Saturday 1 December 2018

How to increase team effectiveness?

Team effectiveness involves thorough processes to achieve quality and effectiveness. It involves investment in it functioning like democracy, leadership, equality and participation of the members. Team Effectiveness can help you focus on the issues and challenges critical to your team's success.

In forming a team specifically assigned to complete a project, there were many obstacles in achieving synergy. This is because the team consists of various individuals. Who have different characters, different background knowledge, different work departments, and different interests.

As a project team leader, it is necessary to understand how to form a team that is effective, strong in collaboration, and able to complete projects quickly on schedule. This requires the soft skill of the team leader to be able to direct his team to achieve common goals effectively and efficiently. If these things are ruled out, there will be a risk of the project not running smoothly and experiencing a delay in completion.


Here are some tips for forming an Team effectiveness:


  1. Choosing team members

    Formation of a team is expect to achieve synergy with each other. If there are among the members who have a bad experience with other team members. Then this must be resolve early before the team is form. This is because the team will be at risk for conflicts between members and become counter-productive. If there is a team that has good experience with other team members. Then this will be a very good synergy effect. Here members have trust other members so much that they can rely on each other. Good experiences like this will be very helpful in executing parallel project implementation and also in brainstorming teams.

  1. Recognize the character of team members

    Every individual has advantages and disadvantages of each. It is not wise if we ask someone who has the super outgoing nature to be charge the task of being a data analyzer. Even or recording hundreds of data that requires high accuracy. Because this will result in frustration for the individual, but point to the person who is careful in this field. Or even vice versa someone who is actually clever in terms of creating creative solution ideas will be counter productive if appointed as an executor.

    Here a team leader must be observant to see the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. A person who is an expert in studying team characters argues that 'no one is perfect. Each person has their own strengths and weaknesses'. But a team can be perfect because it consists of a variety of different people's characters and brings together a variety of advantages. So that they complement and cover each other's shortcomings. The individual characters in the team are divided into 9 types namely Plant, Monitor Evaluate, Specialist, Shape, Implementer, Finisher, Team Worker, Resource Investigator, and Coordinator. Each type is a tendency for natural roles to be liked by each individual in a team.

    By recognizing the character types of each individual. A team leader can appoint the right person in carrying out certain tasks. Suppose assigning tasks to analyze data to people of the Monitor Evaluate type, designating tasks to follow up actions on Shapers.

  1. Give clear direction and goals

    Often in the team there is confusion due to unclear objectives to be achieve by the team. So here we need clear and effective communication from the team leader. To the members so that the perception of goals becomes clear to all. It is important to break down goals in several milestones so that the entire project can be monitored. The team effectiveness will also be aware of the achievements in the entire project journey.

  1. Make good planning

    If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. This expression sounds simple but very important. Without good planning regarding the deliverable of each task, the project will skip the schedule. Likewise regarding budget plans, planned resources needed, and time targets. Here the team effectiveness leader needs to understand project management.

  1. Establish effective communication

    Effective communication begins with the ability to be a good listener. Often a discussion with team members does not work because each party is only interested in hearing what is good for him and not respecting the opinions of others. This will have the potential for conflict within the team which results in failure.

    Keep in mind that everyone can have a different opinion. Listen first, then absorb all the information before drawing conclusions and suggesting something. Effective communication also needs to pay attention to planning such as the target audience, what message will be delivered, what the purpose of the communication is, and what media. Good communication will help maintain teamwork, mutual respect among members, and increase team member participation.

  1. Team

    Launch Team kick (kick off) is very important because it aims to get commitment from top management. Get support from all parties, show the seriousness of team members. All agree on the objectives to be achieve and the team line of the project.

    The launch of a good team will increase self-confidence and the performance of the team in completing the project. The team understands that if there are obstacles when implementing the project, there will be support from top management who are ready to assist in overcoming the problem. The mindset of the team will also be focused when realizing that the top management sees that the project being done is a priority and very important for the company.

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