Wednesday 16 February 2022

List of Documents require to completion of the project

1. Terms of reference. 

It fixes the purpose and goals of creating the system, the characteristics of the object of implementation, the requirements for the system, the list of documents developed on the IS, etc. The importance of this document in the project is difficult to overestimate.

2. Draft design

A set of design documents that should contain fundamental design solutions that give a general idea of the device and principle of operation of the product, as well as data that determine the purpose, main parameters and overall dimensions of the product being developed.


3. Technical design. 

 A set of design documents that should contain final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the device of the product being developed, and initial data for the development of working documentation.

4. Work schedule.  

The document establishes a list of works, deadlines and performers of work related to the creation of the AS. The document for each work included in the list contains:

  • name of the work;
  • the start and end date of the work;
  • the name of the unit - the participant of the work;
  • the name and position of the responsible executor;
  • the form of presentation of the results of work.

5. Test program and methodology.  The test program and methodology establishes the necessary and sufficient amount of tests that ensure the specified reliability of the results obtained.


6. Act of acceptance into trial operation.

7. Order on the beginning of trial operation (its parts). 

The document contains:

  • the name of the AC as a whole or its parts undergoing trial operation;
  • the name of the development organization, co-executing organizations;
  • terms of trial operation;
  • a list of officials of the contracting authority and the development organization responsible for conducting trial operation;


a list of units of the contracting authority involved in the pilot operation.

8. Order on the composition of the acceptance commission. The document contains:

  • the name of the adopted AU in whole or its parts;
  • information on the composition of the commission;
  • the basis for the organization of the commission;
  • the name of the contracting authority;
  • the name of the development organization, co-executing organizations;
  • the purpose and objectives of the commission's work;
  • the timing of the commencement and completion of the commission's work;

an indication of the form of completion of the commission's work.

9. Test report.  

The document contains:

  • the name of the test object;
  • a list of officials who conducted the tests;
  • the purpose of the tests;
  • information on the duration of the tests;
  • a list of items of the terms of reference for the creation of the AC, the compliance with which the tests were carried out;
  • the list of items of the "Test Programme" for which the tests were carried out;
  • information on the results of observations of the correct functioning of the AU;
  • information about failures, failures and emergency situations that occur during the tests;

information on adjustments to the parameters of the test object and technical documentation.

10. Order on commissioning. The document contains:

  • the composition of the functions of the AC or its parts, technical and software facilities accepted for commercial operation;
  • a list of officers and a list of units of the contracting authority responsible for the work of the AU;
  • the procedure and timing of the introduction of new forms of documents (if necessary);
  • the procedure and timing of the transfer of personnel to work in the conditions of the functioning of the

11. Status reports. Status reports can be several: a report provided to you by the contractor; a report that you prepare directly for the collegial bodies that control the progress of the project.
Status reports are regularly created throughout the project with a certain periodicity. Moreover, the frequency of submission of the report by the contractor is determined by you yourself (as a rule, 1 time per week), and the frequency of submitting the report to the collegial bodies is determined either by the Project Charter or by local regulatory documents on project management.

12. Protocols of collegial bodies controlling the implementation of the project.

13. Acts of acceptance of work (in accordance with the contract for the implementation of EDMS).

14. Invoices, invoices (in accordance with the EDMS implementation agreement).

15. Order on completion of the project. The order fixes the end of the project.

So, we considered the legislative and regulatory-methodological sources on documentation support for project management, the main types of documents that are issued during the implementation of projects, and also touched upon some points of the content of such documents. In the next issue, we will delve into the subtleties of developing the Project Charter: we will consider the structure of the project, try to describe in the Charter the procedures for approving project documents, describe the activities of collegial bodies in project management, in a word, try to figure out why the Charter is called the "Constitution of the project". We will also consider the development of a calendar and resource plan for the project.

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