Monday 31 January 2022

Examination and coordination of projects

Design and estimate documentation (feasibility study, fuel and energy resources, projects, working projects) is subject to coordination and approval in accordance with the established procedure.

Approval of design and estimate documentation is usually preceded by its examination. Expert bodies carry out the examination.

The purpose of the examination of design and estimate documentation is to improve technical and economic indicators.

Expertise is an effective tool for introducing the latest scientific and technical achievements into the practice of designing

In the process of examination of design and estimate documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of enterprises, buildings and structures, the following is checked: 


compliance of the project with the design task, the general plan of the settlement or industrial hub; compliance of the technological processes and equipment adopted in the project with the latest achievements of science, technology and scientific organization of labor, compliance of the solutions of the technological part of the project with the norms of technological design; compliance of architectural and construction solutions with the current level of construction equipment and industrialization of construction, requirements for the quality of architectural and artistic solutions of buildings and structures; the correctness of the decisions of the general plan of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings; correctness of determining the estimated cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, the structure of capital investments; progressiveness of the applied design solutions and methods of organization and mechanization of construction.

During the examination, an assessment is made of compliance with the complexity of construction, which ensures the construction along with production facilities for social and domestic purposes. Particular attention in the examination of projects is paid to problems related to environmental protection.


Design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is developed in accordance with norms, rules, instructions and state standards, which must be certified by the corresponding entry of the chief engineer (chief architect) of the project in the materials of the working project (project).


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In the event of a change in the design decisions adopted in the feasibility study (TER), the working draft (draft) is subject to coordination in the relevant state supervision bodies, which include: sanitary authorities, inspection for the protection of atmospheric air from pollution, basin inspection for the use and protection of water resources, forest protection, gas supervision, fish protection bodies of basin administrations, energy supervision, fire supervision, inspection for the protection of monuments The customer coordinates with the general contractor the section of the working project (project) "Organization of construction".

Constructive solutions of buildings and structures, a consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction and a draft contractual price are submitted by the customer to the general contractor for conclusion (if investment proposals are not submitted for auction).

The general contractor considers, with the involvement of subcontractors, the section of the working project (project) "Organization of construction", the constructive solutions of buildings and structures and the consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction and submits comments to the customer no later than 45 days from the date of receipt of these materials.

On behalf of the customer, the design organization makes changes to the design and estimate documentation based on the comments of the general contractor.


The developed feasibility study and ter are considered (examined) and approved in the following order:

for enterprises, buildings and structures, the development of feasibility studies and fuel and energy resources for which (as well as financing of technical re-equipment, reconstruction, expansion and construction) are carried out at the expense of own funds (self-supporting income) of enterprises (associations), organizations and bank credit - by the enterprises themselves, regardless of the estimated cost;

for enterprises, buildings and structures, the development of feasibility studies and fuel and energy resources for which (as well as financing of their construction) is carried out at the expense of state centralized capital investments:

a) for particularly large and complex enterprises and facilities, feasibility studies are considered by the State Expert Commission and the relevant departments on the proposal of the ministries and departments of the US , if there are conclusions of their examination bodies;

b) for large and complex enterprises and facilities, feasibility studies are considered by the on issues within the competence of these committees, on the proposal of ministries and departments, if there is a conclusion of their examination bodies.

The approval of the feasibility study specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b", after consideration and approval, is carried out by the ministries and departments of the US Federation. The developed technical and economic calculations (FER) for individual enterprises, buildings and structures are considered (with examination) and approved by the ministries and departments of US; 

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c) for other objects at the cost of construction: 4 million Dollars. and above - the examination and approval of the feasibility study and ter are carried out by the ministries and departments of the USn Federation; less than 4 million Dollars. - examination and approval of feasibility studies and fuel and energy resources are carried out in the manner established by the ministries and departments of US.


When making decisions on the compilation of fuel and energy resources and developing them for enterprises, buildings and structures for which there is no need to develop a feasibility study, organizations engaged in the development, examination and approval of fuel and energy resources should ensure their high quality, reliability and progressiveness of technical and economic indicators of enterprises, buildings and structures, prevent an unjustified increase in the volume of fuel and energy resources and their excessive detailing.

It is recommended to reduce the volume of fuel and energy resources if the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is provided for in the industry and territorial schemes approved in accordance with the established procedure, detailed planning projects, projects, planning and development of cities and other settlements according to standard or re-applied economical individual projects.


 In these cases, the TER should contain only references to the relevant document, as well as to a standard and reusable design of the enterprise, building or structure, according to which its construction is envisaged, as well as to provide data on its location (route), capacity, volume, area, length, production capacity (productivity) and determine the cost of construction. 


In these cases, with the cost of construction of an enterprise, building or structure of less than 4 million Dollars, the fuel and energy resources can be drawn up by the forces of the enterprise (organization) of the customer and approved by the managers of this enterprise (organization).

The staged development of design and estimate documentation (in one stage - a working project or in two stages - a project and working documentation) is determined in the feasibility study or TER by agreement of the customer with the general contractor, taking into account the need for further detail and clarification of the main technical solutions.


 It should be borne in mind that the design of technically simple and other objects, enterprises, buildings and structures, the construction of which is carried out mainly according to standard and reused economical individual projects, as well as objects of technical re-equipment is carried out in one stage, that is, in these cases a working project is developed.


The main requirements that the future enterprise, building or structure must meet are indicated in the "Design Task", which is drawn up by the customer of the project. 


In the design assignments for enterprises, buildings and structures, customers should establish requirements for the introduction of new equipment and best practices, indicators for the effectiveness of capital investments, reducing the material intensity and labor intensity of construction and increasing labor productivity. The design task is approved by the authority that approved the feasibility study (TER).

Expertise of construction projects

Approval and composition of design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. The procedure for conducting the examination.

To conduct an examination of feasibility studies, feasibility studies, projects and estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures subordinate to local governments, it was decided to create:

organizations of state non-departmental expertise (main departments, departments) on the basis of expert units of these committees;

organizations of state non-departmental expertise (departments, bureaus) under the executive committees on the basis of expert units of the relevant executive committees of local Councils.

It is envisaged that feasibility studies (FER), feasibility studies (FS), projects and estimates for the construction of residential buildings and other social facilities are subject to examination in organizations of state non-departmental expertise.

Depending on the authority that approves the design and estimate documentation for construction, the level of its expertise is also determined.


For production and non-production facilities, the construction of which is financed at the expense of the enterprises' own funds and the bank's loans, the design and estimate documentation is examined in the manner established by these enterprises.

At the same time, the bodies of state expertise of projects and estimates can be attracted by enterprises to perform relevant work and provide assistance on a contractual basis and on mutually agreed terms with payment for works (services) at the expense of their own funds of enterprises and organizations.

Approval of the developed working projects (projects), after they have been corrected according to the comments of the examination, is made depending on their purpose, estimated cost, sources of financing investments and other characteristics.

develop on its own and on a contractual basis design and estimate documentation for the implementation of works on technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of existing production, as well as for the construction of non-production facilities;

approve design and estimate documentation for production and non-production facilities, the construction of which is carried out at the expense of self-supporting income of the company's staff and bank loans.

The executive committees of the regional, regional and city Councils of People's Deputies approve projects for the construction of residential areas, micro districts and quarters, regardless of their estimated cost.

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