Tuesday 9 October 2018

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

Quality Function Deployment, or QFD, is a method use to identify critical customer attributes and to create a specific link between customer attributes and design parameters. It may translation of user requirements or requests into designs that meet those specifications.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Due to the end user's needs, sub-systems or production and development combine quality work by combining specific components of design, development and engineering, production and services. Its aim is to create a product that the customer wants. Rather than delivering the product, who wants to emphasize the skills already with the builder.

It also helps in creating operational definitions of needs. Actually it can be unclear when first express. Even it also applies to various types of services, consumer products, military needs, and emerging technical products. There are three major targets in implementation of QFD:

  1. Prioritize spoken and unspoken customer wants and needs.

  2. Translate these needs into technical characteristics and specifications.

  3. Build and deliver a quality product or service by focusing everybody toward customer satisfaction.

What is the QFD useful for?

It is design to be able to focus on the characteristics of existing products and services from the point of view of market segment, company or technology development needs.

As well as set up target development for product or service altogether. The Voice of Consumer Sur offers a product or service by focusing on the characteristics of each product or service.

Customer's speech is caught in various ways:Such as real talk, surveys, customer specifications, inspection, warranty data, field reports etc. After this understanding of customer requirements, product planning metrics or "quality building is summarized.

The use of these matrices is to have a higher level of "what's" or to satisfy the needs of the lower level "how it is" or to essentially translate the requirements.

Benefits of QFD

Based on definition, QFD is an important practice to design processes in response to customer needs. QFD translates by translation which is generated by the organization. What it takes. QFD allows organizations to search for processes, prioritize customer needs, find latest responses and find maximum effectiveness. QFD is a practice that leads to improvement. Which enables organizations to advance with customer expectations. Benefits of QFD for attempts to improve quality are as follows:

  1. Focus on customers: TQM organization is an organization that focuses on customer. QFD needs login and feedback from customers.

  2. Time efficiency: It reduces product development time as it focuses on specific customers' needs and clearly identifies.

  3. Teamwork Orientation (Teamwork Oriented): This is a team work approach. All the decisions in the consensus-based process are achieved and through the development of deep discussions and brain.

  4. Direction on Documentation: A product resulting from the extended QFD process is a document about all the data that may be associated with all existing processes. And compare to customer needs. From the above four issues, we know that the benefit of the QFD application is advantageously:

  • Product credibility increases.

  • Improve product quality.

  • Improve customer satisfaction.

  • Reduction in market time.

  • Reduces the cost of the design.

  • Improve communication

  • Increase productivity.

  • Improve corporate profits

In addition, QFD can perform cross-functional communication or facilitate the organization or company. So the process of communication between departments or organizational functions runs smoothly.

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