Friday 30 November 2018

Lean Manufacturing Will Be Wasted Without These 5 Principles

The success of Lean Manufacturing originally created by Toyota makes this method now used in various manufacturing sectors around the world. This method works by removing unnecessary components and streamlining the process.

Five Principles

According to Womack and Jones, founder of Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), there are five Lean principles we must understand:

  1. Value

    We must be able to determine the value or goal to be achieve. For example, when is the timeline for production process and delivery date? How much will it cost? What are the other key requirements or expectations that must be met? What is the level of customer satisfaction over the goods or services provide? This information is very important to determine the purpose and the final value.

  2. Value stream

    After the values and objectives have been determine, the next step is to map the value stream , i.e. all steps and processes while still being the raw material to be the final product that will be given to the customer.

    Although value stream mapping is consider a simple thing, but we must be able to identify each process and steps that are taken during the production process. The process can be in the area of design, production, procurement, human resources, administration, delivery, or customer service.  The trick is to create a picture of a "map" and write down the whole process from start to finish. From this mapping will be seen and identified the part or step which is not efficient, so we can delete. Value stream mapping is sometimes referred to as a re-engineering process.

  1. Flow

    Once the "leaky" or wasteful part is remove  from the value stream, then we just make sure the remaining steps run smoothly in uninterrupted directions, delays, or congestion.

  2. Pull

    This stage is where we ensure production is in line with what our customers want and need, focusing on the products they will need. The more flexible the production through the reduction of the waste, the better we can align the attractiveness of the customer. With this process the production will increase and product delivery can be delivered on time, customer satisfaction is fulfill.

  3. Perfection

    Last and most important: make Lean thinking and process improvement from your corporate culture. As your profits grow, it's important to remember that Lean is not a static system, it still requires good effort and care to be perfect. Involve each employee in implementing lean.

If your product has to go through several long processes, then your way still contains some elements of waste. Well, this is where Lean is need for cycle time efficiency, productivity, and material costs so as to lower costs and improve competitiveness. Remember, Lean is not limit to manufacturing but includes how to create teamwork relationships, inventory management, and even client interaction.

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