Friday 14 December 2018

What is Strategic maps

A strategic map of a scorecard is a generic architecture that serves to describe a strategy. The strategy map is a diagram that is use to document the primary strategic goals being pursue by an organization or management team.

The end of last year we study in this corner of one of the most important and famous management tools:

The scorecard (WCC) also known in English as the Balance Scorecard (BSC) was develop by the American economists Robert S. Kaplan (Professor of accounting from the Harvard Business School) and David p. Norton (consultant specialize in the management of intangibles and strategies General Director Nolan Norton Institute, the research division of KPMG), in February 1992 in the publication of the Harvard Business Review. Today we will talk about what are the strategic maps.

Strategic maps: what are they and what are they good.

Strategic maps are tools of insight provide macro of an organization's strategy, and provide a language to describe it. They are a graphic description of the strategy.

The objective of the scorecard is to provide the organizations of the metrics (numeric values / for measuring its success.)) The underlying principle is that you cannot control what cannot be measure. Parle strategic maps, which had originally been one of the construction of the WCC, allow to discover a deeper principle: you can measure what cannot be describe.

The strategic map is use to describe the strategy of an organization and provides a framework to illustrate how strategy links intangible assets with value creation processes.


In the field of business, the concept of strategic maps was develop by Robert Kaplan and David P. Norton, and embody in the book of both Strategic Maps. The concept was introduce previously by themselves in the book Balance Scorecard as picture of scorecard to represent relationships between indicators and their links with the strategy.

The strategic maps are design under one architecture specific cause and effect, and they serve to illustrate how they interact the four perspectives of the CMI:

  1. The financial results are only obtain if customers are satisfy. I.e., the financial perspective depends on how to build the customer's perspective.

  2. The value proposition for the customer describes the method to generate sales and loyal consumers. So, is intimately link with the perspective of the necessary processes so that customers are satisfy.

  3. Internal processes are the gear that puts into practice the value proposition for the customer. However, without the backing of intangible assets it is impossible for them to work effectively.

  4. If the learning and growth perspective does not identify clearly which tasks (human capital), technology (capital of the information) and environment (organizational culture) need to support the processes, the creation of value will not occur. Therefore, ultimately the financial targets nor shall be fulfill.

The basic concept

The basic idea is to start looking at a higher perspective to identify what is need. Go through the list down to understand what must be done to achieve this. Strategic map encrypts this information. The arrows of effect will lower prospect the highest but the arrows of strategic inference. That is not explicitly drawn in the strategy map depart from higher perspectives to other lower.

In this context, aligning the objectives of these four perspectives is key to the creation of value.  A focus and internally consistent strategy. In synthesis strategic map provides a visual framework for integrating all the company's objectives and identifies. The specific skills related to the intangible assets of the organization /capital human, information and organizational) for get exceptional performance.

Once create, strategic maps are excellent communication tools, allowing all employees to understand the strategy and translate it into specific actions to contribute to the success of the company.

In conclusion, go to a nice video that illustrates us today's theme: strategic maps.

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