Sunday 6 February 2022

How to return project schedule on track back

We often encounter the problem of "the plan can't keep up with the change" in the project management process, such as:

obviously, i made plans at the beginning, but i often timed out

obviously, various work is progressing smoothly, but the project has to be delayed due to "emergencies"

obviously, the division of labor is clear in advance, but in the process of practical operation, there are frequent errors such as mixed tasks and omissions.

these problems are caused by the project schedule management is not done well! it is believed that for each manager, completing the project at the lowest possible cost is both a goal and a challenge, but not every project can be "completed on schedule", so adjusting according to the actual situation of the project and controlling the progress of the project is the core work of each manager to predict the project.

so what is project schedule management?

what is the role of project schedule management?

how to do a good job of project schedule management or what tools can help to do a good job of project schedule management?

in the face of this series of soul torture, do you have a lot of question marks in your head? that's okay, just today it's all for you.

first, what is project progress management

project progress management refers to the management of the progress of each stage and the deadline for the final completion of the project in the process of project implementation. within the specified time, a reasonable and economical schedule is drawn up, and in the process of implementing the plan, if there is a deviation, the cause should be found in time and the necessary remedial measures or adjustments should be taken. the purpose of project schedule management is to ensure that the project can achieve its overall objectives while meeting its time constraints.

project schedule management consists of two parts:

1. project schedule formulation

project schedule formulation is the first part of project schedule management, which must be based on project scope management and targeted project activities for project scope content requirements.

2. project schedule implementation

as the saying goes, "just talk and don't practice false style", a perfect plan is meaningless if it is not tested by practice. therefore, we need to fully consider the feasibility of actual operation, fully mobilize the execution of each employee, and ensure that the project schedule can be implemented well and quickly.

now that we understand what project schedule management is, what is the role of project schedule management?

second, the role of project progress management

as mentioned above, "the plan cannot catch up with the changes", "it is easy to do when it is difficult" and other headaches will be encountered in the project process management, but if the effective project schedule management is done, these headaches will not only be reduced, but also make the project progress "smooth sailing". doing a good job of project schedule management can help managers keep abreast of project progress, improve teamwork capabilities, and respond to "unexpected situations" that occur during project progress.

we understand the help that project schedule management brings to our work, and we can also use some tools to help us better manage project schedules.

third, how to do a good job in project progress management

to do a good job in project schedule management, you need to master the appropriate methods and apply the right tools to achieve the effect of doubling the results with half the effort, the following suggestions are for your reference:

1. closely monitor the progress of the project and find problems early and solve them early

in fact, many problems encountered in the project management process can be solved early, rather than waiting until the problem is so serious that it affects the overall progress of the project before starting to take action; so be sure to pay close attention to the progress of the project.

for example, the gantt chart is a tool to show the progress of certain time-related activities (tasks, stages, projects, etc.) over time, so that project managers can intuitively view the progress of activities and control the overall situation:

in the light flow system, the gantt chart can be automatically generated according to your needs; with the gantt chart function of light flow, we can see very intuitively in the process of project progress management: the duration of the task plan, the specific start time and end time of the task and other project progress.

learn about the situation through the gantt chart, and then check, analyze, correct the progress of the project, and finally find out the cause and solution of the deviation.

2. keep the division of tasks clear and do a good job of follow-up on specific matters

the most important thing for managers to avoid in the process of project schedule management is to "fight the battle of unpreparedness", which requires the relevant responsible person to do a good job of task division, and the calendar view can solve this problem well.

the light stream calendar view is a way to manage data in a time dimension where members can view the schedule of each day. in the project progress management, the calendar chart allows the manager to understand the daily work tasks to ensure the progress of the project and avoid problems such as task forgetting.

please enter the picture description 3, accurate project data analysis, real-time control of the latest situation

3. accurate project data analysis, real-time control of the latest situation

do a good job of project schedule management is not only to ensure that the project is completed within the specified time, but also to ensure that the budget and various consumption are within a reasonable range, otherwise it is meaningless to exchange low quality and high cost for completion time.

therefore, for project managers, it is necessary to monitor the normal operation of the entire project from multiple dimensions, such as personnel effectiveness analysis, project resource consumption analysis and so on.

For the data generated in the project progress process, we do not need to manually collect summary data into Excel for statistics, and we can directly use the light flow of automated data reports to complete data analysis and visual management.

we often argue about the debate of "it is not too late to make up for the dead sheep" or "it is too late to make up for the dead sheep", but for the project manager, the deviation in the project schedule management has not been corrected and solved in time, and the answer to the debate is that it is too late to make up for the dead sheep.

every manager hopes that the project can achieve the project goal with as little cost and time and high quality as possible, and hopes that every employee can complete the marathon at a speed of 100 meters sprint, but the project process management is a "fine work", i believe that through the appropriate management method and similar light flow of project progress management tools, in the next project process management we can achieve the effect of "ding ding to solve the cow".

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