Friday 15 April 2022

Secrets of finding a Genius about Project Manager

Project activity accompanies the earth's civilization from its beginning. Today, it is taught to generate and implement initiatives already in kindergartens, and design skills are becoming one of the most valuable competencies of a specialist in modern conditions. This type of activity is used in all spheres of life, but a special category is business projects as a means of achieving important and often unique tasks. Responsibility for the result is borne by the project manager, to whom increased requirements are rightly imposed.

What does the position of project manager mean?

To begin with, you need to understand the terminology, because the concept of "project manager" is interpreted differently. Someone uses this term to refer to both the leader and the manager. A fundamentally different approach is demonstrated by those who draw a clear line between the two positions, their functionality and the requirements for the personality of the employees they occupy.
Status: Manager/Specialist is also sometimes the basis for the division of posts. But more often it is still believed that both concepts describe managerial positions, only the leader is rather an organizational center, a leader who inspires and motivates the team to achieve goals, while the manager is endowed with more specific functionality. But it is impossible to draw a clear line on this basis. 

The following interpretation seems to be the most accurate: if a single initiative is implemented, the manager combines the roles of the leader and a direct member of the team, the performer of specific tasks. If the project activity in the company is carried out on a systematic basis, then a hierarchy is built, headed by the head of the project group, he is also the senior project manager, who carries out the overall management of the entire project system and reports to the director of the company. Its representatives "on the ground" (that is, in a particular direction) are line managers. 

If the company is initially focused on project work or introduces this component on an ongoing basis, then the position of the head of new initiatives is introduced into the staff. Project managers are subordinate to the named manager. 

But in the current understanding, it is implied that a project manager is not just a specialist. He is responsible for the result of his work directly to the company's management, which gives him broad powers and entrusts decision-making, including managerial ones, without prior approval. The manager becomes the central figure of the project, taking responsibility for the actions of each team member, current activities and, of course, the final success in solving the tasks. 

The functions and responsibilities of the project manager are prescribed with maximum specificity. The terms of reference are indicated by language that does not allow for any other interpretation. This is important both for the manager himself and for those who control his work. Trusting the specialist with the initiative, the management does not relieve itself of the responsibility of supervision: to monitor the progress of work and to provide support and assistance to the manager in resolving those problems with which he is not able to cope on his own. 

"Pain points" in project activities are inevitable. Both the manager and his curator should understand this. Only then the occurrence of problems does not cause panic in the manager. He firmly knows that the head of the company is open to communication, the help will be prompt and complete. At the same time, the management is also sure that the project manager will not rush to the "higher echelons" for salvation at the slightest difficulty, he makes every effort to independently resolve problematic issues and turns to the manager only in the most extreme case, when all other possibilities are exhausted.
It is important to find time for meetings and communication with the project manager not only when serious problems arise, but also for a heart-to-heart conversation, just to talk about current activities. This is important for maintaining the correct psychological attitude of the employee, who has a great responsibility for the task important for the company. Trust and genuine interest in the work of the team are perhaps the two main components of the psychological comfort of a project manager. 

Different people can act as a curator (development director, head of the project office, directly the director of the company, etc.), but in any case they are representatives of senior management. The manager appeals directly to the person vested with power, and not to the intermediary, so as not to delay the time to make decisions and remove problems.

How does the specifics of the project manager's activities depend on the structure of the project work?


1.    Functional structure of the organization of project work 

Management is carried out by a line manager, the heads of departments responsible for performing their functions are subordinate to him.
Coordinators are also appointed - assistants to the line manager in establishing and implementing interaction between departments. They also perform a controlling function, along with the manager, who retains the final decisions.

2.    Matrix structure 

It is built on the basis of the functional structure described above. Project managers manage project teams (horizontal line) consisting of employees of functional units. They also report to their immediate superior (vertical line). Thanks to the imposition of lines, a lattice structure is formed, one of the main and especially valuable characteristics of which is flexibility.
The project team will include exactly as many workers as required to perform a specific task, after which people return to their work activities in the usual mode.
But with all the flexibility and convenience, the system has a significant disadvantage, which consists in the double subordination of the performers. Heads of departments and project managers – whose requirements should be fulfilled first? Employees may not understand the hierarchy, which leads to disagreements that negatively affect the result. The tasks of the project manager in this case include a sensitive response to the mood of the performers. Even better is to avoid conflicts and clearly explain in advance the scheme of subordination and the priority of tasks.
The matrix structure is more often used for small initiatives conducted on a temporary basis (maximum 2 years).

