Monday 25 April 2022

Project kick-off process

Overview of Project Management Processes

There are many definitions of the term "process".

A process is a set of actions that need to be taken to achieve a certain result.

To increase the efficiency of the work, the activities of the project manager must be structured. In project management, five groups of processes are often distinguished:

1) initiation;
2) planning;
3) organization of execution;
4) control;
5) closure.

The execution of each group of processes provides the results that serve as the necessary inputs for the implementation of the next group of processes.

Groups of management processes performed by the manager are conditionally discrete, i.e. they can be considered separately, but are interrelated during the execution of the project. Each group of processes is a set of interrelated management actions that ultimately lead to a certain result necessary for the implementation of the project.

A structured approach to the work of a manager can make it more transparent and, as a result, more effective.

Project Initiation

Initiation processes are the initial group of processes that are executed when the project starts and the next phase begins.

Projects can be initiated for a variety of reasons. The main common reasons for launching projects are the problems of the organization or the opportunities that open up before it.

Initiation can occur both "from above", i.e. from the leadership, and "from below". Employees of the company should have every opportunity to initiate projects that meet the interests of the company.

Initiation processes

Initiation processes include:

  • Development of the Project Charter;
  • Stakeholder analysis;
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Kick-off meeting on the project.


The main tasks that must be solved during the initiation of the project: a clear definition of the project, fixing its goals, expected results and identifying the main stakeholders and their interests.

Project Charter Development Process

One of the most important tools of the project manager used in the initial phases of the project is the Charter - a document that formulates and authorizes the project. The main stakeholders of the project, led by the customers, should take part in the development and coordination of the Charter.

At a minimum, the project charter should contain:

  • Objectives and results of the project;
  • The area of responsibility of the project manager and the list of his powers;
  • Basic principles of project management.
  • When defining and formulating goals, it should be borne in mind that they are:
  • Explicit and hidden (hidden intentionally from some participants, hidden from everyone, not revealed);
  • From different stakeholders, in addition to the main participants of the project;
  • Multiple levels (goal hierarchy).


The charter can play the role of an internal contract between the main participants in the project.

Stakeholder Analysis Process

Stakeholder interest analysis will provide the project manager with information about the expectations of key stakeholders from the project. These interests may provide the project with additional opportunities or risks.

Not always the interested party in the project is its participant. Very often, stakeholders do not act as explicit participants in the project. At the same time, they continue to pursue their goals. Understanding the interests of stakeholders will help the project manager in making many decisions.

Requirements Gathering Process

The initial phase of a project is always associated with high uncertainty and a lot of risks. A vague understanding of the goals of the project and the product that should be created during the project has ruined many projects.

Requirements gathering is a formal process of documenting expectations and wishes for both the future product of the project and the project itself. First of all, the customer should be actively involved in this process. Sometimes, to improve the quality of this work, an additional role is allocated in the project - a technical (functional) customer.

The kick-off meeting on the project will help to convey to the project team its goals and results, the principles of the organization and acquaint its participants in anticipation of joint work. This will increase its effectiveness and minimize the risks of teamwork.

The opening meeting should "charge" the team with vivacity and dedication. Team members must understand and accept the mission of the project, its goals, and the degree of importance to the organization.


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