Saturday 2 October 2021

Procedure for developing checklists for Project

To perform operations to ensure (evaluate) quality, an audits used. A quality audit is an independent peer review that determines whether a project's operations comply with the rules, processes, and procedures established within the project or organization. 


The purpose of a quality audit is to identify inefficient and economically unjustified rules, processes and procedures used in the project. 

The number and timing of planned project audits can be determined by the main stages of the project or key events.


Unscheduled audits are carried out at the request of the customer, heads of departments and departments. Quality audits are conducted on the basis of criteria, each of which is a consequence of the requirements of the regulatory documentation of the quality management system (ISO 9000requirement) and the project management system (PMBOK). The scheme of internal audit of the quality of the project may look as follows:

  • analysis of correction of comments of the previous check;
  • auditing the project according to checklists ;
  • execution of a quality control report;
  • informing the project team about the appearance of new reporting documents.

Below is a template for registering a list of deviations and a description of the quality assurance procedure(Table 4.6).

Deviation registration template

deviation no.Date of detectionWork titleDescription of deviationRejection statusActions taken
[number in order in the table][date of the meeting at which the deviation was revealed][name of the work in which the deviation of the results from the requirements of the customer was revealed][description of the deviation][does not know.- the work will be accepted despite the identified deviation[postponed - work will be accepted despite the identified deviation, so there is no need to take any action
serious - the deviation must be eliminated so that the quality of the project corresponds to the specified levelin the work - the rejection is referred to the consideration in the procedure of problem management, the answer is expected
critical - the work does not fully meet the requirements of the customer]fixed - rejection corrected and work completed]

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