3.    Project structure 

It is worth applying if the initiative is long-term (from 2 years).
In the body of the company, an additional unit is created on a temporary basis to solve specific problems. Security, as a rule, remains in the functions of the company, which allows you not to be distracted by accounting, planning marketing strategies, etc., but to concentrate on specific tasks and thereby guarantee high-quality work. At the head is the manager, to whom the employees are subordinate, and he, in turn, is responsible to the company's management.
Upon completion of the work, the unit is disbanded.
Responsibilities and duties of the project manager
The scope of responsibilities of a project manager is very wide: 

1. Define the concept, develop a charter, conduct goal-setting, set tasks and describe the expected outcome of the initiative, correctly present it to customers (all actions are carried out in cooperation with the curator).

2. Carry out planning of all stages (preparatory, direct implementation) of the initiative, outline checkpoints:
•    a register of stages with a description of their content, types of work, their relationship;
•    terms of work for each task, process, direction and initiative as a whole, work with a critical path, competent assessment of the time reserve.

3. Make the characteristics (quantitative and cost) of all resources required for the implementation of the initiative, indicating the effectiveness of their application.

4. Determine the budget (total costs, planned revenues) and participate in the management of expenses.

5. Form a team:
•    make professional portraits of potential employees (what knowledge and skills will be needed for successful activities);
•    to offer management a list of employees who are desirable to see in the project team, direct supervisors to conduct interviews with them;
•    develop a motivation system and make suggestions to management;
•    acquaint the group with the tasks (from general to specific: the project initiative as a whole, its goals and significance, and then the tasks of employees), if necessary, conduct training for the group or its individual participants;
•    determine the methodology of work, show team members how they will interact with each other, delegate authority.

6. Organize the work. Responsible activity is often accompanied by moral tension, conflicts break out, disagreements occur due to approaches to work, etc. All problems in the group should be solved as quickly as possible.

7. Take part in business planning, draw up a calendar of project implementation, coordinate documentation with the customer.

8. Control its flow:
•    quickly and carefully systematize documents, store them, according to the rules, promptly use data related to a unique project task;
•    observing the deadlines, inform all participants in the implementation of the initiative about the work of the group (according to the agreements and requirements).

9. Constantly monitor and monitor all processes in order to make adjustments in time, if any. The following are subject to control:
•    timing of implementation of individual processes;
•    budget;
•    schedule (if there are deviations, adjust it or the activities of the group);
•    an analysis of possible deviations and their expected impact on the final result is also carried out.

10. Identify, minimize/eliminate risks.

11. Participate in the negotiation process on the side of the customer, defending the interests of his business in relations with partners.

12. Together with the curator, compile reports (intermediate and final) for the customer and the company's management.

In addition, the management, depending on the specifics of the industry of the initiative, can clarify some of the responsibilities of the manager, supplementing them with important requirements. For example, expand the list of documentation, specifying the timing of its delivery, or make some actions mandatory (participate in the first launch of the initiative, search for potential buyers of the final product, conduct post-project support, etc.). 

A sample job description for the project manager can be downloaded here. 

When compiling an instruction, do not forget about the rights of a project manager.
The rights of the project manager include:

  • provision with everything necessary for high-quality work (equipment, materials, information);
  • resolution of financial issues within the framework of the adopted budget;
  • selection of employees to the group, search for partners;
  • management of the group, control over its activities and the ability to adjust the actions of employees to achieve greater efficiency;
  • financial decisions in relation to group members (bonuses/foreclosures) agreed with the head of the company or curator;
  • development of optimization measures to improve the efficiency of the group (in agreement with the manager or curator).
  • The Project manager is the central figure. He directly interacts with the management, the customer and the group, for which he is not just a boss who controls the work, but a leader who leads the team to achieve the targets, providing conditions for effective work.
  • The area of responsibility of the manager is not limited to regulatory legal acts, but is also fixed in the project conditions, in the contract concluded with the candidate.
  • Penalties will be imposed if the manager:
  • fails to perform or evade his or her duties properly;
  • unable to competently organize the work of the entrusted unit (deadlines are not met, the budget is not controlled, the quality of work leaves much to be desired);
  • allows violations in the activities of the project initiative, which are defined by law;
  • violates labor discipline himself and allows this on the part of the group members, cannot ensure compliance with the required safety precautions, including fire safety.


