Sunday 23 December 2018

How to Calculate The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)?

Overall Equipment Effectiveness or abbreviated with the OEE is a way to measure the performance of the engine production in the implementation of the program of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). Performance measurement with the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) consists of 3 main components on a production machine that is Availability (time Machine Willingness), Performance (the number of units produced) and Quality (Quality produced). 

Calculate The OEE
The OEE calculation results is in the form of a percentage (%). In the Indonesian Language, Overall Equipment Effectiveness is called with the overall Equipment Effectiveness.

Measuring the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is very important to measure the success of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) are applied in an enterprise. In other words, the results of the OEE is a KPI (Key Performance Index) of the results of the application of the TPM.

How To Calculate The OEE

(Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

The calculation of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) using data from the "six big losses (The Six Big Losses)", namely:

  1. Availability of Breakdowns and Setup/Adjustments

  2. Performance, which consists of Small Stops and Slow Running

  3. Quality, consisting of Defects and Production Startup


We always expect our production machines are available when we need it. But occasionally the Machine cannot operate in accordance with our expectations in meeting the needs of the customers. There are two possible occurrence of an unwillingness of the production Machines, such as:


The Breakdown is damage engine that is usually more than 10 minutes. The time of Breakdown (broken) will be recorded in the form of "Min" until the Production Machinery can operate again in producing a good Product unit.


Is the Setup or Adjustment this is an unwillingness of the engine Production due to the exchange of models or products. The calculated time is the time the last unit on the previous model to the first unit on the next model.

Examples of Availability (Willingness)

Working hours are 8 hours, production then working time in minutes was 8 × 60 = 480 minutes. If the machine occurs the damage (breakdown) of up to 30 minutes of Setup time and the new Model is 20 minutes, then Availability is:

Total time available – (time + Setup time Breakdown) x 100
Total time available

480-(30 + 20) x 100 = 89.58%


Performance in the calculation of the OEE is the number of units of product produced in the time available. The number of these units can be either a unit of a good or product defects. Are categorized as Performance will be measured include:

Small Stop

Is a Small Stop being the stopping of the engine for a short time (generally under 10 minutes) but the frequency of occurrence of high (often the case). Frequent short stops this causes the resulting Output being reduced. An example occurrence of stops in a short time as the occurrence of jam or error on a production machine. This small Stop should be noted on the Tally Sheet so it is unknown how often the occurrence of Small Stop as well as the accumulation of time.

A Slow Running

Slow Running is reduced engine speed in producing, this often happens when the engine maintenance was not done properly.

Examples Of Performance

Working hours are 8 hours, production then working time in minutes was 8 × 60 = 480 minutes. If the Cycle Time in producing 1 unit of product on a specific process is 1 minute, but successful in production Output by the engine is 400 units. Then:

The number of units produced x 100
x the time available Cycle Time

400 x 100 = 83.33%
480 x 1


The definition of Quality in the OEE this is the number of units of the good Products that successfully produced compared to the Total number of units of the product (whether in the form of a unit or unit Handicap OK) were produced. There is also a mention of Quality as the Yield Rate in the OEE formula. Are accounted for in the Quality of which are:

Startup Defects

Is the Startup Defects being defects cause by the engine when I first start the production? Defects or defects will typically occur when the machine is operating again after the repair of the machine as well as the existence of the turn a Setting or a new Model to be produced.

Production Defects

Production Defects Are Defects that occur when production is in progress. Defects or defects must be recorded so that it can be complete a precautionary measure.

Example of Calculation of Quality (Calculate The OEE)

If the engine producing 400 units of the product, but of which there are 10-unit handicap when starting production (Defects the Startup) and 20-unit handicap when normal production. Then:

OK units x 100
Total units produced

400 – (10 + 20) x 100 = 92.5%

Calculate The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

Based on sample Availability, Performance and Yield above, so we can calculate the OEE as follows:

The OEE Formula:

OEE = Availability x Performance X Quality

A OEE = 89.58% 83.33% x 92.5%
OEE = 0.8333 0.8958 x 0925
OEE = 0.6904 or 69.04%

The calculation of the OEE that results obtained above is 69.04%, the result is very low because in general the results of the world-standard OEE (World Class) is above 85%.

Following are the results of the standardized OEE Guidelines world (World Class) in General:

Availability: above 90%
Performance: above 95%
Quality: above 99.9%
OEE: above 85%

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