Tuesday 30 April 2019

Tips for creating project schedule

A Project Schedule or the schedule of the project made by the project manager to organize the people in the project and shows how the work of the Organization (the project) will be implemented. It is a tool for monitoring (project manager) if the project and the team still under control or not.

Project schedule calendar shape associated with the work to be done and a list of the required resource. Before the schedule was made, the WBS should first exist, if not then the schedule will impress the far-fetched. To create a project schedule, there is some software that can be used as an option. A selection of free software and open source: Open Workbench, dot Project, net Office and Tutos.

Some things to consider when creating a project schedule, such as:

1. Resource Allocation on each job. 

The Resource can be a variety of things such as human, belongings, equipment (computers, projectors, etc.), place ( meeting rooms, for example) or services (such as training or team backers out source) is needed and probably its availability is limited.  However the primary resource is human.

First, the project manager will allocate people (people) for a particular job. Then, as long as the work progresses, the person might be too busy so as not to be allocated for the work of others. Note that the selection of the offender needs to be tailored to the capabilities and a variety of other things because there is work that can be done by anyone, but generally the work can only be carried out by one or Some people only.

2. Identify any dependency.

A work called have a dependency if it involves activity, resource or work product generated employment/other activities. Example: test plan might not be implemented as long as the software has not yet been implemented/written, new programs can be written after the class or module is created and described in the design stages. Each job in the WBS need are numbered, with the number depending on the number of the work requirement. Here is a little picture of how a job is becoming dependent on other jobs.

3. Create the schedule

Each job also has a period of work. Thus the schedules can be created, for example:

Each job is shown in the box, while the dependence between the work indicated by the arrow. Black box-shaped diamonds between D and E (in the picture above) is called milestone or jobs without duration. Milestone is used to indicate important events on the schedule. While long black box between C and D, which also contains pieces of diamonds shows the summary task or the two sub jobs that have the same parent.  The schedule could be made in the form of a Gantt Chart, PERT diagram, or such.  Example of a Gantt Chart that is created by a project management tool:

Risk Plan

Risk plan is a list of the risks/problems that may occur during the project progress and how to deal with the occurrence of the risk. However, uncertainty is the enemy of all plans, including project plan. Sometimes there are just times that are not fun for the project, a lot of trouble going on for example a resource suddenly not available. Therefore risk plan is the best preparation for facing uncertainty.

The following steps can be a reference to obtain a Risk Plan:

1. Discussion of the potential risk

Project manager will lead a session/meetings to identify problem- a problem that might be appear. Team members will be fishing to state risks the unthinkable. The project manager will write them on the Board any there who suggested that relevant. A bit of opinion will probably appear at first, then continues with the one after another-response followed until finally the atmosphere cools until finally the last opinion expressed. The risk in question here is the specific risk. If a risk is considered not yet specific then the project manager will be fishing in order to issue delivered in more specific. Another good source of problems that is there assumptions that appear when creating a Vision and Scope and perform estimation by the method of Wide band Delphi.

2. Estimation of the each risk/issue

Teams will give a rating for each risk. Its value ranges from 1 (problem with small risk) to 5 (the problem with great risk, the possibility of the emergence of large, may cost large and difficult to deal with it).

3. Create a risk plan team will identify the steps that will be taken to address the problems that will arise, starting from the risk worth 5.

Scheduling Project

PERT is a project management tool that is used to perform scheduling, organize and coordinate the parts of the work that is in a project. PERT which has a length of Program Review Evaluation Technique is a methodology developed by the United States Navy in 1950 to organize programs of missiles. While there is the same methodology at the same time, developed by the private sector called CPM or Critical Path Method. 

Methodology of PERT visualized with a graph or chart which symbolizes the illustration of a project. Network diagram is made up of several points (nodes) that represent events (event) or a point can be reached (milestone). Those points are connected by a vector (a direction line) which represents a work (tasks) within a project. The direction of the vector or line showed a sequence of work.

Gambar 4

From Figure 1 it can be observed that each arrow will show the direction of a sequence.  Such as job 1 is done first (start), then can be followed by jobs 2, 3, 4, after which a job 5.6. Point 7 is the finish point where final work was done and it is the end of a project. In addition to showing the a sequence diagram, PERT workmanship also showed an attachment between a job that cannot be separated. Attachment that can be seen with the example of job 2, 3, 4 can only be done if the work 1 already completed.

A job that can be done in conjunction with other work, also known as parallel work (task parallel or concurrent tasks). In addition there is also an activity that is represented by the dotted line called with dummy activities. A diagram of the PERT can be used to find out a sequence of critical activities or activities that must be done as a top priority (critical path), the scheduling of other activity, and the number of workers needed.

Characteristics of the PERT

The step-by-step explanation of PERT method then you can see the basic characteristics of a PERT, namely a critical path. With this critical path then becomes aware of a project within the old settlement can be minimized.  Characteristics of critical path is:

  • Track usually takes the longest in a process.
  • Line that does not have a time lag between the completion of one stage of the activity with the beginning of a stage of the next activity.
  • Absence of such grace period which is the critical nature of the critical path.


  • Project Activities are limited by time; their very nature temporary, when start and expiration.
  • Limited by cost.
  • Restricted by quality.
  • Do not usually repeated.

Benefits of PERT

  1. Knowing reliance and contentedness of each job in a project.
  2. Be aware of the implications and the time delay in case of a job.
  3. Be aware of the possibility to find the path of an alternative that is better for the smooth running of the project.
  4. Be aware of the possibility of acceleration of one or several lines of activity.
  5. Be aware of the deadline for completion of the project.

 Project Schedule Template

Project Schedule Template

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