Saturday 10 July 2021

Project Integration Management

Project integration management includes the processes and operations required to identify, refine, combine, combine and coordinate various project management processes and operations within project management processes groups. 



In the context of project management, integration includes characteristics such as merger, consolidation, communication, and integrative actions that are key to project control by performing work, successfully managing stakeholder expectations, and meeting requirements. 


Project integration management includes decision-making on resource allocation, finding trade-offs between competing goals and alternatives, and managing interdependence between areas of project management knowledge.


Project management processes are usually presented as discrete processes with specific boundaries, although in practice they are superimposed and interact in ways that cannot be fully detailed.

Presents a general pattern of the following project integration management processes, namely:

  1. 4.1 Drafting a draft charter is that the process of drafting a document that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager the authority to use the organization's resources in project operations.
  2. 4.2 The development of a project management plan is a process for identifying, preparing and coordinating all support plans and integrating them into a comprehensive project management plan. Integrated baseline and support plans can be included in the project management plan.
  3. 4.3 Project management and management is a process of directing and executing work defined in the project management plan and applying approved changes to achieve project goals.
  4. 4.4 Project monitoring and monitoring is a process of tracking, verifying and reporting progress to achieve performance goals defined in the project management plan.
  5. 4.5 Integrated change control is the process of analysing all change requests, approving and managing changes to the results delivered, the organization's process assets, project documents, and project management plan, and providing information about their status.
  6. 4.6 Closing a project or phase is the process of completing all operations of all project management teams for the formal completion of a project or phase.

General project integration management scheme

These processes interact with each other and with processes from other areas of expertise (see the details in Section 3 and Appendix A1).

When individual processes interact, you need to manage the integration of the project. For example, a cost estimate required for a plan in case of possible losses entails the integration of processes from areas of knowledge on project cost management, timing, and risk management. If additional risks associated with different alternatives to providing the project to staff are identified, one or more of these processes may be repeated. 

It is also necessary to integrate the project results delivered with the current operations of the executing organization and the customer organization, as well as with long-term strategic planning, which takes into account future challenges and opportunities. 


Project integration management also includes the steps required to manage project documents to ensure compliance with the project management plan, as well as the results delivered, such as products, services, or opportunities.

The most experienced project management practitioners know that there is no one-size-fits-all way to manage a project. They apply project management knowledge and skills, as well as the necessary processes in their preferred order and with varying degrees of rigor, to reach the desired level of execution of the project. 


However, the conclusion that certain processes are not mandatory does not mean that they should not be ignored. The project manager and project team should review all the processes and environment of the project to determine the level of application of each individual process for the project. 


If the project consists of more than one phase, the processes in each phase must be performed with a degree of rigor corresponding to each phase. The project manager and the project team are also involved in this definition.

The integrative nature of projects and their management can be understood by looking at other types of operations that are performed during the project. Here are some examples of operations carried out by the project management team:

Develop, evaluate, analyze and understand content, which includes project and product requirements, criteria, assumptions, limitations, and other impacts related to the project, and how to manage or consider them within the project.

Converting the project information collected into a project management plan using a structured approach, as described in the PMBOK Guide®.

Operations to produce the project results delivered.

Measuring and monitoring the progress of the project, as well as doing the necessary steps to achieve the project goals.

The relationships between processes in project management processes often be iterative. For example, at the beginning of a project, a planning process team provides a documented project management plan to the execution process group, and then updates to the project management plan if changes occur during the project.

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