Tuesday 13 November 2018

Poka Yoke and its application in Production

Poka Yoke

Understanding Poka Yoke and its application in Production - The word "Poka Yoke" from Japan that is to prevent due to carelessness errors by human labor. According to the concept of Poka Yoke, essentially human nature is forgetful and prone to err. The workplace, the workers are often blamed. This not only can break employee morale but also unable to resolve problems that occur. POKA is very important in avoiding the error that occurred.

This concept first introduced Paka Yoke circa 1960 's by Shigeo Shingo as part of the production system of

Totoya (Toyota Production System).

Poka Poka = Misu = error due to Carelessness (Careless Mistakes)
Yoke = Yokeru = Avoid (• avoid)

Poka Yoke is a technique to overcome and avoid simple mistakes due to human or worker (Human Error) in the workplace in a manner preventing it from directly from the root causes (root cause) mistakes and draw attention in a particular job or task so that it does not have the possibility of making mistakes.

Poka Yoke method is also one of the tools for quality improvement in the methodology of Six Sigma and quality assurance Strategies (Quality Assurance) in Lean Manufacturing.

Human traits that cause the occurrence of errors (Human Error) include:

  • Forget

  • Breaking the rules or procedures established

  • Is it wrong to identify?

  • The misunderstanding

  • Too quick to take the conclusions

  • Fatigue

  • Inaccuracy

  • Element of deliberate action

  • No concentration in working

  • Lack of training

  • And so on.

The mistakes that often occur due to the nature of man are:

  • Damage to components

  • Wrong installation of the components

  • Wrong measurement

  • Installation of components that are upside down

  • Measurement or measurement results vary

  • Noise

  • Excess component

  • Dirty

The purpose of the application of the method of Poka Yoke is to:

  1. Reduce or eliminate 100% inspection

  2. There is no room for error

  3. Prevent the occurrence of defects or damage from its source

  4. Reducing the dependency to Human Power to probe

  5. Zero Defects (Zero Damage)

Poka Yoke Approach

There are two approaches in the concept of Poka Yoke, that is:

Prevent Mistakes

Approach to "Prevent Mistakes" approach is to prevent the occurrence of Errors prior to error or quality problems occur. The methods used to Prevent Mistakes approach is a method of supervision (Control Method) and the method of warning (Warning Method)

Detect Mistakes

Approach to "Detect Mistakes" approach is made after errors or quality problems have occurred. The methods used to Detect Mistakes approach is the Contact Method, the Fixed Value Method and Motion Step Method.

Basic Functions the Application of Poka Yoke

The three basic functions of Poka Yoke, among others:

  1. Control, namely the supervision or control of the process to prevent errors or damage flowing into the next process

  2. Shutdown, i.e. do stop doing the work if the detected errors or damage

  3. Warning, that gives a warning when there is abnormality, errors or damage

Step-by-step application of Poka Yoke

The following are the steps in setting up methods of Poka Yoke:

  1. Describe the damage or potential damage that will be resolved. String together a Ratio or a percentage of the damages that occurred.

  2. Identify the process by which the damage is happening.

  3. Write clearly and detail work on the process that will be in the analysis.

  4. Watch carefully the process, is there a difference to what has been specified.

  5. Identify the steps of work or the conditions that can cause damage/error work like environment, measurement tools and work equipment. Use the troubleshooting method 5 REV. (5 why) to get the root cause factors.

  6. Identify POKA YOKE equipment that will be used to resolve these problems.

  7. Do re-evaluation after the application equipment POKA YOKE?

Examples of application of Poka Yoke

Some examples of cases the application of POKA YOKE in everyday life:

  1. Computer USB connector cannot be inserted upside down

  2. Electric breaker would jump if the load exceeds the electricity or electrical short relationship occurs (Short circuit)

  3. There are Auto (Auto Spelling) spelling of the language in Microsoft Word to avoid wrong writing.

  4. Alarm goes off when the car is parked backwards.

  5. The elevator doors could not be opened when the Elevator moves.

POKA YOKE example case in production:

  1. Do Check list (list of checks) to ensure that all tasks have been carried out.

  2. The colorful the connector to prevent incorrect usage of Connectors

  3. The use of sensors in production

  4. Electric plug using a 3 pin to prevent wrong installation

  5. Use Pin Guide to installation components

  6. Use a Template to avoid wrong location when mounting the components.

  7. Give a Signal (alarm) if the temperature in the soldering Tin machine decreases.

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