Timely fulfillment by the group of its tasks, the result of project activities, interaction with the customer - the project manager is responsible for all this. If material damage is caused to the company in the course of the team's activities, the responsibility is also imposed on the person leading the project.
Oral agreements are not enough, all these points must be recorded, the signature of the head under the document means that he is aware of his role and ready to take on all the necessary functions.
Playing a leading role in the implementation of the initiative, the manager is personally responsible for each member of the group, each specific task or process and, of course, for the final result of the project. The success of the work is teamwork, the failure of the manager, because it is he who determines the direction of work. Therefore, at the stage of selection of personnel for the project, the personality of the manager should be given special attention. 

5 personal qualities of a good project manager

The main personal characteristics of a good project manager:

1. Stress resistance
For a person who stands at the head of a team, working in conditions of non-obviousness (it is still far from achieving the goal) and of increased importance (the result of the work will affect the whole company), there should be an inherent ability to maintain self-control and control emotions in stressful situations. Only a cold mind allows you to make informed decisions and competently build the work of the entrusted unit in conditions of limited time and budget. 

The moral climate in the whole group depends on the emotional mood of the leader. Being an apologist for tranquility, the manager sets up the team to overcome obstacles. If it is subject to mood swings and does not withstand a difficult rhythm of work, then the group will not be able to function effectively.
Types of employees in the company

"To understand what is happening in the company, you need to decide on the types of employees, what they are in nature and by what criterion they are divided. All employees can be divided into 4 types:
Zombies. They perform a lot of actions, ask a lot of questions, create a lot of fluid and movement around themselves. Such people usually evoke the sympathy of colleagues. That's just the result of such activity is zero. Such an employee is difficult and pathetic to dismiss. The band will play for him. And he himself will resist, drinking a lot of blood from the company. If the "zombies" are fired incorrectly, the whole team will stand on their hind legs. 

Bad performer. They are saboteurs. It is not enough to give a bad performer a task, he needs to be constantly monitored, motivated, checked for and finished. It's easier to do the task yourself: faster and cheaper. 

A good performer. Active employees who quickly and clearly perform assignments. They can safely delegate tasks of varying complexity. That's just if you are distracted from the distribution of instructions, such an employee can not sit still. It will harass you and ask for tasks. If he is not given a job, he will quit and go where it is. 

Winner. The winners not only perform well in their tasks. They also find problem areas themselves, prepare an action plan and implement them. You just need to give the go-ahead. Or to remain silent - the winner himself is able to adequately assess what he can do without coordination, and what is not.
To understand who is who in your organization, make a plaque and type each employee into these 4 types. You can even type by feeling, just by looking at who works how. 

A bad performer must be forced. He constantly makes excuses and finds 100 reasons not to complete the task. A good performer quickly takes problems and solves them. And the winner himself improves something and comes with specific proposals. 

Highlight the winners in green, good performers in yellow, bad performers and zombies in red. The Reds need to be replaced as planned." 

There are two methods for assessing a candidate's stress resistance. Both of them imply observation of the actions of the applicant in the event of non-standard situations, analysis of his behavior in conflicts with colleagues, in case of force majeure. The first method is characterized by passive observation, the second - modeling situations (that is, the creation of such conditions that presumably can arise during project activities). On the one hand, this is very convenient, because it allows you to assess compliance with specific requirements. On the other hand, it may be fraught with the danger of failure. 

2. Multitasking

The ability to work in the mode of simultaneously solving several issues is invaluable. The manager must not only be able to work in this mode, but also guarantee the quality of performance of tasks that are not divided into main and secondary, each important for achieving the ultimate goal. 

The question "Have you ever worked in a multitasking environment?" will not be enough. You need to evaluate the skill in practice. The speed of decision-making and actions, attention to various aspects of the question, whether a person competently organizes the activities of colleagues, focus on results - all this needs to be assessed in order to understand whether a potential manager is ready to perform various tasks and do it qualitatively. 

3. Perfectionism 

Many business owners are afraid to hire perfectionists, and there are objective reasons for this (each mistake is perceived as evidence of their own incompetence, the desire to constantly improve the work, which leads to a failure of deadlines, etc.). But the pursuit of the ideal within reasonable limits can only be welcomed. 

If the project manager is a perfectionist, he demands the same from subordinates, which leads to a perfect (or very close to it) result of the work. 

