achieve the goals of the organization with an effective and efficient manner. A series of activities in question is comprise of planning, organizing, controlling, and coordinating. While the Organization's resources can be Financial, Labor, physical and information.

14 Principles of Management

In the study of management science, we also need to know the principles that form the basis of management. An expert in the theory of management and the administration of the French introduce the 14 principles of management.  14 principles of Management are as follows:

  1. Division of Labor (Division of Work)

The job should be divide into elements that are smaller or specialization so that the Output (the work of) employees and effectiveness will be increase along with the increase capability and expertise on a task that is perform by him.

  1. The balance of authority and Responsibility (Authority and Responsibility)

The Manager have the authority in instructing subordinates do or not do something. Each employee is given the authority to do a job. But one thing to remember, is derive from an Authority responsibility. Therefore, the authority and Responsibility must be balance, the greater the authority was also greater.

  1. Disciplined (Discipline)

Discipline must be enforce within an organization, but each organization has different ways in enforcing discipline. Discipline is the Foundation of an organization's success in achieving the goal of the organization.

  1. Unity of command (Unity of Command)

Base on the principle of Unity of command, the employee should only take orders from a supervisor only and is also responsible to one employer only. If too many Bosses who gave the order, the employee in question will be hard to distinguish his priority. It will also give rise to confusion and not focus on the tasks that they provide.

  1. Unity of direction (Unity of the NE)

Employees who work in an organization must have a goal and the same direction and a work base on the same plan.

  1. Give priority to the interests of the organization 

The above the interests of the individual (the Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest). The interests of the Organization should take precedence of individual interests of an employee. Including the interests of the individual Manager itself.

  1. Fair Compensation (Remuneration)

One of the factors that affect job satisfaction employees are Wage or Salary that is base on the task at the charges. The compensation in question it can be either Financial or non-financial.

  1. Centralization (Centralization)

A leader or manager must adopt the principle of balance Centralization (instead of full Centralization or full Decentralization). This is because full Centralization (Complete Centralization) will reduce the role of the subordinates in an organization, while decentralization will cause confusion in decision making. The authority delegate should be proportional to the specific responsibilities that are given.

  1. Scalar Chain (Scalar Chain)

Scalar chain is the line of authority from top to down. Every employee should be aware of their position in the Organizational Hierarchy. The line of authority this will show what the authority and responsibilities.

  1. The code of conduct (Order)

Discipline holds an important role in working because basically everyone cannot work well in a chaotic and tense conditions. In addition, to improve the efficiency of work, facilities and work equipment must be arrange with the neat and clean.

  1. Justice (Equity)

Manager must act fairly to all employees. Regulations and Agreements that have been establish should be upheld in a fair manner so that the morale of employees can be maintain properly.

  1. employees ' conditions of stability (stability of tenure of personnel)

Maintain a productive Employee is an important priority in management. Manager should strive to encourage and create Employee loyalty towards the organization.

  1. the Initiatives (Initiative)

Employees should be given the freedom to take the initiative in setting up and running the planning, surely must be with the limits of authority and responsibility is given.

  1. The spirit of Unity

In principle "Esprits de corps" this, management must always strive to develop and improve the unity of the spirit of the team.

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