Saturday 8 December 2018

Kanban system implementation

Kanban is derived from Japan which means Signboard. It is a tool that is used to run Just In Time. This method scheduling system that is men trigger to produce. How many would be produced. So it is not a system for controlling the amount of inventory. It will be became an effective tool to support the operations of the production system as a whole.

The system is the identity card that serves as an information tool of the movement of goods.

KBN serves as the production of goods and a signal as signal commands to move goods from one post production to post production. KBN is also often called a control tool to realize the production on time (Just In Time).


Nevertheless, KBN isn't the only tool implementation of JIT. But important enough to smoother the Flow of process and control Inventory in the process. Visualization of KBN in the production line is a reference to do kaizen/repair, by way of reducing the number of outstanding. The idea of the use of KBN first introduce by Taichi Ohno, in order to increase the level of production systems in the Toyota factory.

The principle of Just in Time refers to the supermarket. Where customers get what they need, at the time of the wanted, and the desired amount. Supermarkets only had stock fit for sale, and customers buy only require because the supply of the goods is already guaranteed.

JIT & KANBAN system

Here JIT sees a process is a customer of the previous process, and the process earlier as a supermarket shelves. Process customers go to a previous process to take a required component and save the stock. Here the the system is use as a tool to guide customers to the stock that is need.

Kanban use the speed control to speed production demand. Starting from the end customer up through the whole process chain. It apply the principle of "pull", where products are only made after a trigger of a customer. This is in contrast to the old concept of "push" where products move from one process to another process although no request. Kanban signal to give the previous process to move the goods.

Rules of the system

Use to ensure that stock in smaller quantities with manage. Where the supply response is not fast enough to changes in demand can result in lost sales. Then there is a need to guarantee stock. There are six main rules in implementation:

  • do not send the goods defects to later process

  • the process only takes goods according their needs

  • of production only as needed and the amount taken the

  • Capacity between the process of equitable

Kanban is a tool for fine tuning

The process must be stabilize to System General is 3 bin system. One bin for point-to-point, one at the factory, and one supplier. Bin contains cards that could be on the move which contains details of products and relevant information. At the time of demand, then the empty bin and this system are submit to the factory. The factory produces and then fill the bin with the stuff there are also card. The existing factory in bin became empty, then the manufacturer will submit an empty bin to supplier.

Supplier will fill the bin and return to the factory along with the system. This process completes the cycle. The product will be always on hand and running a chain. The number of needed and never will be an oversupply. Spare bin use to anticipate fluctuations of supply. A good  system is calculating how many cards are require for each product.

Internal Process merging

Each process area or work cell line production has two mail boxes. One to one withdrawal and one for the production.  With the interval specified operator will take the withdrawal  already accumulate in mail boxes. A box or bin that is already empty, to the location where the finish goods in the form of a component or assembly from the process results beforehand saved.

Each palette/bin is full in the production will take and put into a box of post-production. The operator will now put/embedding withdrawal to pallet or bin and took him to his process. When will this new pallet is use, then the withdrawal card this will put again to the postbox withdrawal card. On each line in the production process, production periodically taken from mail boxes to determine what goods will be on production and how much should be produced.

Most effective when wearing Kanban?

Kanban helps facilitate production planning to meet the changing demand of the customer. The system requires monthly and weekly plans, and to simplify the kaban the flexibility of day to day, and changed to a production plan to give to the process of assembly and automatically performs to its upstream process. Kanban system can be fixed in amount by reducing the number of kanban or reducing the number of parts in the bin (standard container quantity).

The effect will accelerate the flow along the process and reduces the lead time process. But it also makes the system more sensitive to the breakdown of the engine. By identifying an area that often causes interference stops, then the improvement can be implemented there. So the overall efficiency of the production line can be increased. The other type of supplier  Kanban is to pull items from an external supplier. Will automatically start production when the stock reaches the reorder point.

On a single card Kanban system, part in production and purchased according to daily schedule, and delivery to users in control by withdrawal kanban.

The ideal situation is to expect lean is received customer order that triggers the beginning of the process and product flow to the value stream without delay. In fact, the State of continuous flow it could not directly occur in the Kanban process separate distance and relay out can't directly do. So the approach is the use of pull system.

The Pull system is helpful to prevent the occurrence of an oversupply or overstock of next.
For example,

if we men supply 100 items when needed only 80 of the goods by the customer or the next, then the process will happen an oversupply.

The Pull system used to move products along the value stream at the time of customer demand or the need of the next process. So there is no process runs without the occurrence of the pull of the customer either internally or external. In production, Kanban system will serve as a visual control that triggers the signal to begin the process of filling and filling stuff into the next process. Kanban translated directly as card signals.

First before deciding whether we will use the kanban is we see the possibility of conducting flow. Flow can be achieved by doing improvements be relay out i.e. hold between one process to the next, and the material is moved one by one-the one with the pull principle according to needs of the next process. Then a second consideration is to calculate the coefficient of variation of the demand. Fluctuating demand will cause variations. We can calculate the magnitude of this variation with the parameters of the standard deviation. The coefficient of variation is to compare the average value of the demand with the standard deviation.

There are three kinds of types of Kanban:

  1. Withdrawal Kanban: card signals that explains what should be in and where the pull on the pull.

  2. Production Kanban: card signals that trigger the onset of production processes

  3. Supplier Kanban: card signal is used to trigger the supplier to fill in batches.

We need to make the identification of the value stream in its entirety starting from goods received from suppliers through to every production process is heading to the finished goods warehouse. Then we can identify which processes have very small flow capacity of the overall process steps. This process we refer to as the pacemaker is a process which has the lowest rate and serves as a determinant of schedule for downstream pull. This determines the speed of the pacemaker process of upstream and downstream processes.

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