Wednesday 5 December 2018

System and performance assessment Criteria

System and performance assessment Criteria

Performance assessment System

Assessment of the work achievement (Performance appraisal) in the framework of human resource development is very important in certain agencies in improving work productivity.

It is given that in the life of each person's organization of human resources in the organization want to get awards and fair treatment of the leaders of the organizations concerned.

In the life of an organization there are some assumptions about human behavior as human resources, underlying the importance of assessment work achievement.

The assumptions in the life of the Organization, as follows:
  • Everyone want to have opportunities to develop the ability of the works to the maximum level.
  • Everyone wants to get an award when he was judged to perform the task well.
  • Everyone wants to know for sure which directed the career ladder if it can carry out its task properly.
  • Everyone wants to get objective treatment and assessment of the basic accomplishment of work.
  • Everyone is willing to accept greater responsibility.
  • Everyone generally doesn't just do the routine nature of activities without information.
  • Based on these assumptions it can be concluded that the assessment of the achievements of the work is important in an organization in the framework of human resource development. This activity can improve the decisions of managers and provide feedback to employees about their activities.

In detail the benefits of assessment work achievement within an organization include:

  1. Increased work achievement, with the assessment, either the Manager or the employee obtaining feedback, and they can improve their work.
  2. Employment opportunities are fair, with the presence of an accurate assessment of work ensures each employee will have the opportunity to place the work in accordance with its ability.
  3. Development of training needs, thus improving performance through achievement assessment work will be detected both employees who rate their ability is low, and then allows the existence of training programs to increase the their abilities.
  4. Adjustment of compensation, is one of the main objectives in improving the work achievement, then work assessment can help managers to take decisions in determining the awarding of compensation, improvement of salary, bonuses and so on.
  5. The results of the assessment work achievement against the employees can be done to take decisions to promote employees who perform well, and for outstanding employees.
  6. The mistakes of design work, regular work given not directed so that the results of the assessment of the achievements of the work can be used to assess the rate of design work. Means an assessment of the achievements of this work can help diagnose errors of design work.
  7. Deviations recruitment and selection process, to assess work achievement can be used to assess the process of recruitment and selection of employees. Work achievement is very low for new employees is reflecting the existence of illegalities recruitment and selection process.

Work achievement assessment system in a organization includes several elements. Element staple work achievement assessment system includes criteria that has to do with the execution of the work, measures of these criteria, and the giving feedback to employees and personnel manager. Although the personnel manager of the designing work achievement appraisal system, but those who do assessment work achievement is generally a direct supervisor of the employee concerned.

The assessment should be able to give an accurate description of the measure. This means that the assessment actually assesses the achievements of the work of employees who are rated.

In order to achieve this objective assessment then there are two things to note:

  • Assessment of the need to have a relationship with a job (job related), it means scoring system it really assess the behavior or activities that support the work of the Organization in which the employee worked.
  • The existence of standards implementation work (performance standards). The standard is a measure used to assess work achievement. In order to make an assessment of it's effective, then the default judgment should be associated with the desired outcomes of each work.
  • Practically, the scoring system is practical, easy to understand and when understood and used, both by the assessor or the employee's which will votes.
  • The assessment method, is a method to provide an assessment of the achievements of the work is generally classified into two kinds, i.e. assessment time-oriented, and assessment methods that are oriented in time to come. 

Establishments that provide assessment methods of achievement on employees to improve work productivity, as follows:

1. Assessment methods work achievement-oriented time ago

Assessment of the achievements of the work generally oriented in the past, that the assessment of the achievement of one's employees work based on the results that have been achieved by employees during this time. In the past-oriented method has advantages in terms of the treatment of the work that has taken place and to a certain degree can be measured. However, this method also has drawbacks i.e. work achievement at the time ago can not be changed. But by evaluating the work achievement ago employees to obtain their jobs against turning hitchhiking. Furthermore the turning hitchhiking can be utilized to repair-repair their accomplishments.

Assessment techniques include work accomplishments, as follows:

Rating Scale

In this case the evaluators subjective assessment against achievement of doing work achievement employees with a certain scale from the lowest to highest with. Appraisers give a mark on the existing scale by means of comparing the results between jobs employee criteria have been determined based on the justification of the evaluator in question.


No. Very Good Enough Are aspects of Rated good good Ugly

                                                   (1)                  (2)               (3)           (4)             (5)          
2 Initiative
3 Attitude
4 cooperation
5 the neatness of work
6 of honesty and
so on


In the method of assessment checklist only select statements that are readily available can illustrate the work achievement and characteristics-the characteristics of employees who are rated. This way can give an accurate picture of the achievements of the work, if the statements in the assessment instrument was crafted carefully, and approved in advance of validation and reliability.

For example: 2 employees the results of her work are the same, so they have the same value. On the completion of the work in process is different that the one working on with rough (negative attitude), whereas the one working on it with a good attitude.