To evaluate the candidate from this point of view will help to perform the task, during the formulation of which no emphasis was placed on the final result. Whether the applicant is aimed at independent work, whether he is trying to understand the issue thoroughly, what means he attracts to solve the issue - having assessed all this, you can understand whether the potential project manager is striving for perfection. 

4. Knowledge and experience 

It is the complex that is important. Knowledge in the core area for the project initiative is necessary, but without management experience, a person will be useless as a manager. 

5. Ability to ignite others 

The leader of the project team should be qualified, knowledgeable and able to answer the question of any group member, support in a difficult situation, help in solving problems, find the right words to motivate the team to achieve the goal. But all his speeches will be empty if in his activities he does not show an example of everything he says. Only its leader can form a positive attitude of the project team.
Hard skills and soft skills of the chief project manager
The set of necessary skills of a project manager is impossible to imagine without socio-psychological (soft skills) and professional (hard skills).

1. Soft skills 

•    Communication skills 

The project manager is the central figure and the focus of the "threads" of communication, which stretch from all project participants: the customer, the company director, department heads, all developers and performers. The ability to communicate with each of them in their own language is an invaluable quality. 

•    Knowledge of foreign languages 

If the project initiative has the status of international, knowledge of the language becomes not an additional competence, but one of the key ones. Negotiating through an interpreter is not always possible, because the project manager must be sure of the accuracy and correctness of the information communicated to customers. 

•    Ability to establish contacts with foreign colleagues

If the applicant has read and is re-reading the book "Methods of convincing an Italian through gastronomic cases", most likely, he has the necessary ability to build relationships with customers from other countries, regardless of any national characteristics. 

  • Ability to work with documents
  • The functions of the project manager include working with a large number of various documentation: from agreements with partners to accounting accounts.
  • Thinking of a strategist and beyond
  • The tendency to analysis, attention to detail, the validity of conclusions and assessments, immersion in the topic and at the same time the ability to abstract, assess the situation in all its diversity objectively are important components of the thinking of the project manager.
  • Responsibility and determination
  • The ability to make decisions quickly and at the same time bear full responsibility for their quality and the result to which they will lead.
  • Patience
  • The team will ask questions, each of which the project manager must give a clear and understandable answer, showing boundless patience.
  • Teamwork

Being a leader, he does not cease to be a member of the team, sharing all its problems and successes.

2. Hard skills 

The project manager can perform some specific tasks himself (which is not at all necessary), he can only carry out general management, but in any case, the requirements for his professional skills are high. A project manager is a jack-of-all-trades: he is well acquainted with the peculiarities of the chosen field, understands the essence of business processes, has legal and psychological knowledge, is able to find an approach to people, etc. 

In addition, even having earned the status of a high-class professional with his deeds, the manager does not rest on his laurels, but strives for self-development. Having mastered one technique (for example, the popular Agile) and successfully applying it, he begins to show interest in Waterfall, gets acquainted with the features of extreme project management. 

Assistance in this is offered by various sites that publish practical advice for managers regarding document management, communication with people,

Who should be appointed as a project manager: your employee or an outside specialist?
There is no definitive answer to this question. Whatever decision is made in the end, it will have both pros and cons. 

Becoming a project manager, a specialist receives certain powers, he has a serious responsibility for establishing the work of the group and the result, the functions of coordination and control, overall responsibility for the activities of the team and the effectiveness of its tasks.
Of course, entrusting a person from the outside with all the functionality and giving him the result of an important business initiative is very risky. Most often, an employee of the company who has established himself as a professional is nominated. 

So, an employee is hired for the position of project manager.
What are the advantages of such an appointment: 

  • As an employee of the company, the project manager does not need additional study of the specific features of business processes.
  • He is familiar with the personnel, the company's management, which allows him to create a normal microclimate in the group and quickly solve emerging issues that require the participation of senior managers.
  • An employee from among his own can agree to less remuneration than an invited from the outside, since he moves up the career ladder, which is an additional incentive for quality work.
Main disadvantages:
  • A "blurry" look. Knowledge and understanding of the company's business, its strategy can play a cruel joke with the project manager, not allowing him to look for new options, develop rationalization solutions, take risks in a good way, but use only proven and accepted approaches in the company.
  • Non-distancing with group members often becomes an obstacle to building competent working relationships. Simply put, not all subordinates perceive an employee who was with them at the same hierarchical level yesterday as a manager.


