Monday 2 May 2022

Quality of goods, quality indicators


The quality of goods is a set of properties of goods that determine its ability to meet certain needs in accordance with the purpose of the goods. 


Quality of goods – compliance of the goods with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. The quality of the product is characterized by: 

A complex of inherent properties, and the degree of compliance of the product with functional, organoleptic, aesthetic requirements that determine the possibility of satisfying human needs. 


The properties of the product are its objective features, manifested in the sphere of commodity circulation, consumption or exploitation. The properties of goods are characterized by quality indicators, which are classified according to a number of characteristics.


Important is the classification by the number of characteristic properties: single and complex quality indicators. A single indicator of quality - characterizes one simple property of the product. A complex indicator of the quality of a product is a characteristic of several of its properties.

Types of complex indicators:

1. A group complex indicator characterizes a group of simple properties or one complex property.

2. The generalized complex quality indicator characterizes the entire set of properties by which quality is assessed.

Usually, a comparative assessment of the quality of goods is carried out, comparing the indicators of its quality with the basic indicators, i.e. with indicators characterizing the quality of products taken as a benchmark Basic indicators are indicators of the best samples of goods for the same purpose, most satisfying the needs of users.

The relative indicator of the quality of goods is the ratio of the quality indicator to the corresponding basic indicator.

Evaluation of the quality of goods - establishing the conformity of the goods to public needs.

Quality level is a relative characteristic of the quality of goods, based on a comparison of the values of the quality indicators of the goods being evaluated with the basic values of the corresponding indicators.

Specificity of determining the level of quality: compare the set of quality indicators of the evaluated goods with a similar set of basic indicators:


where K is an indicator of the level of quality; Q – numerical value of the quality indicator of the goods being evaluated; 6a3 is the numerical value of the base indicator. The integral indicator of the quality of the goods is the ratio of the total useful effect of the operation of the goods to the total costs of its creation, circulation, storage, transportation, operation or consumption.

The formula for calculating the integral quality index:

Ku=Ko/3 = Ko/Zp+Ze,

where 3, Zp, Ze - respectively, the costs of production and operation of the goods; production of goods; operation of goods. Co is an indicator that characterizes the main consumer properties of the product.

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