Friday 14 December 2018

What is EFQM model

The EFQM Excellence Model (European Foundation for Quality Management) is the most widely used continuous improvement tool in the world. The model is a non-prescriptive business excellence framework for organizational management, promote by the European Foundation for Quality Management and designed to help organizations to become more competitive.

The EFQM Excellence Model


Again a matter of quality, one of the main themes of this blog. In order to increase the competitiveness of European companies by using the philosophy of total quality management. Fourteen companies found in 1988 the Organization European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). With the support of the Union European Foundation non-profit base in Brussels.

The first European Prize for quality (EQA) was create in 1992 with the purpose of giving impetus to European organizations. That use the principles of total quality management. The EFQM model has an own scheme, similar to the one propose by the Malcolm Baldrige Award. Consisting of nine criteria of evaluation of the excellence of an organization.


The European award supports different ways of application. One is the self-assessment, regardless of the score to find the strengths and areas for improvement of the Organization using it as part of the improvement cycle. Another way consists in the preparation of the report. So that the company is present as a candidate for the prize. Applicant companies must submit a 75-page report following the guidelines of the nine criteria. He is currently a non-prescriptive model.


Model is base on the current trends of quality management: The orientation to the customer, alliances with providers, staff involvement, decisions base on facts and processes, leadership and coherence with the objectives, social responsibility, the continuous improvement, innovation and the orientation towards the achievement of results. The first aspect to be consider in this model is that it is divide into two parts, enabling agents and facilitators agent’s results are the way to get results.

Gives the same weight to that obtain (results) and the how (agents) is obtain. Agents are the leadership (1), the people that make up the Organization (3), the policy and strategy (2), partnerships and resources (4) and (5) processes management. The results refer to all results: customers (6), (7) staff society (8) and (10) key processes.

The following are briefly the aspects which are consider in each of the criteria.

  1. Leadership:

    This criterion examine how leaders develop and facilitate the mission, implant the values of the company, involve staff and maintain the commitment to stakeholders.

  2. Policy and strategy:

    Refers to how the mission and vision, are implant with a strategy focus on the parties concern. The policy and strategy should be base on performance monitoring and information activities related to creativity, research and learning.

  3. Personnel management:

    Refers to how they manage, develop and leverage the knowledge and the potential of the people who work in the company, and how to use the full potential of staff training to continually improve. The sub-criteria include paragraphs refer to the dialogue of the staff and the company, or how the staff is reward, recognize and care.

  4. Partnerships and resources:

    Refers to how the organization plans and manages external alliances with suppliers and internal resources, support by its policy and strategy. With respect to internal resources, values are how they manage finances, facilities, technology, information and knowledge.

  5. Processes:

    Refers to how they identify, manage and review processes and how they are corrected to ensure continuous improvement in all activities.

  6. Results in customers:

    Refers to what gets the organization with regard to its external clients, including external, as the results of customer satisfaction surveys as indicators of the performance measures of perception.
    Results in staff: refers to what gets the company in relation to the people who make it, taking into account both internal performance indicators as the staff perception of the company; for example, using the staff satisfaction surveys.

  7. Results in society:

    Refers to what achievement is reaching the company in relation to society, both local and national and foreign, taking into account both indicators of the perception of the company by the company as the internal) recycling, patronage, waste, etc.).

  8. Key findings

    Refers to achievements which gets the company in relation to the performance. Both results and indicators.

To apply different criteria, the European model is base on a set of evaluation rules, base on logic REDER, which consists of the results, approach, deployment, assessment and review cycle.

  • Results: refers to the results that the company has achieve and is achieving. The results have show positive trends or sustain good performance, and objectives must be suitable and achieve. The results have to be favorable, compare to competitors, and also the range of outcomes should cover all relevant areas of the company and be the basis of the approach.

  • Focus: what the company has plan to do and the reasons for it. An excellent organization, the approach has to be well inform and integrate, with well define and develop, support at the policy and strategy of the Organization and processes adequately bond with other approaches.

  • Deployment: what makes the company to implement the approach in all relevant areas.

  • Evaluation and review: what is done to assess and review the approach and its deployment. An excellent organization, approach and its deployment will be subject to measurements regularly, learning activities will be undertaken and the results will be use to identify, prioritize, plan, and implement improvements.

The systematization and structuring of the model are base on the use of facts and data, in order to avoid the mistakes that would be derive from the use of personal opinions or appraisals not objectives. In summary, the features and benefits of the European model are the following:

  • The model is use for any organization and any kind of activity.

  • Is order systematically.

  • Are base on facts and contrasting experiences, not on personal opinions.

  • It is a frame of reference that gives a conceptual basis common to all the staff.

  • Is an instrument of training in quality management for all staff.

  • It serves to diagnose the actual situation of a company.


Organizations that have implement the model may voluntarily present their candidature. To obtain recognition for excellence in management base on the application of the EFQM model of excellence. Which facilitate by the Seals of excellence EFQM:

  • Commitment to excellence (in English, commit to excellence). Through this process of recognition, the Organization identifies its management level and enter into a dynamic of continuous improvement. Through the improvement actions. Access this seal when the result of the self-assessment with respect to the EFQM Excellence model. It is  in 200 or more points EFQM. For this level. The approval is not essential if the Organization has an ISO 9001 certificate in force.

  • European excellence 300 + or 3 star (recognize for excellence 3 stars). It through this process of recognition, the Organization identifies. Its management level and produces a descriptive report of the activities of management and results achieve. Access this seal when the result of the self-assessment, with respect to the EFQM Excellence model. It is approve by a licensee in 300 or more dots EFQM.

  • European excellence 400 + or 4 star (recognize for excellence 4 stars). The process is identical to the corresponding with the level of excellence European 300 +. Access this seal when the result of the self-assessment with respect to the EFQM Excellence model. It is approve by a licensee in 400 or more points EFQM.

  • European excellence 500 + or 5 star (recognize for excellence 5 stars). The process is identical to the level of European excellence + 300 and 400 + except the memory format. Access this seal when the result of the self-assessment with respect to the EFQM Excellence model. It is approve by an evaluate at 500 or more EFQM points.

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