In addition, it can be difficult for an employee to abstract and perceive the initiative in a complex, with one hundred percent objectivity. As a rule, in the course of their activities in the company, employees join certain groups (often informal) or create their own. It can be extremely difficult to renounce the interests of comrades in the name of a common cause. 

Let's turn to the advantages and disadvantages of appointing a project manager from the outside.

Pros of such an applicant: 

  • A fresh look and an objective assessment of a specific unique initiative and business as a whole.
  • A new person who is not familiar with the future team can fully perform his managerial functions, everyone perceives such a hierarchy as a given.
  • It is connected by its system of relationships and acquaintances, which can be useful in working on a specific project.
  • Deciding to attract a third-party specialist, you can choose from a large number of offers. High-class managers specializing in certain areas offer their services en masse.
  • Cons of inviting a project manager from the outside:
  • The need to introduce the case, to acquaint with the company and its specifics.
  • Ignorance of employees will require time to get acquainted and understand the system of relationships: how to influence the team, what methods of motivation will bring the greatest success, etc. Conflict situations may arise due to the desire of the new leader to bring part of the team with him, and not to recruit at the enterprise.
  • Financial question. A third-party manager cannot be bribed by a promotion. He comes to the company for the duration of the initiative and wants to get good money for it. The business owner needs to be ready to fork out, but the expenses will pay for themselves if the invited manager is a real professional who can lead the team to achieve an excellent final result.


[BM] Chaika Technique: 

5 key approaches to finding a smart project manager

Today it is fashionable to call yourself a project manager. Candidates can even provide certificates of completion of specialized courses, which, however, could last only a couple of days, and they were conducted by a woeful trainer who has no idea about practical project activities, but knows how to work with theory. So what to do? The advice is extremely simple: you need to find a PROFESSIONAL 


Such a specialist will build the work competently, minimize mistakes and, together with the team, achieve the goal. In reality, everything turns out to be not so simple, because the qualification of project managers leaves much to be desired, and designing from an effective modern tool turns into an ongoing headache for business owners. And often the reason for this lies in the lack of understanding of the importance of the task at hand. The employee perceives such a position as an additional burden, and not as a completely separate type of activity, conducted according to its own rules, with the involvement of special methods and tools. 

In the resume of the project manager, you need to look for lines about a systematic approach to project activities, possession of various management technologies and the qualities of a leader required for the competent organization of employees' work. An effective percentage ratio of 80 to 20 is considered effective, where the first digit characterizes the percentage of time for planned work, and the second is the time that is spent on solving emerging problematic issues and unforeseen situations. More often than not, the opposite happens. 

Professional project managers build their activities in different ways, but they all necessarily fulfill the technical minimum, without which it is impossible to plan the final success: 

  • Fix the content of the project. Professionals know that you should not count on a specific task from the customer, you need to work on how to clearly determine: what is seen as the result of the project, what should not be in it. They are in constant contact with the customer, in a sense managing the expectations of the latter.
  • Plan the management and execution of the project. Calendars, the system of connections, the required resources, the rules for decision-making, the calculation of possible risks and their impact on the overall course of work, budget planning - all this and much, much more, the project manager, being a professional, takes on himself.
  • They achieve execution. Mobilizing the group to achieve results is one of the important functions of a project manager, with which professionals cope "perfectly"!
  • Manage change and risk. Even a perfect plan is not easy to implement, it requires adjustments in accordance with the changed conditions of reality. It is ok. A professional calculates the required changes in time, preventing deadlines and exhaustion of the budget.
  • They are aware of the prospects. Not always the project can meet the expectations of developers. There are situations of "artificial maintenance of the life of the project", which is a pity to close (so much effort and money has been invested!), and there is no point in continuing further. A pro manager will not allow such a situation. Having competently assessed the prospects of the project, he will invite the management to stop working on an initiative that has no chance of success.
  • To find a good project manager, you need to focus on some rules. 

1.    Do not use generic job descriptions

Most vacancies contain a list of general requirements, which allows people who consider themselves "motivated", "good organizers", who know how to "work in a team", to apply for a position and wonder why their candidacies are rejected. 

Instead of spending time studying the pile of resumes that come in as a response to a vacancy with streamlined general wording, it is better to spend it on adding specifics. The announcement will immediately become targeted, and people who have the required qualifications and experience in project activities in the right field will respond to it. Of course, a professional is distinguished by the ability to work on any type of project, but still he may have preferences. And the project will only benefit if it is led by a person who is interested in the chosen industry. 

