Tuesday 15 February 2022

Organization of the development of a working draft

Detailed design consists in the development of materials that ensure the operation of an automated information processing system.

A working draft is a technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure, containing updated data and detailed system-wide design solutions, programs and instructions for solving problems, as well as an updated assessment of the economic efficiency of the automated control system and an updated list of measures to prepare the facility for implementation.

The working draft is developed on the basis of a technical project approved by the customer.

At the stage of detailed design, the customer must complete the work on preparing the object for the implementation of the system, prepare the premises for the installation of computers, organize training for employees of all parts of the organizational structure, place orders for the manufacture of non-standard equipment.

The developers at this stage of creating the system specify the network schedule for the implementation of the working project, conduct experimental studies to find ways to implement the adopted design decisions, justify additional design solutions, develop a technological process for collecting and processing information, draw up working documentation, and specify calculations of the economic efficiency of the system.

The working documentation of the project includes the following documents:

  • Explanatory note.
  • Functional and organizational structure.
  • Job descriptions.
  • Instructions for filling in the entrance operational documents.
  • Instructions for using output documents.
  • Instructions for the organization and maintenance of regulatory and reference information.
  • Instructions for organizing the storage of information in the archive.
  • Instructions for preparing information for entering into the PC.
  • Calculation of the economic efficiency of the system.
  • Measures to prepare the facility for implementation.


Statement of documents.

The economic and organizational part of the working project contains an updated list of tasks to be solved by each subsystem, indicating the frequency and timing of their solution; instructions to each official describing the actions in the normal mode of operation of the system and in case of its violations; the procedure and rules for the use of entrance documents and the routes of their movement.

The calculation of economic efficiency is carried out on the basis of refined estimates and financial calculations for the creation of the system. Measures for the preparation of the facility and the implementation of the system include a general list of works, the name of units and responsible executors, the deadline for execution and the forms of completion of individual stages.

The information part of the working project includes materials with a list of indicators used in the tasks of various subsystems; description of the order of formation of information arrays; description of methods of making changes to information and methods of organizing information control; a list of indicators issued at the request of the management apparatus.

In addition, albums of documents and work instructions are given: on the formation of initial data for solving problems, on the organization of arrays of information, making changes to them, on storing and updating information.

The mathematical part of the working project contains a refinement in the composition of economic and mathematical models; description of methods, algorithms and programs for solving problems; description of methods for organizing information arrays; the chosen programming system; The operating system you are using. a library of standard programs and instructions for their use; standards of programs for solving problems and for working with NSIs.

The technical part of the working draft provides for the definition of technical means (type of computer, peripheral devices, means of communication and data transmission); description of the technological process of data processing; calculation and scheduling of loading the complex of technical means; description of the mode of operation of the complex of technical means.

Project documentation, including technical specifications, technical and working projects, is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).

The working draft serves as the basis for the implementation of the system. The implementation of the system is a process that includes the preparation of the facility, trial operation and acceptance of EIS into commercial operation.

The implementation of the system is a process of gradual transition from the existing accounting and analysis system to the new one provided for in the documentation of the working project for the entire system. The implementation of individual tasks and subsystems can be carried out in parallel with the development of a working project for the entire system.

The main stages of the system implementation are:

  • preparation of the facility for the implementation of the system;
  • delivery of tasks and subsystems into trial operation;
  • trial operation;
  • delivery of tasks, subsystems, the system as a whole into commercial operation.
  • Trial operation of EIS consists in checking algorithms, programs and links of the technological process of data processing in real conditions. It is carried out for the final debugging of programs and the development of the technological process of solving problems; checking the readiness of the information base; working out the relationship of the tasks of the system; acquisition of skills in the work of the company's personnel.

Delivery of tasks into trial operation is carried out after the submission of working documentation to the customer and is formalized by an act.

The start of trial operation should be preceded by the issuance of an order determining the degree of participation and responsibility of the customer and the developer, as well as the timing of its implementation.

Experimental operation of tasks is carried out on the basis of real information about the production and financial activities of the enterprise in the established mode of operation with duplication of work of the personnel of the facility. At this stage, the developer conducts training of personnel to work on the computer on specific programs.

The period of trial operation is set on a case-by-case basis.

After the end of the trial operation of the tasks, a protocol is drawn up on the progress and results of the trial operation. Delivery of tasks into commercial operation is formalized by an act signed by the customer and the developer.

Trial operation of subsystems is carried out in order to comprehensively check all its elements, the readiness of the information base, debugging the technological process of collecting and processing information, training personnel to work in the conditions of the subsystem functioning.

Trial operation of the subsystem should be carried out on the basis of a full amount of real information in the established mode of operation with the necessary duplication of work.

Delivery of the subsystem into commercial operation is carried out after the tasks of the start-up complex of this subsystem are put into commercial operation.

Trial operation of the entire information system is carried out in order to comprehensively check the functioning of its tasks, check the readiness of the supporting part of the system for functioning, and final debug the technological process of collecting and processing information.

Trial operation of the system should be carried out on the basis of the necessary amount of information about the activities of the facility in the established mode of operation.

After the end of the trial operation of the system, a report on the implementation is compiled. With positive results of trial operation, the system is put into commercial operation.

