Wednesday 7 November 2018

Employee Training and Development

Learning Objectives

Understand the training process from needs assessment through evaluation. Demonstrate mastery by designing, conducting and evaluating a training project for an organization.

Meaning of Training

Training: An organization’s plan effort to facilitate employees’ learning of job-related competencies.

Development: Formal education, job experiences, relationships and assessments of personality and abilities that help employees prepare for the future. Development- programs means, prepare employees with learning which will allow them to grow individually alongside the organization itself.

  • Training refers to the methods use to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs.

  • It is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs”.

  • Programs that are more present-day orient, focuses on individual’s current jobs, enhancing specific skills and abilities to immediately perform their jobs, call training.

Training and Development Process

Though different texts may use different terms, these are the general steps in the training and development process. These elements will be discuss separately in class. It is important to recognize, though, that these elements are not mutually exclusive and encompass sub components that may blend with one another. For example, evaluation is list at the end, but it should occur throughout the process.

  1. Needs assessment and analysis.

    Identifies the specific job performance skills need, assesses the prospective trainee’s skills, and develops specific, measurable knowledge and performance objectives base on any deficiencies.

  1. Training program design.

    Here we decide on, compile, and produce the training program content, including workbooks, exercises, and activities.  These programs are represent in front of the small representative audience.

  1. Training program development.

  2. Implementation and delivery of training.

    This step comprises of actually training the target employee group.

  3. Training evaluation.

    Management assesses the program’s successes or failures.

Training and Development Programs

  • Many new employees come equip with most of the knowledge and skills need to start work. Others may require extensive training before they are ready to make much of a contribution to the organization.

  • A majority however, will at one time or another require some type of training or development activity in order to maintain an effective level of job performance.

  • While training may have accomplish on an informal basis, but better results are usually attain through a well-organize, formal training program or a comprehensive on-the-job development program.

General Training Program

  1. Management Training:

    These training are related to enhancing skills of managers. These training fall under the responsibility of HR division. They are responsible for ensuring effective training programs by investing in training. The above mention training programs are subdivided into different forms:

  1. Overseas Training:

    Provides need-based training to the employees through the usage of appropriate external training institutes, which are very often conduct overseas. Most of the functional training are foreign training.

  1. Local Training:

    These training are carry out within the country by reputed training institutions like British Council and many others. Sometimes, consultants from foreign training institutes are invite to conduct training. These training usually take place at a different venue other than the office.

  1. In-House Training:

    These training are basically held within the office premises and usually get conduct by the senior managers who are specialists in different fields.

Employee Orientation Program:

HR Department also conducts New employee orientation programs for newly join employees. When a new employee joins the company, he needs to be introduce to his job as well as to the company. The objectives of the orientation program are to welcome the new employee, orient him about the company’s vision, purpose, values, shareholders, divisional activities etc. This is arrange to make a new recruit feel that he is part of the company. There are two version of the new employee orientation program, a two-day long version and a half day short version. Here representative from each division makes the divisional presentation.

Training Coordination Team:

Training coordination team members are the designate individuals who represent one or more divisions and coordinate and monitor all training programs of their respective divisions, ensuring that HR and other divisions jointly coordinate all training program. They ensure optimum coordination of all training activities and increase the derive value of the training programs.

Training Need Assessment:

A training need assessment is done on the basis of the information receive from performance appraisal report form at the end of each year. Training need is assess base on job description and job specification of a particular employee.

In the performance appraisal format, there are specify spaces where employees can indicate the field / area in which they feel they need training, whereas in another space, the supervisor can identify the training need of particular employee.

Evaluation of Training Program:

The evaluation form has been devise to assess the participants’ satisfaction level of the training program and obtain feedback in the form of recommendations to improve the overall quality of the training program. To obtain feedback on the overall training program, a questionnaire has been devise to receive participants’ view on the following aspects of the training:

  • Specific expectations

  • Strengths

  • Weaknesses

Why does a training program can be fail?

There is nothing more valuable or productive than highly train employees. Yet training has historically fail to produce the desire results. Research studies shows that the training programs fail in our country because of some reasons:

  1. One of the biggest causes of waste training money is ineffective training methods.

  2. The organization may not able to appropriately assess the training needs of the employee and thus fail to provide appropriate training at the right time when the employees require the training most.

  3. Failing to link training with organizational strategic and day to day management behavior. What happen in the classroom and what happens back on the job are often worlds apart?

  4. A training program might fail if it lacks appropriate planning beforehand. Planning will help the trainer to arrange the training courses sequentially.

  5. Lack of skill trainers is one of the biggest causes of failure of training programs.

  6. If training is given to a demotivate employee.

  7. Problems in determining what type of training is need.

Suggest measures to make a training program effective:

  • The training directors are responsible for developing management training policies and effectiveness of it will be increase if they have consult with their subordinates.

  • Training should be provide as per employee requirement.

  • Before begin training, realistic training goal should be develop. Then plan divisional training to meet that goal.

  • Provide instructors who give well prepare and professional presentations. The instructor should give the impression of having high degree of knowledge on the subject.

  • The person giving lecture should show an interest in the training program.

  • Make sure manuals, technical publications, operating procedures, safety precautions require for training are available and current.

  • Set aside a specific time for training. Plan specific time schedule for each trainee.

  • Have supervisors establish a non-threatening atmosphere that is conducive to learning.

  • Many training medias and methods are available. Use as many as you feel comfortable with.

  • Feedback reinforces learning by making the students recall information.

  • Most people get ‘burn out’ if they get too much of a good thing. So small doses of training should be given.

  • Make the training program interesting.

  • Make it well organize and formal. Because it will bring better results.

Employee training refers to the methods use to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs. While employee training may have accomplish on an informal basis, but better results are usually attain through a well-organize, formal training program or a comprehensive on-the-job development program

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