No. Activities assessed yes no
  • 1 Employees willing to work overtime?
  • 2 employees work in accordance with the procedure
  • 3 Employees take care of the equipment properly?
  • 4 employee workplace neat and clean?
  • And so on

The methods to critical events

In this assessment method is based on notes from the leadership or the concerned employee appraiser. The leadership of making notes about the work or duties of the employee who will be judged. Notes that includes not only negative thing about the execution of the task, but also things that are positive. Then based on the notes the critical events of the assessor or the leadership to make assessment of the employee concerned.

Review of the Methods of the field

Methods of assessment done by the assessor or the leadership did plunge directly into the field to assess the achievements of the work of employees.

Work achievement test

This assessment method is done by holding the written tests to employees who will be judged. Therefore, what is expressed (the tests) and answers from employees is in written form, and does not reflect a person's achievements directly then this method including indirectly.

2. Assessment methods work achievement-oriented time will come

Assessment methods work achievement-oriented time, concentrate the work achievement of current employees as well as goal setting work achievement in the future.

Techniques that can be used include:

Self-assessment (self appraisals)

This assessment methods stressed that the assessment of the achievements of the work the employee is assessed by the employees themselves. The purpose of this research is to self-development of employees within the framework of organizational development

 Approach management by objective (MBO)

Assessment methods are determined jointly between the evaluator or the leadership with employees who will be judged. Them together to determine the objectives or goals of the implementation work will come later with the use of the judgment objectives achievement work done together.

The psychological Assessment

Methods of assessment done by holding in-depth interviews, discussions or psychological tests against employees who will be judged. Aspects are assessed, among other things, intellectual, emotional, motivational and so forth of the employees concerned. Of these results will help to minimize the work achievement in time to come. This evaluation relevant to the decisions of the placement or transfer of tasks in the environment of the organization.

The assessment Center Technique

In an organization that has already advanced, there is one assessment center employees. The Center is developing a raw scoring system and can be used to assess employees. The results of the assessment center is very useful for identifying management capabilities in the times to come.

3. performance assessment Criteria

Performance appraisal is a guide in the field of human resources to find out and assess the results of the employee during the period. Please note that performance is very closely related to individual productivity, training and development, career planning/promotion as well as waging. Therefore the information regularly about an employee's performance was very important to participate in the field of personnel discretion determine.

In detail, the purpose of the performance assessment according to John Suprihanto in his performance appraisal and employee development (2000:8), as follows:

  • To know the State of employee skills and abilities on a regular basis.
  • Used as the basis for the planning of field personnel, particularly the refinement of working conditions, an increase in the quality and results of the work.
  • Used as the basis for the development and utilization of seoptimal possible, so employees can be directed in his career planning or career level, promotion and the increase of Office.
  • Encourage the creation of a healthy trade-off between superiors and subordinates.
  • Knowing the company's overall condition of field personnel, particularly the achievements of employees in work.
  • Personally for employees can know the strengths and weaknesses of each, so as to spur its development. In contrast to the superiors assess will pay more attention to and regarding his or its employees, so that they can assist in motivating employees in work.
  • The results of performance assessment can be useful for research and development in the field of human resources as a whole.

In passing it is indeed easily be able to assess a job failed or successful, but the real measure of success, failing or simply is very relative. Moreover, if the work can not be calculated result (output), for example, administrative and managerial jobs section. But in conditions of relatifpun otherwise try composed and determined criteria.

B. Flippo in Principle Of Personal Management, (2002:9) stated that the terms of the scoring system is the relevance and practicality sencitivity acceptabiitym.

  • Relevance, meaning that a scoring system used to measure things or activities that had to do. The relationship that exists between the results of the compliance work and goals set comes first.
  • Acceptability, means the results of the assessment system is acceptable in relation to the success of the implementation of the work within an organization.
  • Reliability, means the results of the assessment system is reliable (consistent and stable). Reliability assessment system is affected by several factors, among others, time and frequency of assessments.
  • Sensitivity, meaning the scoring system sensitive enough in distinguishing successful activities or show/success, enough or failed/ugly has been done by an employee.
  • Practicality, means all assessments in order to support the achievement of business objectives of the organization directly through increased productivity of its employees.

After the system has been determined and described judgements, then further specified the criteria of success of a job that usually include the quantity, quality and time spent.

Acmad s. Ruky in human resource management (2001:487) characteristics which are imposed in General for all the work in a given sphere of the organization/company:

  • The quantity of work, i.e. the volume of work that can be completed in a time of unity.
  • The quality of the work, namely for measuring accuracy (accuracy) the thoroughness and satisfaction of the people served.
  • Honesty, honest means come clean (not hypocritical) and say what is.
  • Obedience, that conformed to the rules and superiors.
  • The initiative, namely to find working methods that are more effective and efficient so that faster complete tasks.
  • Intelligence is a measurement that is associated with an IQ in the daily work.

The assessment of these aspects determined certain criteria so that it can be known that an employee's level of achievement is very satisfying, less satisfactory, unsatisfactory or with another expression of the level of achievement is very good, good, pretty medium and less.

Respondents Assessment Criteria for Performance Management System

Respondents Assessment Criteria for Performance Management System


Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria

 System Assessment

System Assessment


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