Wednesday 19 December 2018

Visual Factory to Ensure Smooth Flow

Visual Factory

Visual factory in lean manufacturing are the means use to disseminate data and information in a work environment that implements lean manufacturing methods. Although necessary, time and resources deploy to disseminate information is one form of waste .

In the lean concept, information dissemination is done using visual methods, such as signboards, charts and andons. As such, the information will be easily accessible to anyone in need, and the latest status of all processes will continue to be update.

What is a Visual Factory?

The more complex a process, the exchange of information about the process becomes more important. Visual factory in lean manufacturing is a set of tools (lean tool) that allows the flow of information smoothly, accurately and efficiently. Implementation of the visual factory is done in two stages, namely determining what information needs to be deliver, and how to deliver it.

Determining the Information Need to Be Convey

Determining the information that needs to be deliver / disseminate is the first step of the visual factory implementation in lean manufacturing. The current state must be compare to the future state targets for determining the type of information that needs to be disseminate.

Important information to disseminate is the information need to move from one state to another (in the process). How the distribution depends on the desire end result. Location and method of information delivery depends on the relevance of that information. Data or information disseminate in general regarding:

  • Process matrix

  • Job Instruction

  • General information about the factory

Process matrix information is generally display on machines or cells. This kind of information is most effective when distribute in real-time . The immediate feedback will greatly increase the likelihood of immediate repair. If a marker in the form of a lamp is use to indicate this information, then it is call andon . Andon is often use as a primary tool in the visual factory because it allows the dissemination of information in real-time.

Visual Support

The job instruction board is generally install in the production area. Instructions with sufficient visual support, such as photos, pictures and charts will ease the work and minimize production errors. The more visualization in information dissemination, the communication of message delivery will get better.

General information about the plant is usually display in a central area, where everyone has access to the premises. Lean manufacturing relies heavily on two-way exchange of information within organizations.

Why is Visual Factory Important?

In an environment with a visual factory, information is disseminate to communicate important things, convey signals and signs, increase alertness and increase motivation.

Efficient and timely communication will develop the organization and provide the power to reach its greatest potential. The advantages of visual factory include:

  • Reduce errors / mistakes

  • Increase the run-rate of the machine

  • Increases machine up time.

  • Reduce work-in-process (WIP)

  • Improve employee morale.

Visual factory in lean manufacturing will give the company the ability to communicate in the best way and show world-class performance.

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