2.    Decide who you need 

Know something about everything and everything about something – this formula is quite suitable for characterizing a project manager. If you specify "a deep understanding of the differences between Cisco IOS versions" as requirements, you can find an excellent network engineer. But is that the goal? An initiative in the field of network technologies is, first of all, a project that requires managerial skills from the manager, and he can easily absorb the necessary knowledge in the process of implementation. Its task is to organize the work of narrow specialists who are docks in their field. 

Deep knowledge is not a mandatory competence of the project manager, so you should not demand them from the manager. Failure to meet this requirement can a priori exclude from the list of applicants a professional manager who could play a leading role in the project and lead the team to success. 

3.    Assign a dedicated manager to an important project 

The general trend of economy leads to the fact that the project manager becomes one of its direct executors, that is, he must perform specific tasks as a member of the team. This may not cause difficulties, but may lead to serious problems due to the fact that the manager will not be able to properly perform his immediate duties. 

And if you really save, then definitely not on the person on whose personality and professional competencies the final success / failure of the project depends. It is important to remember that the goal of a project manager is to manage effectively. Its functionality is already huge, and the degree of responsibility is incredibly high to require the performance of tasks in the rank of an ordinary specialist.

4.    If you are going to use specific methodologies, let the candidate know.

No need to play cat and mouse with a candidate, wondering what methodology he prefers. A professional will always answer that he is ready to work on any of those that the business owner chooses. 

Eliminate this question, replacing it with a specific requirement for the applicant. For example, "Mandatory Just in Time Ownership" in the job posting text will significantly narrow the scope of the search and allow candidates to assess their chances of success. Often, one technique is not enough, and this also needs to be directly indicated in the announcement ("Experience with the use of various methodologies"). 

5.    Don't ask to write essays 

Asking a candidate to put in print his managerial experience is an idea, to put it mildly, unimportant. This will take a lot of time for the applicant, the personnel service is tormented to study multi-page essays, the sense of which will be a little. 

The worst thing is that the test of abilities for literary creativity falls most often on the final, when the person has already stated all the information about himself in the application. For many candidates, this clause forces them to refuse to apply. Why does a business owner need opuse candidates? To test the ability to correctly and coherently present, you can attract the data of social networks (if the candidate places his posts on the pages), his publications (sites or the press). Or ask, in addition to the application, to send examples of drawn up agreements and other documents. 

The answer to the question should involve a maximum of three sentences. On the basis of a short text, it is much easier to assess the clarity of the presentation of thoughts, the intelligibility of the language, the clarity of the wording. 

From the foregoing, a simple and not very joyful conclusion follows: even proven and popular methods of finding employees are not always used competently, which leads to serious mistakes and losses. Namely, the losses. After all, it is possible that among those who did not want to write a long story about their project work or did not consider themselves suitable for excessive requirements, there was a truly unique employee who for many years developed managerial skills in order to show the class on your project. But that didn't happen. 

And a large number of applications from applicants, which are literally littered with personnel services, does not mean that any candidate is a potential leader. The proposed rules help to translate quantity into quality and not only reduce the number of candidates, but are also more likely to receive a guarantee of their professionalism and compliance with specific requirements. 

What indicators indicate the effectiveness of the work of the project manager?

Focus on the result, which is the main task of the work, is recorded in the job description of the project manager and the contract. But the assessment of the manager's activities cannot be postponed until the end of the project implementation, it is carried out constantly and is based on key performance indicators (KPIs), which, in turn, are formed on the basis of the criteria for the success of the project task. 

The list may be modified, supplemented, but the main indicators are as follows:

  • profit from the project (in its pure form) and from its operation for commercial purposes (calculated for a certain period);
  • budget compliance/deviation from the financial plan;
  • meeting deadlines/falling out of schedule;
  • the amount of debts of buyers of the project products (overdue receivables);
  • the volume of sales of new products in value units (the test period and the period of output to the design capacity are evaluated separately);
  • sales volume in quantitative units;
  • the breadth of the market for new products and the use of new technology;
  • the difference between sales revenue and variable costs (marginal income);
  • the number of tasks completed with 100% indicators within the framework of the overall project task;
  • the number of negative assessments of consumers of the project product (the format of the report is set);
  • PROJECT KPIs (in accordance with the wording of the project task).
  • In the last point, you can successfully operate the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tools. Waiting time, number of complaints, churn of customers - a decrease in these parameters indicates effectiveness. Indicators such as "Attracting new customers" (and the like) should show growth.

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