Industrial operation of EIS. During the industrial operation of EIS, an analysis of the functioning of the system is carried out. The purposes of the analysis of the functioning of the system are to verify the effectiveness of the implemented design solutions in the conditions of its industrial operation, to develop recommendations for the further development of the system and the formation of standard solutions.

Analysis of the functioning of the system includes verification of:

  • functioning of technical means;
  • functioning of tasks and subsystems in conditions of automated processing;
  • personnel actions in the conditions of the system functioning.
  • The results of the analysis are used to assess the quality of the system and its real economic efficiency.

Work on the analysis of the functioning of the system is carried out by the developer in the form of author's supervision on the basis of a contract with the customer after a certain period of operation of the EIS

(at least 6 months). Author's supervision is carried out at the expense of funds allocated for the creation of the system.

The program of work on the analysis is drawn up by the developer and agreed with the customer.

  • The analysis of the functioning of the system begins after the issuance of an order to carry out this work. The order specifies the terms and objects of the survey (according to the program), as well as the representatives of the customer involved in this work and persons responsible for the timely and complete submission of the necessary materials to the system developer. The collection of all data (filling out the necessary forms, registration in the journal, etc.) is carried out by the customer's representative and is controlled by the developer. The accumulated data is transferred within the time specified in the program to the representatives of the developers for development.
  • The results of data processing for each studied EIS element (or groups of similar elements) are recorded by the developer with the participation of the customer's representatives. Based on the issued protocols, the developer, after the completion of all the work provided for by the program, draws up a report on the analysis of the functioning of the EIS.

Submission to the customer of a report on the analysis of the functioning of the system is the final stage of the developer's work.

In the process of analyzing the functioning of the tasks, subsystems and actions of personnel in the context of the introduction of EIS, work is carried out similar to the survey of the object on the parameters of each function of the EIS subsystems, taking into account the complex of technical means used and the following factors:

  • the timeliness of receipt of the necessary information to the company's staff;
  • improving the reliability of information;
  • improvement of technical and economic performance of the enterprise.
  • The quality of the functioning of individual tasks and subsystems is assessed by indicators of reliability and timeliness of information, improving the quality of relevant management decisions.

Based on the results of the analysis of the functioning of the system, proposals are developed for the further development of EIS.

The introduction of information technology is associated with capital investments both for the purchase of equipment and for the development of projects, the implementation of preparatory work and training of personnel.

Therefore, the implementation should be preceded by a business case for the feasibility of implementing EIS. This means that IT efficiency must be calculated.
The effectiveness of automated transformation of economic information is understood as the expediency of using computer and organizational equipment in the formation, transmission and processing of data. A distinction is made between calculated and actual efficiency. The first (calculated) is determined at the stage of designing the automation of information work, i.e. the development of a technological project; the second (actual) — based on the results of the implementation of the techno works project.

A generalized criterion of economic efficiency is the minimum cost of living and materialized labor. At the same time, it is established that the more areas of management work are automated, the more efficiently hardware and software are used.

The economic effect of the introduction of computing and organizational technology is divided into direct and indirect.

Direct economic efficiency of IT is understood as savings in material and labor resources and cash obtained as a result of a reduction in the number of managerial personnel, the payroll fund, the consumption of basic and auxiliary materials due to the automation of specific types of planning, accounting and analytical work.

It is possible that the introduction of IT at the first stage will not lead to a decrease in the number of employees of planning and accounting services. In this case, indirect efficiency is obtained, which is manifested in the final results of the economic activity of the enterprise. Its local criteria can be: reducing the time for compiling summaries, improving the quality of planning, accounting and analytical work, reducing the workflow, increasing the culture and productivity of labor, etc. The main indicator is to improve the quality of management, which, as with direct economic efficiency, leads to savings in living and materialized labor. Both types of economic efficiency considered are interrelated.

Economic efficiency is determined using labor and cost indicators. The main method of calculations is the method of comparing the data of the base and reporting periods. As a base period for the transfer of individual works to automation, the costs of information processing before the introduction of IT (with manual processing) are taken, and when improving the current system of automation of economic work, the costs of information processing with the achieved level of automation are taken. At the same time, absolute and relative indicators are used.

For example, 100 people/h (To) should be spent on manual processing of agricultural invoices, and when using IT, 5 people/h (Gi).

The absolute indicator of the economic efficiency of TJ is:

Tek = Tq - T\ = 100 - 5 = 95 persons/h.

Relative Labor Productivity Index

Sp.t - 0,05.

This means that only 5% of the time is required to process invoices in automation compared to manual processing. Using the labor productivity index / n t, it is possible to determine the relative indicator of labor cost savings. When processing invoices as a result of it, the savings will be 95%.

Along with labor indicators, it is necessary to calculate cost indicators, i.e. determine the costs of information processing under the basic (C)) and reporting (Co) options in monetary terms.

The absolute value of the Sek is determined by the ratio:

SJ = C\- Cq.

The cost index is calculated by the formula

The term pays off! t _ + PoZhef is poured according to the formula:

OK p 1

where Zo is the cost of technical support;

Po – Software costs;

AEF is the efficiency factor.

Technological stages of development of automated economic information systems, regulated by standards both in our country and abroad, are given in the appendix.

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