Saturday 15 December 2018

Why-why Analysis

Why-why Analysis

Why-Why Analysis or which is also known as 5 Whys, is a very popular technique to identify root cause of a problem. ... By repeatedly asking the question “Why” (five is a good rule of thumb), we can peel away the layers of symptoms which can lead to the root cause of a problem

What comes to you when it finds a problem crunchy mind home leaked?

Surely you will soon replace it, correct no?

So what do you do if 1 or 2 weeks later Genting leaking again?

Surely you fix again properly go?

Thus if the problem recurs constantly repeated what you will replace the roof tiles hold?

  • Definitely irritated?

  • Certainly wasteful cost?

  • Certainly wastes the time?

  • Certainly wasteful energy?

Definitely moving house? LOH ... wrong just kidding ^^, peace

now ... Why do a definite improvement – definitely

Instructions to do problem solving, said his improvement from the Japanese hell we must ask why ... why ... why ... why ... why ... (maximum 5 x) or commonly called the Why-Why Analysis ?

To the above illustration let us analyze well with why-why analysis

Problems: Genting leaked every 2 weeks once.

The analysis :

Rev. 1: why Genting is leaking?
Answer: because there is a section of tile shifts and there are cracks also.

Rev. 2: why Genting eased and crack?
Answer: because there's a cat above the precarious

Rev. 3: why are there cats above Genting?
Answer: because there are leftovers in Genting

Rev. 4: why there are leftovers in Genting?
Answer: because there's a dump from the 2nd floor

Rev. 5: why people throw trash off the floor 2?
answer: because there is no trash on the floor 2


-Provide dumpster food is on the 2nd floor
-fixing a leaking/cracked Genting

it should be noted, that why-why analysis not forever be used 5 x, else why 2 x already found root cause/the root cause of the problem so STOP don't be dozen / forced use Rev up 5 x ... OK?
definitely confused? hopefully not.  .. ^^

let us imagine if these events befell within a machine factory, a technician who does not do a prior analysis of the damage to see the root of the problem/root cause, so There is a problem directly concluded (jump to conclusion) and it turns out his roots/root cause him not to be solved!

not imagine how much losses will be borne by the company?
machinery breakdown (time) = impacts to output, labor productivity, customer delivery, etc.
there's a who want to help count?

therefore it is important for companies to educate his employees butter

Let us imagine if these events befell within a machine factory, a technician who does not do a prior analysis of the damage to see root/root cause of the problem, so there is a problem directly concluded (jump to conclusion) and it turns out his roots/root cause him not to be solved!
not imagine how much losses will be borne by the company?
machinery breakdown (time) = impacts to output, labor productivity, customer delivery, etc.
there's a who want to help count?

therefore it is important for companies to educate his employees accustomed to thinking about the analysis of the causes of the problems of the tools that this one.

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